Tempting The Mafia Twins
Genesis crawled into bed feeling far more alone than she’d felt in a long time. Lorcan left the house not long after she’d left him in the office. He’d gone to a warehouse to arrange for medical services at the site and to be the boss he was meant to be in supporting the incoming injured men.
Kiefer stayed behind to go through the evidence which was coming through and he’d been locked in the office for hours, men coming and going and everyone grim faced. She knew from the whispers there was seven men dead, seven injured, and six unharmed but shaken up.
At dinner time she’d slipped into Kiefer’s office to put a plate of food in front of him and he’d been on the phone. His grateful smile as she made sure he was fed made her heart feel like she was helping somewhat.
She’d not wanted to pressure the three men knowing how much they were all going through and so she spent her time with Egan, focusing on the homework Kiefer set up for him and then caving into his demands. She and Egan played outside for quite a while, played some video games, they’d gone swimming in the new pool before watching a movie, one of Astra’s favorites.
Spending her day distracted with Egan and taking care of him. kept her from being too overwhelmed with her own loss as she considered all the things which happened from the time she’d awaken. More than once she caught herself on the verge of tears
as she thought of Astra and learning what she’d learned about her parents, but she’d focused on her son.
It was only when Egan broke down at bedtime, sobbing his heart out over Astra’s death did she wish one of the men were there to support her as she supported her son. Holding him in her arms while he cried asking why the woman who helped raised him. needed to die. He questioned why bad men would hurt her and asked whether their new family could really keep them safe.
She’d cried with him, letting him know it was acceptable to let his emotions out and to express his feelings, anger and sadness. included. When he’d cried himself to sleep, she’d made her way to her own bedroom and took a long shower where she cried until there were no tears left, and her throat was raw.
Now, laying in bed, the scent of Lorcan on her spare pillow, she was feeling alone. Three partners in her life and all of them were caught up in a catastrophe involving the family. She knew this was a situation which was exceptional and would be rare in their lives and yet, a pang of loneliness was settled in her chest.
While they were wrapped up in the family business and losses, she was dealing with the personal loss of her best friend since college, a woman who died to protect her. She was reeling from the information her biological family adopted her and lied to her. about her background. She felt she was doing it all alone.
Her eyes felt burred, and her throat parched from the crying she’d been doing, and she nestled into the pillow under her cheek wishing her arms were wrapped around one of the men instead of the cushiony fabric.
A knock on the door caused her to lift her head, “come in.”
Kiefer poked his head through, “hey. Can I come in?”
She nodded, “are you okay?”
He gave a chuckle, “only you would be going through your own. personal hell and asking me if I’m okay.” He sat on the edge of the bed, “I am so sorry for today, Genesis.”
“You are?” she was confused by his words, and she studied his face for an explanation.
“Yes. Today your best friend died, you found out your family was not what you believed, and you were asked to stay home because we’re worried for your safety and then we found ourselves in a situation where everyone was pulled away.” He brushed her hair off her face. “You have three husbands and all three of us were taken from you on a day when you needed us
She gave a shrug, trying to feign she hadn’t moments before. been sulking over this exact thought.
“How was Egan at bedtime? I stopped in to check on him and his little face looked like he’d cried. Kind of like you,” he stroked her check with his knuckles. “Was he okay?”
“He’s confused. The people he knows from his dreams are not people he ever knew in this life. They’ve always been dead. This is new. A person who was alive, breathing, held him, hugged
him, and took care of him, has died, and died violently. I kept him pretty distracted during the day but during his bath he was clearly struggling and then when I was tucking him in, the questions started, and the tears started and then we were both crying.”
“I should have been there,” he looked at her. “Can I lay down with you?”
She nodded as he toed his shoes off his feet and swung his legs sideways to lay next to her on the bed. He slipped his hand under her shoulders and rolled her to lay on his chest.
“I’m sorry, Genesis. I lost track of time reviewing footage and audio recordings. I meant to set a timer to stop me at seven and I forgot. I didn’t intend to work so late and leave you to be with Egan alone.”
“I understand.”
“You shouldn’t. Tomorrow,” he kissed the top of her head, “you, me and Egan are going fly to Columbus. We’re going to meet Astra’s body and we’re going to give her the sendoff the person who stood by your side for the last several years deserves. I won’t be leaving your side.”
“Yes. Despite how you ended things, she was your friend and someone who loved you dearly.”
“But don’t the people here need you?”
“Our family includes you, Genesis. You are important too. You need me.”
