Chapter 15
He wasted no time throwing punches and kicks at me liked that he wasn’t taking it easy irrespective of my gender.
I dodged and countered with the moves I just learnt. The more I countered, the more my confidence grew, the more fluid my movement became.
“Impressive, Ares! You’re getting the hang of it,” Carlton said in encouragement. “But remember, self- defence isn’t just about the physical. Always be ready for any surprise attack.” he said before throwing a jab at my ribs.
“Ahhh” I grunted, he shook his head tutting. “I said always be on guard. Expect surprise attacks and it won’t surprise you when it comes.”
“I know. I’m sorry” I said. “Let’s work on your blocking. I’m going to throw a few punches and I want you to block them. remember to keep your guard up always and do not leave any opening” he instructed.
He threw a series of punches my way and I worked on blocking them. He observed my form and made occasional adjustments to maintain my balance.
We continued for a few more minutes, alternating between drills and sparring. By the time we were done, I was visibly exhausted but exhilarated. I felt the sweat drip down my back. We both head to the rock beside his car to sit.
“Can I ask why you are learning to fight secretly?” Carlton said, breaking the silence.
“Because I need to.” I answered
“Because you need to learn? Or because you need to fight?”
“Because I want to be able to protect myself and those around me, but I need to have the skills to do that” I answered solemnly
“You can always come around during the pack training, I train others like you that haven’t shifted. Maybe seeing your progress will motivate some to work harder* he suggested. “I’ll come around sometime” I said.
“You are certainly my most impressive student. You might even be able to beat some of the guards” he said and ruffled my hair.
“I’m not quite there yet, but thanks for the vote of confidence” I smiled
“I’m just saying what we both already know is true. You are really talented” he said. If only he knew the extent of my powers.
“Alright, Ares. That’s enough for today. You’ve made real progress” Carlton said, wiping the sweat from his eyebrows. “I like you Ares, we should hang out sometime”
I don’t get the chance to refuse his advances before someone else does it for me.
“That won’t be happening, Carlton. So kill any fantasy of her in your head” Jason said. He either didn’t drive today or he parked outside the trail. I didn’t hear him coming. This is why I need to be more aware of my surroundings.
‘But “Carlton Started to say before Jason interrupted “I mean it Carlton. Kill it ” he said, leaving no oom for negotiations.
Carlton looks between us. “Is there?..” he asked, pointing at the both of us. I don’t give Jason the chance
0 answer before I do.
“Yes” I nodded
Jason turned to me, smiled and pulled me to his side. “Ohh” Carlton muttered “why didn’t you say anything?” He looked at me in accusation.
“I didn’t want you to treat me any differently,” I answered. “Your opinion doesn’t matter” Jason said in finality.
“Ouch Alpha. I thought we were friends” he rubbed his chest in fake pain. “Sorry mate,” Jason shrugged unapologetically.
“Are you mates or just dating?” He asked. Jason turns to me for a sign to tell him, I give him a small nod. “She’s my mate Carlton. So keep your paws off” he warned. “Got it.
“Ready, beautiful?” I nodded and we walked away from Carlton. He placed his hands at my back as we walked back to his car.
How was it?” he asked, “don’t you get a day to day report from Carlton?” I teased
“I do, but I’d like to hear it from you” I stumble on feet and bw wasted no time catching me. “It’s okay” I answered, then he interlocked our fingers. I look at my hands in his and feel the butterflies in my Tommy come alive at his touch.
“H–how was your day?” I asked, blushing. “It was hectic, but now that I’m with you it feels better. You make everything better“. I saw his car in front of his answer, but I was lost in his words.
I don’t think I do what I’ve been wanting to do since he got here. I crush my lips to his. My heartbeat came on with his. He wastes no time cupping my jaw and bringing me closer, deepening the kiss.
We only stopped in order to catch our breath. He doesn’t say a word, but only kisses my forehead and opens the car door for me. I’m content with the silence.
He walked over to the driver side and got in. He turned on the car and reached for my hand. “Today’s session ran longer than yesterday’s”
“Yeah we covered a lot. Though I won’t be seeing him till Monday.” I counted the days off in my head.
“Monday?” He turned to me briefly in question. “Yeah. I’ll be training Athena tomorrow with Josh and Saturday’s Madison birthday. Can we go?”
He turned so quickly, he nearly sprained his neck. “We? As in you and I together?”
“Yeah. It’s okay to say no if you have pack business to attend to” I immediately inform him. “No, I’m not busy beautiful” he smiled, his dimpled showing. He raised my hands up to his lips and kissed it. I try to pull away.
“Don’t pull away from me, love,” he warned. “It’s just my hands are dirty. I’ve been working out and I’m covered in sweat” I explained “Doesn’t matter.”
Chapter 15
We got to the pack house some time later. “Walt here” he said and got down. He walked over to my and opened the door for me.
“Thank you” I smiled at him. “Go freshen up. I’ll make something for you to eat” he said, kissing my forehead. I nodded and walked off.
Few minutes later, I’m done and he knocks on the door before he comes in. “Hey” he said while carrying a food tray. “Hi”
He dropped the tray and turned to me “You look beautiful, Ares“. “Thank you, but I’m just wearing pyjamas” I said awkwardly
“You could be wearing a potato sack and I’d still find you beautiful” he moved the baby hairs away from
face. My cheek heat and I look down to ease my shyness.
He opened up the covered food and features for me to sit. “Here, let’s eat“. We enjoyed each other’s company as we ate. When we finished, I realised I didn’t want him to leave.
The moment he stood up to leave, I vomited the words in my mind. “Can you stay?!”
Chapter 16