Tempting Mafia Ch 20

Tempting Mafia Ch 20


Genesis was slowly waking up to the sound of her son chattering a mile a minute. What was particularly worrisome was the body pressed up behind her because she knew damn well Kiefer had been on the other side of Egan while she slept

And then when Mom caught the mouse, she held it up at Aunt Astra who was standing on the kitchen table screaming. It was so funny. It was in a jar and Aunt Astra was still being such a big baby.” 

And were you brave, son?Kiefer asked, a hint of laughter in his 


I was a little scared because it moved really quick on the floor, but I was only five then. I’m six now. I wouldn’t be scared if a mouse got in the house now.” 

And did it happen a lot the mice got in your house?Tadgh’s voice from behind Genesis’s ear asked quietly

No. It only happened once. Mom said it was because I left the door open a crack when I came in from playing in the back yard in the snow. It was the first snowfall, and it was looking for somewhere warm to hide.” 

You had a nice back yard to play in?” 

Yes. Mom even built me a swing set.He gave a sad sigh, all 


my toys and all my things are still there. I wish I didn’t have to move. I miss my favorite things.” 

Did you not get to bring any of your belongings?Kiefer questioned him

Aunt Astra packed some of my stuff, but she forgot my favorite. action figures and my comics. If Mom would have packed my bags, she would have remembered all my favorite things, but Aunt Astra forgot. She said she was in too much of a hurry.” 

I bet,Tadgh spoke reassuringly, your Dad and I can find someone to go to your old house and get all of your things and bring them back to us.” 


“Of course,Kiefer replied earnestly, though we don’t know your address.” 

Before she could stop fakesleeping and stop Egan, he was spouting off their old address and her old cell number with ease

I needed to learn it in case I ever got lost and the police needed to bring me home.He was chuffed he knew it right down to the postal code. Right mom,he shook her arm excitedly when he saw her eyes opened

Right.She nodded at his bright blue eyes staring at her. He put his face close to hers, his eyes so close she could almost feel his lashes touching hers

Your eyes are red this morning. Roan said you were crying and to tell you he loves you and he’s sure everything will be okay and to not be mad. Grandpa said you are very brave, and lie is proud of you.” 

Did you see them in your dreams last night?she asked as she curled her palm around Egan’s cheek

I did. Roan and I played catch and tag. Grandpa watdied us. He was using his knife to make a horse. It was little.Egan was still right in her face, he said you have a horse here he made for you.” 

She gave a smile at Egan’s words, a tear on her cheek. When was a little girl, about five, Grandpa made me a tiny little horse and always carried it with me everywhere I went. When I left here liestore. it was in my old backpack which I didn’t take with me.” 

I never saw a horse carving.Kiefer said as if doubting her story.. 

I kept it hidden because if Laoise or Aoife saw it they would have wrecked it.” 

Bitches,Tadgh grunted behind her, his hand flexing angrily on her hip

She tried to pry his hand off her, but he caught her hand and held it under his against her body, his long fingers interlocking with hers. She wondered if Kiefer knew his brother was touching her under the blankets. The illicit feeling gave her a little pep of 


excitement from wanting to get her plan moving

What else did Roan say?Kiefer was curious about Egan’s dreams


We don’t talk a whole lot.Egan turned to look at his dad. with a serious expression. Roan told me before it is a lot of his energy to talk but we can play. Last night he said to tell Mom he loves her because she is sad and crying and he wants her to not be sad. Then we played catch and then tag.He looked back to his mother, I hope you can find your horse here, Mom. I really want to see it. There was a star on the forehead of the one Grandpa was making.” 

She nodded, just like mine. We can look for it later.She was tired of being sandwiched in the bed, maybe it’s time to get up and get the day started.” 

Well, since Egan hasn’t been registered for school here yet, we’ll take the day off and spend it together.” 

Don’t you have a huge pharmaceutical company to go run today?she eyed Kiefer critically

Not today. Today we are having family day. I think the aquarium would be fun.” 

She was not on board with this plan. She’d intended to be scoping out the house, looking for things she missed when she was here before and reacquainting herself with the layout for when she made her escape. Again, she tried to extricate herself from Tadgh’s grip but then while Egan’s face was turned 


towards Kiefer, Tadgh leaned closer to her and licked her earlobe

In shock she turned to look at him infuriated and he smiled, good morning. I always wanted to see this and now I get to. You’re incredibly beautiful first thing in the morning.” 


