Wrong Mate Right Time Chaper 35

Wrong Mate Right Time Chaper 35

chapter 35: Ready To Leave 

The tears continued on with me sobbing my heart out as I stood

transfixed to a spot. No matter how I tried to take my mind off it 

and console myself, I just couldn’t. It only got more worse

The pain and regret suddenly morphed into anger and I sniffled

realizing that I had been so stupid to think that man I had called 

my father, actually loved me! To think I had considered staying 

at one time and was ready and willing to forgive him and put the 

past behind me

My stomach churned and I fought back the bile that rose in my 

throat, stomaching the nausea that followed behind. I brushed 

the tears off my face when the voices down the hall had drew 

closer and I turned on my feet, knowing that I had to leave 

before they found me

I turned on my heels, running as fast as I could, needing and 

wanting Theo. All I craved was to fall into his arms and have

good cry. As I turned the corner leading to our hallway, I almost 

comidediinto Mia and Daniel

How rude!she snapped but I ignored her snarky remarks

pushing my way between them

chapter 35 Ready To Leave 

The last thing I needed was a confrontation with the two of 

them. Did I dream about telling them off before moving on with 

my life, sure. In the grand scheme of things, I didn’t think it

would make a difference. I hurried along, eager to tell Theo

was ready to leave

Hey, you. Stop!Mia yelled

I came to a halt, wondering why I had listened to her when

should have just ignored her tantrums. I willed my legs to move 

but they seemed unwilling to oblige me on this one. I turned to 

face them, instantly annoyed by the smirk she had on her face

I have a few questions for you, now that your bodyguard isn’t 

here to stop me. Let’s start with who you are,my halfsister 

hissed while slowly walking toward me

She’s the Beta of the Crescent Pack,Daniel said quietly. At 

least that’s what their doctor told me. I don’t know if I buy it

though. She doesn’t give off Beta vibes and I can’t say I’ve ever 

heard her speak.” 

She nodded in agreement, glowering at me as she did. That’s 

true. I’ve seen her whispering to her companions, but I can’t say 

I’ve heard her talk either. Suspicious. And, these masks you all 

wear, what’s that about taking a few strides to cover the spsce 

in between us, she came to a stop right in front of me

pter 15 Ready To Leave 

I was already on edge and clenching my fists tight until my 

knuckles turned white was all I could do to calmed the rage 

brimming inside of me. I was beyond livid at this point and hoped they would just leave me alone when it clearly was none 

of their business why I was there

Suddenly, and without warning, Vanessa reached out for me and grabbed the side of my mask. I panicked and my heart 

skipped a beat when I tried to pry her hands off but it was 

already too late

The mask came loose and I steeled myself for what was to 

come next now that my face was almost out in the open as

took shaky breaths. Before she could manage to remove my 

disguise, someone reached out and grabbed her by the arm

I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Alex said coldly

Alex! I let out sigh as relief flooded my countenance, thankful to 

whatever it was tat brought him right on time when I realized 

that he had found us in the hallway and decided to intervene.

Mia gasped and pulled her arm away

Give me one good reason why hiding your identities is 

necessary and I’ll stop demanding you remove your masks,” she replied, sounding incredibly annoyed

Alex glanced at me before this gaze flitted to the couple 

chapter 35: Ready To Leine 

standing before us and he spoke with a frigid voice, The Crescent Pack is known for many things, our beauty being one 

of them. If we remove our masks everyone who gaze upon us will immediately die. They will be so jealous of how goodlooking we actually are that their brains won’t be able to process it, and 

they will lose their will to live,” 

