“Is this any way to speak to your husband?”
“Fuck you,” she shot back. “Better?”
“No,” he pushed into the bathroom, and she shoved against his chest.
“It is not big enough in here for two people.”
“I think it depends on how we’re positioned,” he smirked down at her. “We used to fit in here quite well at one time. Remember the flight we took, and you joined the mile high club?”
She swung her arm to smack him in the face and he caught her hand and lifted his eyebrow up at her.
“You have grown very violent in the last few years, wife. It is sexy but not so much when directed at me.”
“I hate you,” she hissed.
“So, you’ve said,” he smiled sadly at her. “I will make it up to you.”
“Unless you’re going to put Laoise’s head on a platter and have your whore of a sister serve it to me at a family banquet, there isn’t anything you can do to make it up to me.” She paused, “actually, if you can kill their offspring the way they murdered
mine, I might call it even.”
“Jesus Christ.” His eyes widened in disbelief, “you did not just suggest I murder a child.”
“Surely by now one of them with the way they keep their knees parted has a kid. Did you get Laoise pregnant while I was living my best life away from you?”
“I have never fucked that woman. I loathe her. I loathed her before I met you and right now, following the information you gave us yesterday, there is an execution order out for her. Not even her father who is best friends with my father can stop it.‘
“I’ll see it when I believe it. Her big brother is your number one henchman.”
“He cut her out of his life a few years ago when he caught her stealing a large sum of money from him.”
“Big difference between cutting someone out of your life and taking their life.” She folded her arms over her chest, hating he was so much taller than her, her neck was starting to ache from. looking up at him in this position.
“Do you think you could pull a trigger?”
“I wasn’t aiming to miss yesterday,” her nostrils flared as she remembered how she’d barely missed Aoife.
“Your aim was damn good. If I hadn’t pulled your arm at the last second, you’d have gotten her between the eyes.”
“No shit. I’ve been going to a shooting range for the last six
“You were truly prepared to take a life?”
“She killed my son.”
He was quiet as he regarded her, a sadness creeping over his features at her words. “I’m sorry. I cannot begin to tell you how sorry I am. All this time I believed you underwent an abortion. and Aoife never once told me otherwise. She knew all this time it was inaccurate, but she said nothing.”
“I don’t know what I ever did to her but there is a special place in hell for women like her.”
“I agree and I know what the issue was.” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear gently despite the way she slapped at his hand to get it away from her. “As you know my family is quite wealthy. She however blew through her trust fund in a couple of years. Dad cut her off other than a monthly stipend which I control. She presumed, incorrectly, if I married Laoise, she would get access to the money I control.”
“She’s a maniac.”
“They both are. The amount of drugs they have both done have made the pair of them unreasonable.”
“I hate them,” she shot him an irritated glance, “almost as much as I hate you.”
“I will make this right.”
“Can you give me back my son?”
“Will you let me, and Egan go?”
“We’ve discussed this. He is ”
“He is more than some heir. He is a living breathing child, and I want to keep him this way. Your family is not one to be trusted. He’ll be dead in your care because you can’t take care of what is
“Your accusation is unfair. Not once did you come to me and tell
“Why would I when your own sister told me she was doing your commands? Why would I when I saw how you treated them. both. You made them out to be princesses. Giving them your credit cards, telling them to take me shopping when you knew I hated it, those were things which told me where I stood.”
“No woman hates shopping.”
“This woman does.”
“Fine. I made an error in judgement.”
“Too many of them.” She hissed, “can you let me out of here? I’d
rather sit with your asshole brother than be stuck in here with
“I missed you,” he ignored her words.
“I didn’t miss you.”
“Not even a little?”
“Egan says you’ve never brought home a boyfriend. Is it because you knew none would compare?”
She snorted, “ridiculous. I’m a single parent who is running. from the Irish mob. Why the hell would I date any man and bring him into such shit?”
“Admit it, Gen,” he pushed closer to her, his hands resting on her hips, his eyes darkening by the second, the corner of his lip pulling just a fraction, “you missed me.”