Mom is not beautiful first thing in the morning!Egan contradicted his uncle as he moved to sit on Kiefer’s lap when his father moved into a sitting position in the bed. Look at her hair and she has no make up on and her eyes are all red. She even has crusty drool stuff at the corner of her mouth, and I bet her breath is really bad.” 

Nah,Kiefer grinned at his son while Genesis huffed wide eyed at the child. Look at your Mom, buddy. I mean really look at her. Her eyes are a bit red, but her brown eyes are soft and warm like melty chocolate. Her checks are all rosy because she’s nice and warm all snuggled up next to Uncle Tadgh. Her hair is messy, but it makes me think of when you have the best day at the park and all the fun you get to have and even when it’s messy, its still so very pretty.” 

You’re wrong,Egan shook his head before he could say anything else, his stomach growled loudly. I’m so hungry.” 

Then lets go get you breakfast,Kiefer swung Egan up and rolled out of bed all in one lithe movement. He shot a look at Tadgh and Genesis still in the bed, keep it PG with my wife, Tadgh, as we discussed.” 

Tadgh said nothing but the minute Kiefer was out of the room 



with the boy chirping happily about wanting sausages, bacon, and pancakes for breakfast, he rolled Genesis onto her back and hovered over her

What are you doing?she gasped at the movement, her eyes flicking worriedly to the door. What if Egan comes back in here.” 

Then he’s going to see his uncle living out a fantasy of kissing you good morning.” 

I will not be kissing anyone good morning,she hissed furiously as she tried to wiggle away from him. Unfortunately for her, his leg was thrown over her hip now as he moved to pin her to the mattress and the wriggling, she was doing caused parts of Tadgh to wake up. She froze as the reality of his erection pressing against her thigh made her blush. Tadgh.” 

Ever think about it, Genesis? Kiefer told me how you said in the bathroom on the airplane you had options. I’m happy to oblige.” 

What are you doing, Tadgh?” 

Here’s the thing. I missed an opportunity years ago. I’m not letting another chance slip away. I want you, Genesis and I’m throwing my hat in the ring.” 

This man was a far cry from the Tadgh she remembered. The man she remembered was cold, aloof, and loved to nettle her. This one was staring at her as if she’d hung the stars and the moon and frankly, like he wanted to devour her



I don’t understand,she was confused and overwhelmed, all her bravado at wanting to pit the brothers against each other to divide and conquer the O’Reilly family suddenly flying out the window as he rocked his hips against hers. The firm nudge of his cock against the thin cotton of her pyjama bottoms made her gasp and he smirked at the way her mouth fell open. Get off me.” 

You sure you don’t simply want me to get you off? How long has it been, Gen, since a man was on top of you like this,he lowered his head, and she turned her head away avoiding his lips, but it gave him clear access to her neck. He pressed a hot sucking kiss to her thrumming pulse

Her hands moved to push his chest away and was greeted with the firm bareness of his inkedup pecs and involuntarily her hand curled around his muscles. Let me go, Tadgh.The plea fell from her lips in a breathy whisper

He made a throaty moan as he rocked his hips, thrusting upwards his breath hot on her skin as he kissed her neck, dragging his tongue along her neck up to her ear, sucking her earlobe into his mouth. I have dreamed of filling your tight. little pussy with my thick cock for so many nights. I’ve stroked my cock to visions of you naked under me while I pound you hard into the mattress. I’ve even,his hand reached between them to pinch her nipple through the pyjama’s tshirt, thought of how fucking how it would be to doubleteam you with Kiefer. Can you imagine it, Genesis? Kiefer pounding your pussy while I take your ass or vice versa. Imagine the orgasms you’d have. I quite like the idea of you coming so hard it almost breaks my 

cock in half.” 

You’re sick,she muttered keeping her eyes closed and her face averted as his fingers toyed with her nipple and his tongue lapped at her neck while he ground himself upwards, the fabric of their pjs the only thing stopping him from sliding into her


Says the woman whose bottoms are soaked through with the notion of being fucked hard by her brotherinlaw. Admit it, Genesis. You’d love to try on the little brother to see if we’re really identical or if we do things different. For the record, I’m a bit more feral than Kiefer in the sack. He’s always so buttoned up and orderly, part of being the incoming boss of our family. I’m the wildcard. I’m so bad, I’m the man who while he’s fucking your sweet juicy little pussy, I’d slide my cock right in there with his and do a bit of double vaginal penetration. I’ve watched a lot of porn like that imaging it was us nailing you together. I want to see how far we can push you. I want your breath gone, your eyes rolled back into your head in ecstasy and your pussy battered from how much we fuck you and then, when Kiefer is spent and exhausted from fucking, I’m going to keep going. I’m going to fuck every whole in this delectable little body.” 

