Tempting The Mafia Twins
Stray Bullet
“Keep him alive,” Kiefer moved to grab the man and drag him with Genesis and Tadgh. “Once Dad gets the warehouse under control, we’ll bring him back in. Nazar has a gift for him.”
Genesis stared at the older man. This? This decrepit old shit who was hiding behind crates at the end of a row of shelves was the mastermind behind her misery. She punched him in the face and Tadgh laughed.
“What was that for?” Tadgh giggled.
“For killing my dad.”
Yegor frowned, “I did not kill your father.”
“Mak. Mak was my father. He raised me and kept me safe from you, you son of a bitch and you killed him. I’m going to make sure you suffer long, slow, and very, very painfully.”
Kiefer touched his earpiece, “We have Yegor. We have Genesis. Do you have someone who can collect him or are we waiting for you to finish what you started? Over.”
“Hold your position,” Lorcan’s voice answered. “We’re doing one final sweep, and we should be good.”
Kiefer looked at Genesis, “Dad says to hold up here. He’s almost done. We’ll drag this fucker back in.‘
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“How do the cops not come running with the sound of all this gunfire?”
“A lot of money,” Kiefer and Tadgh exchanged a long look.
“Oh.” Genesis was watching Yegor carefully and when the man started to rise up, she kicked him in the balls. “I didn’t say you could move, motherfucker.”
“There is a misunderstanding. I am not here to hurt you.”
“Bullshit. You wanted me and my son dead so you could kill Nazar and then none of his bloodline would be alive. Well, guess what you old fucker, Nazar is alive. I’m alive. My son i alive. We’re going to run this family until all the ice in Siberia is melted. I’m going to make it my singular mission in life to make sure everyone forgets the name Yegor Sokolov and celebrates the name Makariy.”
“My son will finish what I started.”
“Ha,” Tadgh gave a laugh. “I can’t wait for Nazar to reintroduce you to your son. You never did get hold of him, did you?”
Yegor shook his head, “he said he would call me when he got to the safe house.”
“Good luck.” Kiefer looked at Genesis with a grin as Tadgh gave a laugh. “Here we go.”
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“Dad is telling us in the comms to bring you to him.”
She smiled, “is he? Why is it funny?”
“He said get my princess over here so I can check her for bruises.”
Kiefer and Tadgh were dragging Yegor with them as they returned back to the center of the warehouse. Genesis ran straight into Lorcan’s arms, and he swung her up high.
“Hey baby,” he growled in her ear. “Such a good girl finding your way here.” He kissed her forehead. He looked over her shoulder at his sons, “this fucker needs to see his nephew.”
“Uncle,” Nazar came from behind the crowd of men. “You fucked up coming for my daughter.”
“Hi Dad,” Genesis moved to Nazar and cautiously stepped towards him. When her father took a deep breath and enveloped her in a hug she bit back a sob.
“She is weak. Look at her cry.” Yegor called out.
Genesis ignored him and hugged Nazar, “I’m sorry I was so stubborn today.”
“I wouldn’t expect anything else from a Sokolov.” He winked at her. “I am glad you are safe. I was quite worried Lorcan was going to torture me for decades to come if you weren’t safe.”
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She giggled and looked at Yegor over her shoulder, “I shot his knee out, but he killed my Dad Mak. I want his head.”
Nazar was surprised, “do you think you are capable?”
“I do.” She nodded. “Please. If it weren’t for him, I’d have my mom. Ekaterina was my mom, and I loved her.”
“Then you do what you need to do but first I want him to see his son.”
“Where is my son?” Yegor growled.
“You’re really tough considering how much you’re bleeding. You should be crying or something.” Genesis commented as she studied the man. She frowned as a couple of men came running up to the group carrying a plastic bag. “What’s in the bag?”
Nazar’s eyes were hard and cold as he stared at his uncle, “it is the man who wanted to steal my seat as head of the family. He was very bold to tell me right to my face tonight how he killed. my father. You told him what to do and how to do it and he did what you instructed. He was quite brazen. I think he really believed you were going to come rescue him, Yegor.”
Yegor looked at the bag in confusion but then Nazar dumped it out and the head rolled onto the floor and landed right at the older man’s feet where Kiefer and Tadgh held him up. Yegor screamed and began sobbing for his son.
“Jesus,” Genesis gagged hard at the sight and turned her head into Lorcan’s shoulder. “That’s fucking gross.”
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“It’s kind of funny,” Lorcan snickered as he rubbed her shoulders. “That’s Oleg in case you weren’t sure.”
“Does this mean you have Laoise?” She ignored the wailing of the old man.
