Tempting Mafia Ch 5

Tempting Mafia Ch 5

Barry Spills The Tea 


Sitting behind his desk in the office of the house he rarely visited, Kiefer stared coldly at the man who Genesis swore was his sister’s lover and palsy

His sister was snivelling in the corner of the office, an ice pack on her face. Kiefer found it telling the man sitting in the chair opposite his desk kept shooting glances at the woman as if wanting to run and comfort her. There was truth to some of Genesisstory. These two had fucked and because Kiefer and Tadgh spent so much time avoiding their kid sister because she was annoying as hell, it got missed

You are fucking my sister?he asked bluntly

The man paled and shot another look at Aoife, but Tadgh and Jerren moved to stand between the couple

I asked you a question, Barry. Are you fucking my sister?” 

I love her, boss. It’s more than 


Seven years ago, you gave me a story about my wife erasing video. I know it’s a lie.He bluffed and didn’t miss the way Tadgh shifted. His brother really wanted to believe their sister wasn’t as awful as Genesis revealed. His gut though was telling him they’d fucked up and they’d fucked up royally

It was my idea,Barry threw out the words. Is this why Aoife 

Barry Spill The Tea 

is holding an ice pack to her face? You found out I lied and went to her about it?” 

I want the truth Barry and before you decide to lie to me, I’m going to let you in on a secret. Do you know the guy who drives my Escalade? Hugh?He motioned to his sister, when I let him know how you’ve been fucking his girl for the last seven years, he’s going to be pissed.” 

She isn’t Hugh’s girl!” 

The only time she blows you is when I’m not around. Do you know who isn’t around when I’m not around? My driver Hugh. You’re not needed when we’re home, so you get sent to the gate, but do you know where Hugh sleeps when he’s here? Wherever she is. He is approved to be my sister’s partner because he took a bullet for me once. She’s been playing you, Barry. Now, I’m going to ask you again, tell me what happened with the video.” 

Barry ignored him and turned to look at Aoife, stretching his neck to try to look around Tadgh. Is it true?” 

Barry don’t talk to her. She already swore up and down you’re not her lover. Her exact words were she would never go with a man who can’t get past the front gate. She’s actually engaged to be married to Hugh. Their date is set for the fall. Did you not question why she wears the big engagement ring?Jerren added his two cents. Boss asked you questions. Answer them before we simply think you acted on your own and we shoot you in the head and get rid of you. You should know we already interviewed the housekeepers back home.” 

Barry Spills The Tea 

No,Barry spat in Aoife’s direction. You said the ring was your grandmother’s and you wore it out of respect for her.” 

Focus Barry!Kiefer knocked on the desk. Truth now. The night and morning you deleted footage of my house when I was drugged and then arrested. What happened?” 

Barry rubbed his forehead. I was working the gate. I don’t know what happened, but I saw the housekeeper driving Mrs. O’Reilly through the gate and Mrs. O’Reilly looked pale. I needed to open the gate to let her out and the housekeeper yelled at me to hurry up. I got the gates closed back up and not a few minutes later, Aoife asked me to help her with something. She told me you were sick, and she and Laoise asked me to help you up to bed. You um,he tugged at his shirt collar, you kept calling Laoise by Mrs. O’Reilly’s first name.” 

Why would I do that?” 

You seemed really drunk sir.” 

I was drugged you idiot.He waved at him, continue.” 

There isn’t much more. I helped Aoife and Laoise to get you upstairs to your bed. They told me to get back to my post.” 

Why did you lie to me? You told me my wife came back to the house and erased video.” 

Aoife made me wipe it clean. She said she needed to make sure you were not embarrassed by your drunken behavior the night before.” 

Barry Spills The Tes 

I’m an Irish mobster. I’m a walking fucking stereotype for drunken antics.” 

Sir, I cannot emphasize enough how out of it you were. Laoise was laughing and making you dirty dance with her and you were game. She gave you a lap dance right on the stairs. Normally you avoid her, but you were into her.” 

He exhaled through his nostrils as he looked at Jerren. His sister was a fucking menace

Aoife told me to erase a full day of video, and I did it and then she said if anyone asked to say it was Mrs. O’Reilly who erased it.” 

Did you watch what you erased?” 

No sir. I um,he looked to the floor his cheeks turning red

She blew you while you ran the program back to erase what was recorded.” 

Yeah,he rubbed his hands together. Are you going to shoot met sir? All I did was delete some footage and blame a woman who turned out to be a rat.” 

My wife wasn’t a rat,he protested with a grunt and a desire to shoot the man for even saying it

She gave info to the feds.” 

Barry Spills The Tea 


Barry, tell me something. How much did you help my sister abuse my wife?” 

Barry’s face paled, I don’t know what you mean, sir.” 

