Not Resolving Anything
“I saw the video of you telling Laoise you loved her while she was blowing you.”
He reached out his hand and covered Egan’s ear, “first, don’t say such things in front of him. He’s only a baby.”
“He’s sleeping.” She brushed his hand away from Egan’s ear because it was too precariously close to her breast. “Not today, Satan,” she thought malevolently.
“Second, I cannot tell you with enough emphasis, I have not recollection of being anywhere near Laoise. I could have killed. a hundred people that night and I would not be able to defend myself against it because I don’t know what kind of roofies they put in my drink, but it was ridiculous. What I can tell you is, before I ended his pathetic life, Barry said I was calling Laoise by your name. Aoife before I put her on the plane to my father, confirmed for me I thought I was with you, not Laoise but, she also said I passed out about a minute after we got into the bedroom. The only thing I can think of, Gen, is she took my wedding ring off my hand and put it on someone else, my guess. would be Barry. There is a full investigation going on to find out who else was part of their bullshit the night you left. I need to know who faked being me because I know without any doubt in my mind, I did not have any kind of sexual relations with Laoise. My dick was clean in the morning. I would know.”
She looked away from him. “I don’t care. I know what I saw.”
Not Belving Anything:
“I cannot deny you saw me grinding on her and I am desperately
sorry for what you saw. I wish I could give better explanations but all I can tell you is, it was a set up of the worst kind.“”
She wanted to roll away from him, but Egan was in her arms, and she was not letting him go. Instead, she closed her eyes against his searching ones and tucked her cheek atop Egan’s mop of hair and feigned sleep.
“Genesis, I love you. I have not stopped loving you. Not for a minute. Not for a second. I knew something bad must have happened for you to walk out of here and make a deal with the feds. I admit I’ve been furious with you for talking to them at all, but I understand why you did.”
Her silence was hard to maintain but she focused instead on the rise and fall of her son’s breath and the way his little snores were finally starting to ramp up.
“Genesis, please open your eyes. Talk to me.” At her continued disregard for his pleading, he reached his hand to run his knuckles down her cheek. “What do I do to make you forgive me?”
She opened one eye, “give me back Roan.”
“We both know it’s impossible but if I could, I would trade my life. for his in a breath so you could hold him the way you hold Egan.” He smiled tenderly at her, “you’re a good mom to him. He was telling us all about the adventures you take him on and how much fun he has with you.”
Not Resolving Anything
“He did?” she was surprised.
“Yes. He said you learned to ski with him in Calgary. He said it was. funny how you kept falling down more than he did.”
She stared at Egan’s sleeping face and tapped his nose, “very funny, dude.”
“He said you also take him to swim lessons. He told us all about how you took him to ride a roller coaster and you both threw up and he said it was really gross because you both ate cotton candy before. the ride. We teased him and said it was candy floss and not cotton candy.”
“He was immediately hungry after the roller coaster and ate two deep fried hot dogs on sticks. I don’t know where he puts it,” she whispered despite herself as she openly stared at her son.
“You love him so much it’s written all over your face.”
“I do.”
“I can’t believe Astra expected you to walk away from him. The guard who was pulling your luggage reported back what she said. I never liked her, but this reinforced why. She is selfish, Genesis. She has always put her own happiness and wants above yours. What she did today is disgusting.”
“She didn’t sign on for a life of running with the mob. I can’t blame
Not Resolving Anything
“She wanted you to leave your son behind. If she knew you at all, she would know you could never.”
“Stop talking like you know me Kiefer. You don’t know shit.”
“You could leave him?‘
“No. I couldn’t but it doesn’t mean you and I are somehow kindred spirits over it. You don’t know me, Kiefer. The person who married you doesn’t exist anymore. She’s dead. She died when you and your family destroyed her. The woman you see in front of you is what rose from the ashes of the hellfire you and yours inflicted on me. I don’t love you, Kiefer. I don’t like you. I don’t respect you. I might not be able to physically fight you in a way which will allow me to get my son because I know the underhanded tricks you like to play. I know you would have no problem taking him from me and hiding him where I could never find him. So, for now, I’m here, with him and I’m not leaving without him, but I promise you, I’m leaving.”
“What I want, what I really want, is for you to get the hell out of this room and let me get a few hours sleep so when I go downstairs in the morning, I have the strength to deal with the agony I will be facing and to not let my son see his mother at her worst.”
“I’m not leaving.” He said bluntly. “We will work through this.”
“I hope you die.”
Not Resolving Anything
“Jesus, Gen.” Shock coated his features.