“I do. She’s in the warehouse dungeon waiting for you. You’re going to finish her yourself.”
“I can’t wait.”
“You want a practice doll?” Lorcan nodded beyond her. “Then do your job. Do what you were created to do as the daughter of Nazar Sokolov and the wife of the O’Reilly clan.”
She took a weapon which was held out to her from Nazar. She was about to fire the weapon when a shot rang out from the shadows in the far corner of the room. It zipped past her shoulder, narrowly missing her and hitting Lorcan.
Genesis screamed as he clutched his shoulder and dropped to the floor. “Daddy!” she dropped to him and immediately was putting pressure on the gaping hole in his shoulder. “Shit, shit, shit. No.”
The return gunfire as the crew surrounded them to keep them safe echoed around her.
“Get this fucking place secure!” Kiefer blew out furiously after he found the straggler and shot him in the head. “Go through this place, every nook and cranny and make sure they are all
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accounted for. No more of this shit!”
Jerren pulled Genesis back, “Gen, let me get him out of here. Come on sweetheart. Let him go. I need to get him to medical. Please.”
“You can’t die,” she begged Lorcan as tears filled her eyes. “Please. What the fuck did they shoot him with? I felt the fucking bullet leave a gust of wind through my hair.”
“They were aiming for you, sweetheart,” Lorcan gritted out. “Do your job, Genesis. Put the fucker down and then you go put Laoise down. I’m going to be fine. I’ll see you in a few hours. Jerren, get me the fuck out of here.” Lorcan growled at Kiefer, “get this hellhole cleaned up.”
“On it.” Kiefer was pale as he looked at his father and the amount of blood coming from him. “Jesus Dad.”
“Don’t you turn into a fucking pussy on me now. Either of you.” He glared at his twins. “Make her do her job and take her home. I’ll be there soon. Kiss Egan for me.”
A makeshift gurney was under him and a crew of men were rushing Lorcan away.
Genesis was crying, “Kiefer I want to go with him.”
“No.” Kiefer shook his head. “We finish what we started, Genesis. Finish it.”
She met Yegor’s eyes, “you did this. You hired these assholes to
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come for me and they hurt the man I love. You’re going to die.” She motioned for Kiefer and Tadgh to hold him up. She shot the man’s other leg. The sight of the blood made her think of Lorcan, and she stifled the howl of agony which bubbled up from her chest. She wiped the tears from her cheek. “You killed my Dad and now you’ve done this?” She walked to Tadgh and took one of his knives from his boot. When Tadgh lifted an eyebrow, Genesis said nothing and jammed it deep into the old man’s stomach, “this is for having my Mom killed you miserable prick.” She twisted it hard. Standing toe–to–toe with the man, she put the muzzle of the gun in her hand to his shoulder and pulled the trigger, “that’s for Lorcan, fucker.” She stepped backwards and then shot the head on the floor, “your son is dead. Now so are you.” She pulled the trigger and watched as the bullet left a black hole in the center of the man’s head.
Kiefer and Tadgh let him drop to the floor and Kiefer took the gun from her hand, “come on baby, let’s get you out of here. We’ll go take care of Laoise and then we’ll check on Dad.”
“He said you have to take me home.”
“Yeah, but he’s going to be too laid up to kick my ass for awhile. He’s going to want you there. We’ll make a stop to check in on Egan and give him a kiss from Dad and then we’ll go to the clinic.”
“He got shot, Kiefer.”
“Not the first time,” Kiefer tried to downplay it.
“It’s a hole in his shoulder.”
Stray Bullet “He’s going to be
pissed if it messed up his tattoos.” Tadgh tried to make light of the situation. He looked at Nazar, “we have one last thing to take care of before we go find Dad. Are you coming with us or cleaning up the rest of your messed up family?”
Nazar stared at Genesis and then moved to her, “my daughter needs me. My men can collaborate with yours to get this sorted. If you’ll have me Genesis, I want to be with you while you finish what you started.”
“Thanks,” she took his hand, “then lets go do this.” She looked at the blood on the floor where Lorcan went down.
“What are you thinking?” Kiefer followed her gaze.
“I wish they weren’t all dead because I want someone to pay for this bloodshed.”
“Laoise is alive. She’s the one who led them to the house where we used to live. She’s made friends with the enemy. It’s time to make her pay for being a traitorous bitch.”
She nodded and looked to Tadgh feeling eerily calm. “Remember the night of our date?”
“Don’t tie her up. I want her to be able to try to fight back. Unlike her who made people hold me down, I’m going to let her try her worst.”