I mean,he got up from the desk and pulled his revolver out and pulled the safety back. You have thirty seconds to start telling me the shit you helped my sister pull to torture my wife and cover it up or I’m going to blow your brains all over this office.” 

“Shut your mouth, Barry. Be a fucking man for once and have some backbone and shut your mouth,Aoife finally snapped from behind her brother

As the gun was leveled at him, Barry began talking ignoring the woman who gave an impatient shriek

They would tell her all the time how ugly she was and how the only reason you were with her was to gel your green card. They told her all the time she was fat. They once held her down and forced her to drink tea they’d spit in. The housekeepers would make Mrs. O’Reilly meals, and they would take it and eat it. They would torment her until she would retreat to her bedroom. They were never satisfied until Mrs. O’Reilly would cry.” 

You didn’t stop them?” 

No. It was not my place to tell my superiors to stop.” 

Yet you let your superior blow you.He was disgusted

Barry Spills The Tea 


If I may sir,he took a breath, Mrs. O’Reilly never really engaged back or said anything to them. She would often simply collect her stuff and go to another room in the house like the library or the gardens.” 


But Laoise didn’t usually leave her be. She would follow her everywhere she went. She would tell her constantly the minute you got your citizenship, you would divorce Mrs. O’Reilly and marry her. She would go at her and at her and at her. Laoise. often smacked Mrs. O’Reilly. She would hit her and shove her from behind.” 

My wife did nothing to defend herself?” 

She did. She hit her back more than once. She would yell at her 


fuck off or leave her alone but then Aoife would order me to hold Mrs. O’Reilly in place so she could discipline her and teach her the way a contract wife needs to behave. Aoife would say she wasn’t really family, and they were given permission to educate her.” 

You held my wife in place while they beat her up?” 

Yes sir. They often would punch her in the back and thighs and then laugh and say you would never see it anyway since you wouldn’t be bothered to look at her naked body.” 

All the times he made love to his wife in the dark were flying through his brain at an alarming rate

Barry Spills The Tea 


Laoise once put a cigar out on her bottom, sir.” 

Her bottom? You held my wife down while they took her clothes off her?” 

Yes sir. Me, Aoife and two of the housekeepers. Aoife made sure 

the two housekeepers knew to keep their mouths shut.” 

You do realize in the statement you just uttered you knew you shouldn’t have been doing what you were doing! Was the cock sucking really so good?He looked to his brother and best friend, not even capable of looking at his sister and then he pulled the trigger and killed the man where he sat

Aoife screamed at the top of her lungs in terror at the murder. She’d never seen such things up close, despite how tough she acted

He fucking held her down,Tadgh whispered in revulsion as he slowly turned to face his sister, at your orders. You ordered a soldier to hold your sisterinlaw down so Laoise could abuse her?” 

She didn’t deserve to be my sisterinlaw. Laoise should have been your wife. She’s been in love with you forever and she has put in the time with this family. She is the one who has been with us the longest and you turn around and married a fucking American whore!” 

Without even thinking of it, Kiefer turned and fired a single shot into the sofa next to where Aoife sat. His sister screeched and 

curled into a ball

Barry Spills The Tea 


I loved her, Aoife. I loved Genesis from the minute she stupidly fell into my arms. She was sweet and kind and loving and she fell into the arms of the most sinister man on the entire island, and I loved her.” 

Tadgh rubbed his chin, what do we do with her? She is our sister.” 

Call Mom and Dad. Let them know exactly what she did and how she did it. Make sure they know she pushed my wife down a flight of stairs and murdered their first grandchild. Dad can deal with her.” 

Aoife fell on her knees, no, Kiefer, Tadgh, you can’t send me to Dad. He’ll kill me. He’s always so hard on me.” 

Because you’re not really his, Aoife. Mom spoiled you to make up for his hate because he got a vasectomy after we were born,Tadgh glared at her. We were all he wanted for kids, and he got snipped and never told Mom. When she got pregnant with you, he got tested to make sure his vasectomy was still in place, and it was. You’re not his. You spent three months torturing a woman for not really being part of the O’Reilly family when your last name is supposed to be Walsh.” 

Aoife’s eyes were wide with disbelief. No.” 

Yeah, Aoife.Kiefer felt his blood pressure raising with his heart rate as rage filled him. Not even killing the man slumped in the chair was assuaging his fury and the desire to take the life of his sister was nearly overwhelming and it was likely why 

Tadgh was blocking him from getting too close

He needed to leave before he splintered his family more than it was and he passed his gun to Jerren. I need to get out of here before I fucking kill her. I’m going for a drive.He paused and looked at Aoife, and your marriage to Hugh is off. There is no way in fucking hell I’m saddling him with a bitch like you.” 

Tempting Mafia

Tempting Mafia

Status: Ongoing


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