Tempting Mafia Ch 34

Tempting Mafia Ch 34

Date Night 

In the back seat of the SUV on the way to dinner, Genesis fiddled with the straps of her clutch and stared out the window trying not to be angry for being forced on this date

True to his word, Lorcan after they’d gone house hunting, took her to several clothing boutiques and bought her a new wardrobe including a dress he insisted she wear on her date with Kiefer. Aside from tender kisses to her forehead and some filthy words here and there, he’d not tried anything with her

Now as she sat in the back seat with a stony and silent Kiefer, she found herself wishing she was with Lorcan instead. Event Tadgh would be better than this quiet, sullen man

I’m supposed to tell you, tomorrow night, Tadgh is taking you out. Dad’s request.” 


He’s taking the role of leader of our family a bit too literally I’m afraid. If you want him to fuck off, tell me.” 

What do you mean?” 

If you’re afraid of him, Genesis, tell me and I’ll express to him this isn’t what you want.” 

You think I’m afraid of your father and it’s why I’m going along with his plans?” 

Date Night 


Maybe I’m simply dreaming of his oversized cock. You and Tadgh are apparently twins all the way round and while you’re not lacking, its clear neither of you will be of the same 

her in terms of size as your father. Curiosity might kill the pussy cat in all the right ways.” 

He turned and frowned at her, seriously? You’re going to compare dick size?” 

Um yes. I don’t like you right now, Kiefer. You’ve been nothing but an asshole to me for the last three months of our marriage and the last week. I’m here because Daddy ordered me to.” 

Daddy? You’re going to call him Daddy when you’re on a date with me?” 

Fine. Sir ordered me to.” 

I might puke.” 

You need to get used to it. He’ll be in my pants before you will.” 

You can’t seriously be considering fucking him.” 

Why are you so bent against me with him but not with Tadgh?” 

Tadgh is my other half, we’re identical and it makes sense. I mean if you want me, you probably want him, at least physically. However, sleeping with Dad seems weird.” 

Nobody is asking you to sleep with him, Kiefer.She glared at him, and can I say he makes me feel far safer and protected than you ever did?” 

Date Night 


I’m trying here Gen,he took a breath. We bought a new house today which will be fitted with the highest technology for security. I got rid of the entire crew which was your team in the past and replaced them all. I made sure there is a cottage on property for you to retreat to when you need, and you’ll have your own room in the house.” 

Both the cottage and my own room are direct orders from your father and what you’re failing to recognize is the person I don’t feel safe with is you. How are you protecting me from you?” 

You don’t feel safe with me?” 

Kiefer, how am I supposed to trust when things go sideways, you won’t simply abandon me and leave me to the wolves? You wouldn’t know emotional support if it bitchslapped you.She gave an angry huff and crossed her arms over her chest and stared out the window angrily. You left me Kiefer far before I left you.” 

I’m sorry.He reached out and touched her shoulder. I’m sorry Genesis. It’s our date night and I’m fighting with you when really, I should be groveling at your feet.” 

Yes, you should be.” 

He chuckled at her, would you like me on my knees, Gen?” 

I can’t imagine you ever being on your knees to grovel.” 

I’d spend a lifetime on my knees for you Gen,he said pushing a wisp of hair off her cheek. Tell me how to make amends. It know I can’t fix what happened in the past and bring Roan back to you, but I would love to move forward and make reparations

Date Night 

She shot him a dirty look, Kiefer, you left me to their abuse.” 


I know and I’ll never make the same mistake again. Please, give me another chance.” 

I don’t want to.” 

I understand.” 

But for Egan’s sake,she didn’t miss the way his eyes lit up, I’ll agree to try to coparent with you and if it means being open to discussions then I will keep my mind open. However, and I can’t say this with enough emphasis, based on how little actual real remorse I’m feeling from you, I will be in Lorcan and Tadgh’s bed long before I’m in yours, if I’m ever in yours. If I end up with you, they are part of the package. Take it or leave it.” 

I understand and I’ll take it. Truce?he held his hand out

Truce.She shook his hand and frowned at him when he lifted it to his lips and kissed the back of it. Where are we going?” 

I thought I’d take you to dinner and dancing.” 

Dancing?she pulled an annoyed glance. He was doing this, so they’d be close physically

Yes, dancing. I was thinking of when I was telling Egan the story from our honeymoon. I want to dance with you again.” 

You do realize you’ve danced with me twice in the entirety of the time we’ve known each other. The night we met and then on our honeymoon. We’ve never gone dancing since. I don’t need to dance 

Date Night 

with you Kiefer.” 

But I want to dance with you.He pled

Let’s get through dinner first.She negotiated


Thirty minutes later they were seated in a highend restaurant where the silverware was worth more than the watch on Kiefer’s wrist and the food was likely to come out in ten settings each weighing less than an ounce. She was definitely going home. hungry

Genesis, you already look like someone shot your dog and we haven’t even ordered yet.” 

