Tempting Mafia Ch 69

Tempting Mafia Ch 69

1 Gifts 

Tempting The Mafia Twins 



You’ll be an open target.Allan shook his head. You can’t take the bike.” 

They want me alive. If they wanted me dead these last two would have shot me and not at you. The bike will allow me to get through places their SUVS can’t.” 

This is a shitty idea.” 

Egan is safe. Nobody can get him out of the room unless Kiefer or Lorcan give the code. Track me.She ordered him one more time before making a mad dash through the house towards the garage at the far side of the mansion, ignoring Allan’s hissed pleas

She found Tadgh’s keys to his bike hanging on a hook on the wall and prayed he put gas in it after his last ride. She noted the leather jacket he’d bought her hanging beside his on a nearby hook and she grabbed it, deciding she’d need it since all she was wearing was pajamas. Driving the bike at night was probably going to be cold

She shoved the guns into the inside pockets of the jacket and left the walkie behind. Tapping her hip, she prayed the tracking device was working

Like in Burbank, this bike was too big for her, but she didn’t have a choice. This is what she needed to do. She could hear 



men speaking the foreign language and cringed. They wanted. her and Egan. Pushing the bike through the side entrance 

of the garage instead of opening the big overhead doors she waited until she positioned it pointed to the driveway before she climbed on it and then gunned the engine. Purposefully she didn’t put the helmet on. She wanted them to see her and to chase her away from the house

Veering around the men who’d been pouring out of the two cars, she ignored their shouts and began careening down the driveway. A third car was coming up the drive and she went right past it, raising a single digit in the direction of the driver’s face as she passed them

The sound of tires being torn on asphalt followed her down the street and she pushed the bike faster than she was certain she could manage. Her stomach flipped and flopped as she took a corner too fast, and the bike wobbled but she recovered it quickly and opened up the throttle down the straight stretch of the mostly private road. Lights coming up behind her made her curse under her breath and she found herself wishing she’d been the kind of girl who wore flannel in the summer because as she sped up the wind blew through the thin material and her hands were getting cold

She didn’t know this neighborhood well. The last several days since they’d moved here, they hadn’t explored the area very well and she was not accustomed to the streets and the area. Each time she considered taking a side street she feared it was a dead end and avoided it. However, the cars were gaining on her and she opted to take the next one regardless because being on this wideopen street was going to give the option to shoot her tires 



out and she didn’t want this to happen. It was one thing for them to chase her, but it would be an entirely other problem if they caught her

Considering she’d watched the video of how they’d punched Laoise in the face thinking it was her, she wasn’t sure how 

they would treat her if they got hold of her. She found herself questioning how on earth this Yegor fellow managed to have so many men following his lead. The house of Sokolov was not a united one

Making the sharp turn she didn’t even look behind her when the tires of the chasing cars squealed. She noted an alley up ahead and pulled the bike through it grateful when it came out onto another street. The cars would need to go around, and she knew she’d bought herself a few minutes of time

Her fear of the men somehow getting to Egan and her needing to get them away from the house drove her to this situation but now as her adrenaline was wearing off, fear for her own safety was consuming her. She cursed herself as tears welled in her eyes. She couldn’t drive if she was crying

Pull your shit together, Gen.she hissed angrily

It wasn’t long before she found herself winding through the metropolis of Boston, an area she was more familiar with, though not anything she felt she could remember perfectly. She recalled coffee shops and shopping centers she’d visited and restaurants she’d gone to with Kiefer, but it had been a while since she’d explored the area



Zipping through a side street she felt her heart lurch as the squealing of tires again caught her ear. They’d caught up to her and in the quiet midnight hour, the streets were far less congested than normal. It was only a matter of seconds before they got close again. The sound of a gunfire made her involuntarily flinch and duck and she realized they were indeed going to shoot out her tires. She needed to find a place to ditch the bike and hide

A thought occurred to her, and she gave a sharp turn down a street and began driving towards the docks where Kiefer kept a warehouse. She’d been to the warehouse multiple times and let her intuition guide her. She forced the bike to go faster, aware it was much too fast for her to control but even as the bike wobbled, she kept the pace up. She gained some distance driving through another alley but knew it was only a matter of time. before they caught her

She didn’t want to die. She wanted to live and be Egan’s mom until he was a grown man. She wanted to spend her life with Kiefer and Tadgh and Lorcan, while they pampered and spoiled her the way they’d been doing the last little while. She sniffed away the tears as she considered she did want a relationship with Nazar and was angry at herself for denying him when having her real dad come find her was her dream come true. Her pride and her anger once again were blinding her to the possibilities

Her thoughts kept her focusedon survival and fifteen minutes later the docks were in sight, and she breathed a small sigh of relief. Her goal was to get there, get off the bike and find a hiding spot until Kiefer tracked her down with Allan’s tracking device



The bike squealed to a stop, and she ran towards the gate noting the padlock. She shot it off and then unwound the chains before slipping through and running as fast as she could. The lights from the vehicles, three in total, came into view and she wondered if her legs would ever recover from the way she was pushing them right now

Her lungs burned and her muscles screamed with pain as she dashed into the shadows beside the warehouse. She pulled frantically on the side door, but it wouldn’t open. Racing around. to the back, she found another door locked with a pin pad. A memory of Kiefer winking at her and telling her to plug her birthday in made her pray he hadn’t changed the number when she’d betrayed him all those years ago. A sigh of relief escaped her lips as the door swung open

Thank you, Kiefer for not giving up on me.She whispered. as she looked around the room frantically. Aisles upon aisles of shelving filled up one half of the building and the other half stored shipping containers. The office was upstairs with a gangway leading to two lookout spots in the warehouse, but she knew the office was the first place they would check for her

She raced to the shipping containers at the back. If she could hide in even one of them, she’d be at least slightly ahead of the men chasing her. There were easily a hundred containers. They surely wouldn’t find her in the first one they searched, would they

Choosing one in the middle of the bunch, she pulled the heavy door open cringing as it creaked loudly and then pulled it shut 



behind her. It was dark and she couldn’t see anything, and she gave a grunt of pain as she walked into a large crate inside the container

Fuck,she rubbed her belly. She felt her way around the crate and made her way to the very back, curling up as small as she could make herself in the teeny space between the wall of the container and the crate. She took the guns from the pocket and then felt another hard object in Tadgh’s coat and wasn’t surprised to see a jackknife. She fished around the other pockets and found a small keychain with a light on it and decided he’d get a good kiss for not leaving her in the dark when she saw him 


The thought made her chest ache. Would she get to see him. again? Sitting in the dark all alone, her fears and worries about not being with her men filled her with panic

When the sound of men yelling in the warehouse reached her ears it took everything in her not to sob out loud and she rocked. back and

Tempting Mafia

Tempting Mafia

Status: Ongoing


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not work with dark mode