Story Time
Genesis was curled up in her bed between Kiefer and Tadgh and they were waiting for Lorcan to come home. Tadgh was quietly playing with her hair while she sipped her tea, and she watched curiously as Kiefer suddenly got off the bed and disappeared into the bathroom. He reappeared a few moments later carrying
a small bottle of lotion.
“What’s this for?” she asked curiously as he settled at the foot of
the bed.
He lifted one of her feet and set it on his lap. “Foot rub. Thought you might need a bit of pampering.”
“You’re going to rub my feet?”
“I am.” He squeezed some of the lotion into his palm and sniffed it, “oh, I like the smell of this. Cherries. I might need to bite your
toes after.”
“I will decline your offer to bite but yes please on the massage,” she sighed happily as he began rubbing his thumb into her sole. Her eyes closed as Tadgh’s playing of her hair turned into him massaging her scalp. “Is this what having multiple partners is going to be like?”
“It is.” Tadgh moved to sit behind her and leaned her against his chest. “As much as we’ll be your sexual partners, Gen, we want to be your emotional partners. It’s three times the affection. It’s
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three times the attention. It’s three times the love.”
“I could really use it today,” she nestled against his frame. “I’m sorry I keep falling apart.”
“You have no need to apologize. Everything is confusing and in chaos,” Kiefer shared his thoughts. “I’m worried too, Genesis. We all are but we need to rely on each other. I want us to be the comfort you need. In the past, you kept things from me because you wanted me to see it, to notice it and I’ll be the first one to admit, I’m bad at it. Sweetheart, if you need me and I’m not seeing it, please, I’m begging you to please talk to me. If I’m fucking up, I don’t care if you yell, scream, plead or throw shit at my head. I won’t make the mistakes I made last time in brushing off your concerns. I promise to listen, but I need you to promise to talk.”
She nodded, keeping her eyes closed. “I should have told you I needed you.”
“You should have but there were two of us and one of you and between us, we should have seen it.” Tadgh whispered behind her ear. “I want you to relax now though Gen. No more guilty feelings tonight. Think of those happy stories you were sharing earlier with all of us.”
“This looks cozy.”
A low voice from the doorway made Genesis’s eyes flash open to stare at Lorcan who was lounging there. Her heart was pounding in her chest at the sight of him.
Story Time “You’re, okay?”
“I’m fine,” he gave her a smile. “May I join you?”
She patted the space Kiefer vacated when he went to get the foot lotion and Lorcan walked in and sat beside her. “You look tired, Lorcan.”
“I am but I feel much better being home.”
Kiefer grunted, “I’ve never heard you call any place other than the estate back in Dublin home.”
“Where my girl is, is home.” Lorcan reached and took her fingers and kissed them. “How are you holding up?”
“I had a good cry earlier and Kiefer and Tadgh hugged me through it.”
“Good.” He inhaled sharply and then let it all out, blowing the air through his nostrils. “I have the information which explains everything. Nazar asked me to keep it from you until he himself can come to talk to you.”
“That’s not fair.”
“I agree which is why I refused. I did however tell him he can come tomorrow for lunch and meet you while all of us are here to support you.” He took a breath, “he also very much wants to meet Egan. This will be entirely your call.”
“Why? Why does he want to meet us?”
Story Time
“Thirty years ago, Nazar had only just taken over the family after the murder of his father. He was thirty years old. While he and his brothers were on a business trip to Northern England, he met a woman. He bluntly said he wasn’t in love with her. They had sex. He returned to Russia. Six months later, he was back in the same area and found out the woman he’d slept with left her hometown because she’d found out she was pregnant. Her parents were strict, her father part of the Sokolov family, and since she refused to divulge to her father the name of her lover, he threw her out. She left England and went to Florida.”
“Nazar is my father.”
“I don’t understand.”
“I know but there is much more. When he realized the timing of her pregnancy, he sent his brother to find her. When they caught up to her, she was nearly ready to deliver. They offered her protection, but she only wanted to go home to her family. She chose the city she did because she’d read a story of the safe baby program there. At the same time, Nazar was under constant threat of his uncle who Nazar says is slipperier than an eel. If word got out there was an heir, you would have been a target. The plan was until they could guarantee your safety, his. brother and his wife would hide in Florida. They paid off some government officials. Your mother put you in the safe box. They adopted you. Nazar said it killed him not to go look for you and be with you but, if he did, it would put you at risk.”
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“And my mother?”
“She returned to her hometown, but she passed away a few years later from a drug overdose. She was never accepted back to her father’s home, and it weighed on her.’
“Jesus.” She whispered. “The poor woman.”