You’re a pig.The words barely registered as she hissed them out

Maybe I am but I’m not the one with a sopping wet cunt, nipples harder than glass and goosebumps coating every inch of my skin. That would be you sweetheart.He gave one more thrust for good measure and then rolled off her. Let me know when you’re ready to start your little game of divide and conquer, Genesis. I promise it’s not going to have the results you predict but it’ll be everything you’ve ever wanted and needed.” 

As he boldly adjusted his cock in his pants she blinked and then he bent over the bed, pressed a searing kiss to her lips and walked out of the room whistling

She may have underestimated her opponents.. 

Calls From Dad 

Kiefer eyed his brother who came into the kitchen and immediately poured himself some ice water and downed it. A smirk played on Kiefer’s lips. He had a ton of questions he wanted to ask but his son was sitting a few feet away waiting on the cook to prepare his meal. Egan was excited to play a game on his father’s phone, a joy apparently his mother rarely let him engage in

Is she getting up?” 

Don’t know. Didn’t ask.” 

What did you talk about?” 

Tadgh shot a glance at Egan and then raised an eyebrow, you want me to say it here?” 

Summarize as if Granny was in the room.” 

Tadgh shrugged as he finished a second glass of water and then moved to pour coffee. I let her know when she’s ready to start her game of war, it’ll be two against one and I fight dirty.” 

You can’t proceed until I do first, Tadgh. We agreed.” 

It’s not your decision, Kiefer. It’s hers. She decides who she wants to be with. Not you. Not me. She does. You can try to manipulate the situation so it favors you but we both know if I’m 

Calls From Dad 

not running interference here and helping along, you are fighting a hard and upwards battle you may lose.Tadgh stepped further away from the child and kept his voice purposefully low

You don’t know what you’re talking about.” 


She hates you, Kiefer and while the line between love and hate is so thin it’s nearly invisible, she has more reason to hate you than anyone. I wasn’t her husband back then. I wasn’t assigned as her protection. I wasn’t even meant to be around her because you were worried, I’d make a move. Your insecurity and jealousy drove a wedge between us all and caused me to be absent when I should have been watching her. You didn’t want to share her. You didn’t want to share your connection with me. It’s great you’ve seen the light now, but you’ve lost her. It’s up to you to win her back. Me,he gave a single shake of his head, I have nothing to lose and everything to gain.” 

She doesn’t hate me,Kiefer hated the way his heart clenched as he refused to admit what he knew was the truth. She did hate him and rightly so

You failed her Kiefer. You failed her desperately. We all did but nobody more than you.” 

Rub it in a bit more. You’ve missed a bit of my open wounds there with your salt.” 

I’m not trying to hurt you, Kiefer. I’m telling you to get your fucking battle armor on because this is not a war we want to lose.” 

Calls From Dad 


Dad,Egan’s voice interrupted the quiet conversation they 

were hissing back and forth several feet away. Your phone is ringing. It says, Dad is calling.” 

He reached his hand out and took the phone. Dad.” 

You got them home?” 

His father’s thick, deep voice resonated around the room. He noted Egan leaned into him as if afraid of the man’s voice over the phone line. Get used to it kid. The old man still scared him, and Kiefer was pushing forty

They are home. Egan is here waiting on his breakfast. Gen ist resting.” 

She’s likely plotting escape routes and ways to fuck you over so she can run with the boy, not that I blame her.” 

The censure of his father’s tone cut him and Tadgh’s sigh and squeeze to his shoulder was hardly reassuring

I’m aware I fucked up.He motioned for Tadgh to watch Egan while he moved to another room knowing damn well his father’s lack of filter wasn’t going to change simply because his grandson was present in the call. At Egan’s age, Lorcan O’Reilly was running guns with his father. He’d expected the same thing of his sons, and it happened. I am rectifying the problem.” 

Entering his office, he flung himself into the seat behind his desk as his father grunted his disbelief in Kiefer’s abilities

Calls From Dad 

If you can’t handle your wife, give her to me and I’ll do it for you.” 