She closed her eyes, pulled Egan closer to her and double downed on her words, “if you’re dead, then I don’t need to share my son with a murderous piece of shit.”
“Genesis, I know you’re angry. You’re furious. I understand. why. If you need to say these things to make yourself, feel big and tough instead of vulnerable around me then my shoulders. are big enough to carry the weight of your loathing. Eventually, in time, you will see I did not betray you. I did fuck up by not watching what was happening here, but I didn’t ever betray you. I know in my soul you will fall in love with me again because we
are meant to be.”
“I will never allow myself to trust anyone in this house. Everyone from the bottom feeders to the head of the family are
“I never once pretended to be the good guy, Gen. Our family fights dirty to keep what is ours. We learn from an early age. the meaning behind the O’Reilly name, and we will go to war to defend our family. You are my family.”
“I am not,” her eyes flashed open again, rage so blinding she needed to keep her hands wrapped around her son lest she wrap them around Kiefer’s throat. “Your family, yours, not mine, yours,” she hissed with such burning hatred he pulled his head back a fraction, “from the day of meeting in a pub has done nothing but cause me pain and hurt.”
“That’s not true.”
Not Resolving Anything
“The night we met, you and I fucked in the bathroom because
I was too many pints in. Remember?” As his face softened, she spoke again, “your friend Rory.”
“My cousin.”
“Cousin, friend, it makes no difference, it’s all your family in one way or another, right? Well, he came up to me when you and Tadgh were having some kind of heated argument in the corner of the room before we left. Rory asked me if all American girls were so easy and since I fucked the big guy already the rest of the team was waiting their turn. He said he didn’t even mind having the boss‘ sloppy seconds so long as he could put his dick into my tight hole. I punched him in the throat and was ready to leave. You stopped me on the way out the door.”
“You didn’t tell me.”
“Because I thought I was simply having some kind of fling with a hot Irishman while on vacation.” She shook her head, “The first time your parents came to visit us, when you were staying in my little apartment in Columbus. Do you remember?”
“Your mother kept dropping little digs about my apartment. You insisted we go out for dinner, and we went to the restaurant. I went to the bathroom, and she followed me in. She told me point blank some American whore wasn’t going to be the mother of her grandchildren and while the pussy was probably fun at the moment for you, it wouldn’t take long for you to grow tired of
Not Resolving Anything
being in Ohio instead of where you belonged with your family. She was right. You insisted a month later when’l graduated, we move to Boston and when I balked you said we could get married if I agreed to relocate. I thought it meant you loved me and wanted me with you, but you really only wanted to be with your family, but you weren’t quite done with the pussy yet.”
“Stop being so crass.”
“Why not? It’s how your family speaks around me.”
“Not with him between us, Gen.” He looked to Egan. “Even if he’s asleep and can’t hear you it’s not right.”
“You know what isn’t right? How for the first few months of our marriage the staff here at this house refused to cook for me when you weren’t home. How the guard you assigned to take me to shopping for clothes so I wouldn’t embarrass you at your important dinner meetings, would drop me off at the door of the mall and tell me he hoped your enemies didn’t find me while he parked the car.”
“Why didn’t you tell me any of this?”
“I shouldn’t have needed to, Kiefer. It should have been you taking me out. It should have been you checking in on me to see how I was feeling, not your brother or your cousin or your best friend. You were so busy kissing your father’s ass and trying to prove to him he didn’t make a mistake leaving you here alone to manage the American side of the business, you forgot I existed. The only time you remembered me was when you needed to get your dick wet. Then,” she gave a snort, “even it almost stopped
Not Resolving Anything
completely because Aoife and Laoise showed up. All the family scattered then. You told me it was my job as woman of the house to entertain our guests and to hang out with them. However, most of your family stayed clear. There were a few loyal followers, like Barry, who did their bidding, but the rest were gone. I was never protected. Never safe. You took me from Columbus and dropped me in Boston alone. I don’t even know why you brought me here. I used to think maybe I’d somehow offended the Iron Force Gang back in Ireland and I was brought here as a punishment for some unknown grievance. I know you normally just shoot your enemies but perhaps it was more fun to torture and toy with me.”
“A ghrá, “the choking words bubbled from his chest.
“You don’t get to call me that anymore, Kiefer. I will never be your love again.”
“I love you and you will always be my love. Always. I know I made massive mistakes, but I will fix them. I will find a solution. to our current impasse, and I will fix this.”
This time when Genesis closed her eyes, she didn’t open them again and when sleep claimed her, she dreamed of blue eyes and blood shed.
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