“Makariy and his wife went underground. They stayed in Florida. When you were six, Makariy was meeting an associate, but he was meeting him as Austin Jones. Nobody should have known him as anyone else, but his cover got blown and they were killed by a sniper. It was messy and very clearly put together very last minute. Whoever saw him there, didn’t realize he was there undercover as your guardian. Your identity was still hidden. If Nazar went and claimed you and brought you home, you were at risk.”
“So, he left me in the system.”
“If you were in the system and nobody knew you were alive, then you would stay alive. He’s been watching you for years. He knew every foster family. He knew where you went to college. He wanted to come for you, but he couldn’t. Then eight years ago, his uncle made a big play for him and his position. He ended up in the hospital.”
“They poisoned him. When this happened, he lost track of you. You disappeared completely from Ohio. Kiefer when he married you, supressed all your identification for your safety as the wife
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of the heir to the Iron Force Gang. When Nazar came out of it the medically induced coma, you were in the wind. Then you were hiding from us. He’s been frantically searching for you. for the last seven years. When he couldn’t find you, he was becoming more and more frustrated and his uncle got wind. Nazar was looking for his child. Yegor uploaded his DNA to a bunch of sites in the event you ever showed up. He found your before Nazar did. Orel is good with computers and back traced the IP address where Astra was when she filled out your profile details. They tried to get the information from her.”
“Why is this guy still alive? Yegor should be dead,” Kiefer said. bluntly. “There is no way in hell we would let a traitor stay alive in our family.”
“I asked the same question. Yegor, until this week he has always been able to hide his involvement. Whispers but never proof. For example, the poisoning of Nazar years ago got pinned on a rival gang. Nazar calls him the hagfish. All slick and slippery. However,” Lorcan sighed, “Yegor has fucked up on an epic scale this time.”
“How so?” Genesis wanted to curl into herself and cry. She had a. dad who was still alive but never could be with her.
“The cops got his photo, and it was uploaded into a database and Nazar got it. He knows Yegor was in Astra’s house.”
She sat up then, “how?”
“The lady who was walking her dog wasn’t the only witness to seeing the car. A delivery driver dropping off a parcel took a
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photo of the package he dropped off at a house next to where Astra was renting. When the guy found out a woman was murdered there he went through his photos and sure enough, he got a photo of the car with Yegor getting out of it.”
“No way,” she was breathless. “Now what?”
“Well, that’s the part Nazar wants to come and talk to you about. He’s going to absolutely annihilate everyone associated with Yegor. He wants us to keep you hidden. Yegor grabbed Laoise because he got a tip Kiefer was looking for his wife and was bringing someone into the country. Now, whether Laoise is still alive we don’t know. Our family has been doing the research, but Nazar’s team is also looking because he was convinced his brother had you. When I met with him and told him you were safe, he was quite emotional, Genesis.”
“He was?” she looked to Lorcan nervously.
“He loves you, Genesis. Never being able to get to you and to pretend you didn’t exist for no reason other than to keep you. alive until he sorted out shit with his family has been hard on him. He’s angry. He wants his uncle’s head on a platter but he’s not just taking the uncle. He’s wiping out everyone associated with his uncle’s supporters. They all die.”
“I see.”
“I offered our assistance.” Lorcan looked at his sons. “In order to keep Genesis alive, they need to be dead. She is or partner. I will tear this fucking world apart to keep her safe. I made it clear to Nazar if he fails in cleaning up his house, I won’t. I’ll wipe him
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out for his failures if I have lo.”
“I don’t understand why it took thirty years since his father died to clean this shit up.” Tadgh grunted. “How good is this guy hiding his involvement?”
“Incredibly good. He’s got the backing of the government and friends with some high–powered officials. Nazar is going to start. a damn war.” Lorcan sighed, “he is going to clean this shit up Genesis but then he wants to name you and Egan his heirs.”
“Like fuck,” Kiefer spat. “Egan is our heir,” he waved to Genesis. “He gets our businesses and our family, not some family which couldn’t protect Egan’s mother and left her to fend for herself in a foster system.”
“He did what was necessary to keep her safe.”
“He took the easy way out. He could have boldly put her at his side and taught her the ways of his family and how to defend herself.” Tadgh argued.
“His brother and father were both murdered, he was almost murdered. He did what he needed to, by pretending she didn’t exist, to ensure her survival. He always intended to bring her home. He lost almost a decade of having his eyes on her because we failed her seven years ago. Regardless, it’ll be up to Genesis how she wants to proceed with her relationship with Nazar. However, we’re not taking prisoners. We’re going to find out where Yegor and his crew are holed up and we’re going to send them straight to hell. They are a risk to our wife.” Lorcan was
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“You three will be with me tomorrow when he’s here.”
“There is nowhere else we would be. I have a couple of my personal guards working with Nazar’s guys right now to find those fuckers who killed our men and took Laoise. I told Nazar we would regroup here tomorrow. However, Genesis, you can’t leave here. Not until we deal with this.”
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