Excuse me?Kiefer sat up incredulously at his father’s 



Your mother and her lover once again are trying my patience. I’m in need of a fresh start of my own. Your wife is gorgeous. She already has one kid, so she probably doesn’t want or need more. She’s aware of the businesses we run. Most importantly, I watched the video of her jumping your sister on replay about. forty times and stroked one out to it the last time. She’s fire. I like her. I wonder what she would do if she knew I could make her richer than you and my dick is bigger. Do you think she’d go for it?” 

She is your daughterinlaw.” 

She is everything the wife of an O’Reilly should be, and you fucked it up letting the womenfolk run their mouths.” 

Dad, if you’re done telling me how you jerked off to thoughts of my wife, can we move to a different topic?Why did all the men in his family covet his wife? Even Jerren told him this week if he fucked it up enough to not be able to keep her around, he’d 

chase her

Aoife is under house arrest for the moment but only because your mother begged me not to kill her. I might put bullets in both of them and be done with it. Aoife’s lack of intelligence is concrete evidence she is not my kin. I had her room tossed and 

Calls From Dad 


we found her old cell phone here in one of the drawers. It was the one she complained about when she came back from America after Genesis left you. She was whinging and crying about how all the girls were mocking her for not having the latest model. Anyway, I found the video. They took your wedding ring off your hand, put it on some man named Finn, who has more freckles than you and Tadgh combined and then Laoise blew him while he wore your ring. They sent a small clip of the video to Genesis where they dubbed your voice into it, but the entire original thing is over ninety minutes long. Laoise is a whore and so is Aoife. They both fucked the guy on the bed while you were passed out and they filmed everything. Why your sister opted to keep the video is beyond me.” 

Finn is a dead man when I get hold of him. He used to be assigned to Genesis. I have him working the port now because he let her leave the house seven years ago without backup and she disappeared. Now I know where he went when he was supposed to be having her back.” 

Laoise is underground. We can’t locate her. Aoife used the phone from one of the flight attendants to give her a heads up, Genesis is back and to run. She’s running.” 

I want her. I might not be able to kill Mom’s offspring,he refused to call Aoife his sister after what she’d done to him, but 

the bitch Laoise is dead.” 

Jerren won’t be upset. I know her father offered to put the bullet in her himself because of what she’s done. It was bad enough she embezzled from her brother, but then she intercepted a load of product her father was supposed to move 

because she was listening to shit, she shouldn’t have been and tried. to steal it with a small group of her buddies. We needed to kill them all but her. He almost got rid of her back then but now, knowing she caused a miscarriage and tortured your wife, Seamus is of the opinion she is more trouble than she’s worth. He has his own crew out looking for her and he has a bullet with her name on it.” 

Jerren wants to make it far more painful than a single bullet.” 

There’s a reason I always liked that kid.Lorcan grunted into the phone. What is my grandson like?” 

He’s our double except for the little chin thing Gen has. He’s us right down to the red hair and freckles.” 

Good looking boy then. He smart?” 


Any other standout qualities?” 

He’s been freaking us out with tales of having dreams of his dead brother and grandfather.” 

My mother was the same. I swear the woman talked to more dead people than the living.” 

Really? I didn’t know this.” 

Because we thought she was looney until she told us exactly how many bullet holes we would find in my uncle. Suddenly it 

didn’t seem so far fetched.” 

Well, apparently, he talked to his brother last night who left a message for Genesis. Said he loved her. Grandfather was there too apparently and said he was proud of her.It bothered him and he said quietly, all the time we were together and other than telling met she was adopted as a newborn and then her parents died, she never told me anything else about them. I guess her father liked to carver shit.” 

Like wood?” 


Weird. There are far better things to use a knife for than dulling it on wood,Lorcan mocked

Perhaps but it’s information which tells Genesis the dreams Egan has, are somehow him communicating with her family.” 

It’s not hurting anyone,Lorcan sighed, I’m going to get going but I’ll send you the video so you can show Genesis. Tell her I said welcome back to the family. Tell her both Aoife and Moira will be dealt with for their shit on green cards and tell her I said very bluntly if the young buck who is supposed to take over my family isn’t up to snuff, and she wants to try what experience can do for a girl to give me a call.” 

Yeah, I’m sure she’ll jump all over the opportunity to get some old man dick,he looked up in time to see Genesis coming down the stairs. Her footsteps faltering as a look of confusion struck her features. Golla go.He hung up on his father and then rose 

Calls From Dad 

from his desk


Tempting Mafia

Tempting Mafia

Status: Ongoing


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