Mia grunted in annoyance at his words, her face contorting into an expression that nearly made me laugh. As much as she couldn’t believe the sham of an explanation Alex had made up

the frightened look on her face were signs that it was too great

of a risk to call his bluff when it could in fact, be true. As she 

stormed off with Daniel in tow, Alex turned to me and flashed


Hopefully that will keep her from trying to poke her nose in 

where it doesn’t belong,he huffed. Theo is anxiously awaiting 

your return. I have an errand to run,” he added before turning 

around to continue on his way

I was so relieved to hear Theo was waiting for me. I needed him 

more than ever, I wanted the peace he offered me whenever we 

were close together and I was in his arms. I rushed through the 

door to his room and it creaked shut when I tugged it, clicking 

on the lock before turning to face him

Theo jumped out of the chair and hurried across the room

વિકમાં ૧૫,૪૨૦૪ ૧૨ ૨૦૧ 

towards me with a panicked look on his face and his hair ruffled 

and disheveled as he ran his fingers through it for the 

umpteenth time

The Theo standing right in front of me now was a stark 

difference from the man I had left before going to meet up with 

my father

What happened, Samantha he demanded, a nervous quiver in 

his voice when he leaned forward

I removed my mask and he groaned when he recognized that

had been crying. He pulled me in close to him while I buried my 

face into his chest. Theo’s scent flooded my senses and I felt 

my heartbeat slowing down and my muscles relax under this 


Theo held me for a while, not budging or asking me any 

questions. But it was more than enough, it was all I needed to lift the burden that wedged itself on my heart. I cried my eyes out, allowing myself to grieve, to let out the pain for the first time since returning to this forsaken place

He whispered softly into my ears, muttering sweet nothing’s to me as I bawled my eyes out. I sniffed when the tears fizzled into little pants and smsll whimpers

I told Alpha Theo everything, finishing with Alex coming to my 

chapter 35 Ready To Leave 

rescue in the hallway but it was difficult to read him, as his expression had stayed stone since I started talking

Are you okay now he asked, showing me that his concern for my wellbeing outweighed everything else I had just told him

I nodded, not wanting him to worry about me any more than necessary. I’m ready to go home now. I want to go back to the Crescent Pack and forget what happened here. I have enough trama from the Dark Moon pack to last me a lifetime, and I’ve 

come to the conclusion that there is no closure here.” 

Samantha, I’m so sorry you had to go through this. I wish there was something I could do to make this easier on you,Theo replied, pulling me in for a hug

She he held me, my stomach growled out its frustration loudly 

as he held me. Theo smiled brightly, his gesture infectious as

returned his grin

Maybe we should go down and get some food,” he suggested

to which I agreed

We went down to the kitchen and filled a couple of plates. The 

ceremony would go forward as soon as Alpha Eric was well 

enough, so the kitchen had become a buffet for all the guests. Once our hunger was well satiated, Theo asked if I could show 

him around the grounds. I agreed and filled him in on all the 

chapter 35 Ready To Learn 

historical facts surrounding the Dark Moon pack

By the time we returned to the room, it had gotten late. I couldn’t 

help the sadness that overcame me at the thought this would be 

my last time wandering these grounds. I had grown up here, and 

I had some fond memories of exploring the Red Pack’s territory

Alex was waiting for us, like a frustrated parent confronting their 

teenager who came home after curfew. With a scowl plastered 

on his face and his lips curled back in a frown

Where have you been he questioned, tapping his foot while 

awaiting an answer

We were hungry, so we grabbed some food. Then I took Theo 

around the grounds so we could walk off our meal.” 

You ate without me Had it not occurred to you I might be 

hungry as well Alex replied and I could catch the hurt in his 


Stop whining, Alex. We were hungry and you were running that 

errand for me, so no, we didn’t wait to hunt you down before 

going to go eat,Theo chafed

His chest heaved and he shrugged, pushing the annoyance he felt off his face.. I was asked to relay a message. Alpha Eric is waiting for us.” 

chapter 35: Ready To Leave 

For what I rasped out hurriedly

Their heads napped on my direction as both men stared at me 

with concern on their faces

He’s ready to detoxify Theo,” Alex replied

Hearing his response brought me a rush of joy, but I also 

couldn’t push bsck the anxiety rising inside of me at the ssme 

time. Something didn’t feel right. The last time I saw my father 

he had told me never to return and that he wished I hadn’t been 

his daughter to begin with. I wasn’t sure I could face him again

Wrong Mate Right Time

Wrong Mate Right Time

Status: Ongoing


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