“I know but,” she wanted to kick herself for arguing with him. when his presence is exactly what she wanted.
“Genesis, in the time we were together in the past, only one time. did you ever ask me to put you first. Do you remember?”
She nodded as she recalled the one time she asked him to stay home and he went to the warehouse.
“And I put the family and the business first. I have regretted it in a way I cannot ever explain to you. Today, for the last eight hours, I kept an eye on you and Egan. I watched you in the garden. I came down to check on you when you were watching your movie. However, I was giving you space, waiting for you to come to me and ask me to be with you.”
“You did? I didn’t even notice you.”
“I did,” he rubbed her bicep which wrapped around his middle, “but you both seemed to be clinging to one another, and I didn’t. want to intrude. Then you brought me dinner and I realized,
you were doing for me what I was doing for you. You were giving me space and I was giving you space and I realized I was being stupid. I shouldn’t be waiting for you to say you need me. You shouldn’t be forced to say you need me. I’m your husband Genesis and unless you actually tell me to stay away, I should be with you.”
“I needed you, Kiefer.” She admitted it as tears she didn’t think she still had left in her head rose unbidden. “I wanted you there when Egan was upset, and I needed the support.”
“I’m sorry, baby.” He squeezed her tight. “I will do better. Like I said, tomorrow, nothing short of a bullet to my brain is pulling me from you and Egan.”
“Do you promise?” she whispered sniffing against his dress. shirt.
“I promise you.”
“Are you done downstairs?” she asked meeting his eyes.
“I am. I intended to be done more than an hour ago and then caught the automatic lights of the garden coming on and realized I stayed too long at my desk.”
“Will you stay with me tonight?”
“I absolutely will stay with you tonight,” he gave her a wide smile, “if you want me.”
“Thank you.” She felt him getting off the bed.
“I can go to my room and dig out a pair of pjs like Dad does. I’ll get changed and be right back.”
“Or” she twisted her lips, “just do what Tadgh did and sleep in your underwear. I don’t want you to leave me.”
She watched as he got undressed and folded his clothes neatly on a chair. His body was incredible. In the last seven years, since she’d left, he’d gotten bigger, bulkier and his muscles were tighter. Standing in his briefs, they hugged his perfect ass, and she felt her mouth water at the sight.
His laugh forced her to look up at his face and he was looking at her in the mirror of her vanity. “Cheeky woman, stop staring at my ass or we’re going to be taking a trip down the hall to a different bedroom.”
She giggled, “I’m too emotionally exhausted for such things, Kiefer but a girl this tired has nothing else to do but dream, right?”
His laugh floated around her as he crawled into the bed, his long legs intertwining with hers as he pulled her back into his arms.
“Damn, you feel good,” there was a hitch in his breath as he held
She snuggled in closer, the scent of him masculine and heady as he held her close. He felt familiar and warm as she wrapped her arms around his waist. “I missed this,” she whispered. “You, holding me, I missed it.”
“Me too.” He played with her hair. “Did you want to talk some more about what we found out this morning about your parents?”
“No. I need to process it, more.” She took a breath, “did you find out what happened with Laoise?”
“No. The men who took the car were efficient. They didn’t even speak. They got the cars forced over. They executed the drivers. and the three other men in Laoise’s car. They destroyed the dashcam as if they expected it was recording. They drove away with her screaming in the back seat bundled between the five men who took the car.”
“So, they were there to take her,” she frowned.
“Yes. They also weren’t friendly with her. She got backhanded in the mouth when she was screaming, and they put a gun to her head. They changed the car out five miles down the road, switching them all to a bunch of hummers.”
“Who did she piss off?”
“I don’t know. In the traffic cam from where they switched vehicles, she was still alive, but she was unconscious. They carried her over their shoulder.”
“While I feel bad for our men who are hurt and the families of the dead men, is it bad I hope they beat her good?”
“Nope. I said the same thing. I almost applauded when she took the punch to the face. If it wasn’t for the fact, I was trying to identify the men who took her, I would have. We’ll find out who it is and what their end goal is but it’s going to take a bit of time. Her being gone isn’t as big a concern for us as getting vengeance for our men is.”
“I agree.” She gave a loud yawn and Kiefer laughed.
“Enough talking for tonight. Time to sleep now, Gen. Tomorrow
is likely going to be hard for you and Egan. Let’s rest up so we can be the best we can for our son.”
“You’ll stay with me though?”
“You couldn’t drive me away.”
With those words, she closed her eyes and let the sleep pull her
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