It’s too fancy.She whispered as she looked at a nearby table where a server held a bottle of wine over his forearm which was draped with a black napkin

It’s also safe, Gen. In here I can control the atmosphere far better than I can if we were in a pub. If we were in Ireland, I’d take you to a pub for a pint and we’d be far more relaxed, but this isn’t Dublin and,he adjusted his cuffs as if uncomfortable

And you aren’t as powerful here.” 

Now hold on.” 

Just saying. If you were who you profess to be, you could go. anywhere you want.” 

Do you want only eight guys with us on our date or do you want thirty because we can go to a pub, but it means thirty guys.” 

Date Night You’re cranky.” 

Am not.” 


Are too.As she opened her mouth to protest, he smirked, Maybe I need to take you home so Dad can put you over his lap and slap your arse.” 

Her eyes widened, did you two talk about spankings?” 

Kiefer chuckled, no but it seems on par for what I’d expect of him in a relationship. He told you to come here and try and you’re being a brat.” 

She twisted her lips and tried not to laugh at the absurdity of the situation. It’s kind of funny my husband is threatening to tell his father to make me behave lest Daddy spank me.” 

And fuck you into submission and you’re right, it is funny and very weird. It’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever been part of, and I once helped Jerren clean up after a night with a woman which involved blood, feces, and brain matter.” 

I need to hear this story,she leaned forward, tell me all the gory details.” 

His eyebrows furrowed tight over the bridge of his nose, what? Genesis, we purposefully kept most of the gruesome stuff from 

and now you’re wanting to hear it?” 


Yes. What happened which prompted Jerren to call you for help with such a thing?” 

Date Night 


He met this beautiful woman when we were in London. She 

was gorgeous and his type.” 

What is his type?” 

Stupid. The dumber they are, the harder he falls. I swear he 


needs them to fuck the alphabet before he puts his cock in them.” 

She giggled at Keifer’s phrasing and was rewarded with a smile. of his own

Anyway, this girl was so dumb. She hits on him hard in a club and next thing you know he’s got her back at her place and he’s giving it to her. Her boyfriend comes in.” 


Yes.Kiefer nodded, one she neglected to tell Jerren about and who was affiliated with a gang from London which were rivals. of ours. It was a set up, but she wasn’t supposed to actually fuck Jerren. She was only supposed to get him into her apartment. The thing is, when they first got to the apartment, Jerren saw a photo of her and the guy on the nightstand and he recognized 



. As I said dumb. She forgot to put it away. He’s doing her facing the door knowing damn well they’re going to come through and as the men come in while he’s balls deep, he draws his gun, takes them all out and scares the woman so bad she shits herself and all over him.” 


Yup. Killed her boyfriend and three of his mates right in front. of her. Jerren is a hell of a shot. Got them all right between the 

Date Night 

Not to my recollection considering he was covered in shit.” 

Poor Jerren.” 


You know who I felt bad for? The new guys who needed to clean up the scene. I only needed to get rid of four bodies. They were scrubbing things they never wanted to touch again

You killed the girl too?” 

Had no choice, Gen.” 

I guess. How stupid though to leave the photo out?” 

How stupid to try to take on the Iron Force Gang and think you’ll live to tell about it. We declared it an act of war for going after our top level and wiped out their entire business.” 

Did you ever get caught in a situation so stupid?” 

You’ve met Lorcan O’Reilly, right? I wouldn’t dare do something so stupid. As it was, Jerren took a smackdown for being so careless.” 

You and I had sex in the pub the night we met. That was careless.” 

A pub owned by my family, in a neighbourhood we controlled, while surrounded by my top men. It wasn’t careless, Genesis. It was fate.” 


arms because it was meant to be. I fucked up

Date Night 

Gen. It broke me bad.” 



I took a year off both businesses. I spent the entire year looking for you. I was ready to give it all up to find you. I was angry, hurt, and sad. The person I loved most in the world, I thought betrayed me and I didn’t know how to function.” 

Yet you’re back on top again.” 

I am. Running the American side of things while Dad oversees the rest of the world. I never dated Genesis. I never slept with anyone else either.” 

She grimaced, I don’t know if I believe you Kiefer.” 

Did I jack off to thoughts of my wife? All the time but you can ask anyone, even in our own clubs, I didn’t let any of the dancers touch me, I haven’t gone on a single date, I haven’t taken at single woman home.” 

Why not?” 

Because no matter how angry I felt, how hurt I felt, I made a vow to you on our wedding day, and I meant it. Do you remember what I vowed to you in our bridal suite at the hotel?” 

She blushed

Your pussy is the last one I ever touch. I meant it. If I live another hundred years and you don’t let me touch you again, it will remain the last one I’ve ever been in.” 

Tempting Mafia

Tempting Mafia

Status: Ongoing


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