Chapter 22
Jason’s Pov
The bracelet came off, but the minute I placed it on the counter a voice rang out.
“How does this work, Eva?” a deep voice rang out from the bracelet.
“I thought mine was different from Josh’s,” Ares whispered. She must have known what was happening.
“I’m not sure. He said we should both drop our blood and then speak and it will do the rest” a feminine voice rang out. It must belong to her mother. The late queen.
“Okay. Let me start. Dear Arabella” the man started when the woman interrupted “We agreed on Ares, zal.” Queen Eva protested
ND YOU ted Ares. I like Arabella. Besides we are carving your choice on the bracelet, love” the king
“It’s okay. Let’s do this fast. We don’t know how long the message can last for” the queen said. I hear sniffs and look up to find Ares with watered eyes.
I didn t say anything and just stroked her hand that was still in mine. I knew what she was feeling. She was both happy and sad to be hearing her parents‘ voice for the first time.
“Hi princess, we are doing this Incase we are not there to watch you grow up one day.” Her father said ” if you are hearing this, that must mean you found your mate” her mother gushed while her father grumbled in the background disapprovingly.
wanted you to know we locked your powers for a reason. We had no other choice. It was a fail safe Incase we couldn’t protect you one day” her mother said.
“As a royal, there are certain perks the moon goddess has given us. You must have found that out by now” she continued
“The first, you can do on your own, but the second gift is shared between you and your mate,” her father said. I looked up at her and faced the bracelet again.
“You need to perform a ritual to share the gift. We are granted access to harness elemental power. Find the oldest person in the pack that you can trust and have him/her combine the earth, fire, water and air. Then she has to rub the mixture on both of your foreheads.” Her mother said.
“The ritual allows you to share your gift princess. Since you are a girl, you were born with the affinity for water and air. It’s rare to have two affinities, but that makes you special princess” her father said
“When you perform the ritual, he should be fire.” I tum to her and see her looking with wide eyes at me.
“This power not only makes you both strong, it deepens the mate bond.” Her mother said “There’s a lot we want to tell you, but I doubt we have the time.”
“I’m sure your mate is there with you
right now. Treatmy daughter right or I’m coming for you” I almost felt threatened. I could almost feel the menacing aura.
“Zal!” her mother said and Ares snorts out a laugh at their banter. “I’m sorry we are not there with you
Chapter 22
Ares, but I want you to know that we love you” she said “we love you princess” her father echoed.
“How do we end this before my daughter starts hearing me cry” her father said. We head shuffling before the voice cuts off and the bracelet light dies off
She starts crying when the voice ends and 1 hug her to my chest. With each tear that drops, my heart breaks for her. Few minutes pass before she stops.
“Come on. The water must be cold by now” I picked her up and placed her into the tub with myself. Her softness moulds into me and my dick stirs in reaction. It wasn’t the moment, but I couldn’t help but react to her.
I sit across from her as we eat. I made us bacon and eggs. We’ve received smiles and looks since we got down making her feel shy.
My thoughts are still on what happened last night. It was incredible. Satiating her made me feel more alive than satisfying myself. I could worship her body all night long without getting tired, but we had bigger fish to fry.
fter her, we had to perform a ritual and she needs to train now more than ever. Her plate he places her spoon down
“What do you want to do today?” she asked. “You” I say and watch her cheeks redden. She smiles shyly before covering my mouth and shaking her head.
“Why would you say that in public!” she asked and looked around if there were any witnesses. It was adorable.
“‘cause it’s the truth,” I chuckle and kiss her hands “But since you don’t want that, I’m going to question Hayley about Maverick.” I say and she sobers up. Her face falls at the mention of his name.
“We need to know how close he is and I can only know that if I know where he attacked her.” “I know“. she whispered
“The sooner I send scouts out, the better our preparation will be. I don’t doubt I can take him, but I can’t fight a blind battle.”
“I don’t want anyone to get hurt because of me,” Ares said “I don’t want you to get hurt”
“It’s going to be fine. Trust me. We will need to hold a meeting with the pack, to inform them of what’s coming” “okay“–
“But first, I need to question Hayley. Give me a second I said to her. “Luke” I mind link with Luke
“How was your night?” I could hear the tease in his voice “it was great” I smirk “I don’t need details man” “I wasn’t gonna give you one. I need you to meet me at Josh’s place in ten minutes”
He instantly gets serious “what’s wrong?” “I’ll fill you in after we question someone” I tell him.
“The rogue? I knew something was wrong with her sudden invasion” he said “meet me there”
“I need to leave now Ares” I stood and kissed her head “call me if you need anything” I said before I left.
Chapter 22
Luke meets me at the front of Josh’s place. The guards stationed to watch were still there. They nod in greeting to Luke and I and we return the gesture.
“Josh. Open up.” Luke said knocking
The door opens “Alpha. Luke” he nodded in greeting “Where’s Hayley? I need to ask her a few question” I said immediately
“Come in”
“Has she given you any other information?” I asked as we walked to where his mate was.
“Not really.”
“Alpha” Hayley greets as I come into her line of sight, grunt in reply. “I need to ask you a few questions” I said to he
“Go ahead Alpha” “why did you come here after the attack? How close is Maverick to the pack? Where were you when you guys were attacked?” I fire questions after questions at her
“Let her Jason” Luke voiced, “He attacked when we were not too far from the Red moon pack. She answered. The red moon pack is about three packs away from ours. That means he’s close. “I’m not
sure what led me here, I just had a fell had to come here and I did.” She finished.
“What’s happening Jason?” Luke asked in confusion. I release a low growl and answer coming after my mate and he’s close.”
“Someone is
Today’s Bonus Offer
Chapter 23
Chapter 23