“Let me see if I can make you understand, Kiefer,” she stared right back into his eyes and didn’t waver. “I hold you solely responsible for the fact your bitch of a sister and your lover murdered my baby. While you were partying it up with your buddies in the garden, your sister and her friend shoved me down a flight of stairs. Her friend then kicked me in the stomach multiple times, specifically to say she wanted my spawn out of me. She knew I was pregnant. Then when the housekeeper, the only person in the entire house who noticed I was gone, who cared what happened to me, came looking for me and dragged.
me up the stairs to get me medical attention, I stumbled across you and Laoise making out. She was grinding on you and your hands were all over her ass. While I bled out the child, I wanted more than I ever wanted you, you were getting your dick sucked by the woman who booted me in the belly and told my baby to die. So, tell me again, Kiefer, why it is you think the love I held for you lasted even a minute. longer than the video clip I was sent. The minute the doctor told me he was gone, so was my love for you.”
Each word coming from her mouth was like a bullet to his chest and she knew it from the expression on his face.
“Genesis, I swear I have no recollection of what happened the night of the party. I got wind from the housekeepers you were being bullied the night of the party. The things I’d heard, I felt sick over. I went to my office to call Tadgh since he was out doing a run for me, but I couldn’t get hold of him. I grabbed a drink from my personal bottle because I knew it was going to hurt if what I’d learned was correct. I down a full glass. Whatever they laced my drink with, was potent. I didn’t get three steps. My last memory of the entire night was reaching for the handle of my office door, Gen. The next memory I have is waking up in the morning with that bitch naked in our bed. I put a gun to her head and told her to get the fuck out of my room and to never come back. When I got back from the holding cells, I insisted she leave. I haven’t spoken to her since. Aoife tried multiple times to bring her back, but I refused. Then Jerren went to visit his folks for a week a couple years back. She laced his drink while their parents were out. She used facial recognition once he was out cold to get his phone open. He kept a note of his passwords because he fucking forgets them all the
time. She got his banking password, got into his bank account,
and moved a shit ton of money. All of it was caught on CCTV in his parents‘ home. He cut her off.”
“How sad for you the love of your life is gone.”
“It is sad you’ve left me, but I know I can fix this.”
She kicked his shin, “I didn’t mean me, Kiefer. I am not the love of your life.‘
“There hasn’t been anyone else,” he proclaimed sweetly. “I haven’t touched another woman since you and I never will. We can be a family. We will give Egan the family he deserves.”
“What about Roan?”
He cleared his throat, “I can’t fix what happened.”
“Then you can’t fix us.”
“Egan said he’d love to have a real brother to play with and not only the one in his dreams. We can give him one.”
“As if.” She was really panicking now, cornered in the bathroom. “I’d sooner rip my womb out than have another of your children.”
“Because no child deserves you for a father. I promise you, Kiefer, the minute your back is turned, the minute you think
things are good and clear, I’m gone and he,” she jerked her thumb towards the cabin of the plane, “will be coming with me.”
“I told you already, you can go. After what you’ve been through, you can go. I won’t stop you but there isn’t an army big enough to back you in taking my son away from me. All the judges in the world will find out you kidnapped my child and kept him from me and intend. to do it over and over again, so he grows up not knowing his legacy. It is not a fight you will win,” he took her chin in his fingers and forced her to meet his gaze. “You either are part of our family or you’re not. I will give you time to get adjusted but eventually you will have to make a choice. Be an O’Reilly or lose Egan.”
Genesis swallowed the bile rising to her tongue and yanked her chin out of his grip, “if I have to choose an O’Reilly, I’m probably going to pick the lesser of two evils.”
“What do you mean?”
“Tadgh was out there regaling me with stories of how he’d seen me first and resented me for not noticing him. Guess what, Kiefer, I see him now. You want me to be an O’Reilly, I’ll pick the brother who didn’t break my heart and murder my son.”
At his stunned expression, she knew he was off–kilter enough and shoving him as hard as she could, he fell backwards smacking against. the door and she was able to duck past him. As he gripped the wall, she smirked at him, “I hope it hurts as bad for you when I suck his dick as it did when you let her suck yours.”
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