Tadgh said nothing but motioned for her to get into the waiting vehicle. The ride to the airport was jubilant for the boy who was excited to find out they were going to live in a mansion, and he was going to get to meet his grandfather very soon too.
Boarding the plane, Genesis felt her heart breaking into a million pieces. Her body felt shattered and her entire being was moving on autopilot. It was the joy in her son’s face as Kiefer carried him around the fancy jet and pointing out all the nifty little things rich people got to enjoy in life which was destroying her soul.
She couldn’t compete with the wealth and opulence of a billionaire and her son was lapping it up, along with the copious. amounts of testosterone on exhibit.
“That was cold. What your friend did and said to you, I mean. It was ice cold. Almost as cold as you turning in your husband.”
Genesis turned her head to find Tadgh watching her and she slapped his hand away when he held out the pocket square from his jacket and waved it at her tears. “Fuck you, Tadgh.”
“Anytime, sweetheart.” He chuckled at her disgusted expression, “now Kiefer doesn’t think you’re so pure and innocent maybe he’ll be more open.”
“Not in a million years.”
“Oh don’t tell w
“Apparently, they’d been watching me because about six weeks before, I’d gone to the hospital for a wrist sprain. A spiral fracture they called it, caused by twisting. A nurse on duty tried to get me to say I was being assaulted by my husband. Domestic abuse. She called it in to the local police department. I had a fracture in my forearm, and they were going to put a cast on it but then the cop showed up to talk to me and I walked out without treatment. I got one of those elasticated bandage wraps from a drug store and put it on myself with the help of the housekeeper. However, since I walked out without talking to the cop, they ran my name in a database. I was a person of interest because of my involvement with Kiefer. The minute I was admitted for the miscarriage, and the bruising, they called it in again and this time FBI came straight at me. A doctor and nurse stood there telling me the bleeding meant I was losing my baby and there was nothing they could do. Fifteen minutes later an ultrasound confirmed there was still one viable embryo and there was a heartbeat. When the FBI came in to ask if I’d give a statement and they’d put me in witness protection, I told them I’d be willing to do what they said.”
“You weren’t in witness protection.”
“Nope.” She sniffed and then gripped the edge of her seat when the plane started to taxi.
“What was on the statement?”
“Kiefer O’Reilly once took me to the dock and when I asked him what was in the big train cargo bins which displayed the O’Reilly Pharmaceutical logo on the side, he laughed and said drugs.” She recited it with a bitter laugh. “While I lay bleeding on the table, those two fools were bickering over whether it was enough for a warrant. I knew if anythi.