Tempting Mafia Ch 84

Tempting Mafia Ch 84

Tempting The Mafia Twins 

Negotiation With Tadgh 


A knock on her bedroom door made Genesis lift her head off her pillow and sigh loudly. She’d only been upstairs an hour but evidently it was too long because whoever was on the other side of the door, knocked two more times, tried twisting the door handle and then knocked again when they realized it was locked

Knowing they weren’t going away anytime soon, she rolled off the bed and padded to the door, pulling it open and glaring at the man on the other side of it. What was wrong with this house the men were gorgeous even when she was angry at their faces? The urge to slam it shut again was strong because this face. looked too much like Lorcan’s, and she was still angry with him

Can I come in?” 


Because I want to talk to you. I haven’t seen you much since all this shit went down,Tadgh’s eyes stared at her curiously, “and I’m worried about you, and I want to check in and see how you’re doing.” 

Did you draw the short straw? You’re the poor bastard who needed to come make sure I wasn’t making voodoo dolls of Lorcan’s annoying face?” 

His laugh made her roll her eyes and she marched back to the bed and crawled onto it

Negotiation With Tadgh 


Tadgh watched her as she settled back into the bed and pulled a throw blanket over her shoulder. He stood for a moment beside the bed and looked down at her pouting face. Nobody drew straws. I was truly worried about you. You’ve been through it the last little while and your emotion of choice seems to be rage. From the day we picked you up at the mall to the minute you stepped in the house today, I don’t think there has been an entire day where you haven’t become incredibly angry and I’m 


Well, you guys should stop pissing me off.” 

You need to stop going for our jugulars every time something goes wrong. Talk to us, Genesis. Not screaming. Not yelling. Not pushing us until we’re ready to snap. Talk.” 

He wasn’t listening!” 

Kiefer said you went at him hard. You went from zero to a hundred in a blink. The minute they stitched him up and Dad said let’s go, you flipped out.” 

Because it feels like he’s not listening. I feel like he won’t rest 


Yet, I will say, Dad is sleeping down in the lounger by the pool. He asked Egan to tell him about what kind of experiments he wanted to do and bam, knocked Dad out better than any sedative. It’s kind of cute actually because Egan is having a nap with him all cuddled up. I never expected Dad to be a cuddly granddad kind of guy, but he is. I think he got a good scare the 

Negotiation With Tadgh 


other night. He enjoyed sitting with Egan today and listening to him talk.” 

Really?Genesis asked as she pulled her pillow under her head

Yes. Kiefer took a bunch of photos with his phone.” 

They’re probably telepathically communicating,Genesis grumbled. Lorcan is probably right in Egan’s dreams with him and telling him how to piss me off more.” 

Tadgh got onto the bed with her and tugged her and the pillow to his side. What’s really going on Gen?” 


Gen,he drawled her name out long

He’s injured and hurt, and I thought I was okay with it but then he got out of the bed earlier and pulled stitches out and the nurses came running and the doctor insisted on resewing him up. It freaked me the fuck out. I wanted him to stay there and be safe and get better but he’s so god damned stubborn. I’ve met. mules less stubborn.” 

You’ve met mules? How many mules? In a zoo? A circus?” 

She punched his shoulder, Tadgh.” 

Okay, okay. I get it. You’re upset because you almost lost him, and you feel he’s not taking your fears of losing him seriously.He pulled her hands and kissed her fingers before tucking them 

Negotiation With Tadgh 


under his against his chest. You are right. He is stubborn. However, honey, you need to understand, this is what we do and who we are. We can’t be the leaders of the O’Reilly family businesses while laid up in a hospital bed. The minute our enemies and competitors get wind one of us is down, it starts them talking. The minute we have any weakness in our chain of command, they initiate their attempts to get our maximize on our vulnerabilities.” 

Okay fine but he needs medical care.” 

And he’ll get it.” 

How? He flat out refused the information the doctor was telling him. The doctor said he needed round the clock medical care and recommended a nurse be here to deal with issues. Your father said I don’t need a nurse, I have Genesis. Then he immediately started arguing with me over everything. You saw him, Tadgh. When he came in the house, he looked awful, and you can’t deny it.” 

You’re right. I cannot deny it.” 

Yet you all gave him a champions welcome.” 

He will heal better at home.Tadgh argued. Look. I know you don’t understand it but he’s safer at home, he’s more comfortable at home and he’s less likely to fight with us on his care when he’s home. Think on it, Gen. He’s sleeping right now. He wanted to be with his family.” 

Until he does something stupid and rips his chest open


Negotiation With Tadgh 


He’s not going to.Tadgh stared into her eyes, I know you’re scared but I need you to trust us.” 

It’s not that I don’t trust you, Tadgh. It’s he won’t listen, and you guys are all clapping him on the back like it’s funny.” 

Because we’re the same way. Honestly, Gen, the last time he was shot, Kiefer is the one who sewed him up. He didn’t even see a doctor. I got stabbed a few years ago and Dad held me down while Jerren cauterized the wound and Kiefer poured whiskey down my throat. Medical professionals, most of the time have an obligation to report to the authorities when it’s stabbing, shooting or violent beating. The only reason the doctor and nurses didn’t call it in the other night is because Dad donates at lot of money to this specific clinic and as a result, they do what Dad says. If this would have gone down in Ireland, it would be different. We own an entire surgical clinic and family who are the physicians. It’s not as secure here in terms of making people to keep their mouths shut. However, most of the men, especially those at the top of this family, are trained in first aid and CPR and we even have trained paramedics on staff.” 

Where were you stabbed?she looked at him seriously

In the side,he motioned to his ribcage. Wasn’t too deep.” 


A few years back.” 

What happened?” 

Negotiation With Tadgh 


Tell me.” 

We were doing a run.” 

Guns or drugs?” 

Guns.He looked away from her


Don’t Tadgh. Someday my son will need to be in charge of this family, and I’ll need to accept the good and the bad. I also think working with my Dad Nazar, I’ll be doing worse.She sighed loudly

Fine. We were doing a run of guns after receiving them from our ship at the dock. We were taking it them down to a sale in New York. Kiefer and I were arguing, and we weren’t paying attention. This guy came out of nowhere. I stepped in front of Kiefer, and I took the knife.” 

Why though? Why was the 

the en 

e guy there

Because we were supposed to sell to one group and they were outbid, by quite a bit of money. We went with a higher bidder and to someone we’d done business with before. The new guy on the block who wanted to get the guns was pissed off. He got intel on where we were meeting, and he came to confront Kiefer and Dad for changing their minds on the deal. Kiefer jumped in front of Dad, I moved in front of Kiefer.” 

Negotiation With Tadgh 

You take your job of protecting him seriously.” 


I do. He’s not only the incoming head of this family, he’s also my brother and best friend. I’d die for him.” 

I don’t want any of you dying.” 

We don’t want to die either. Gen, our businesses are dangerous. Even if we turned completely legit, which would be boring. as fuck, corporate espionage and the life of a billionaire ist dangerous. We get threats every single day against Dad and Kiefer. When we are together, putting our heads together, we’re safest. We fucked up the other night and honestly,he gave a laugh, Dad got shot because he got cocky during the gunfight and hit a shoulder instead of a head. We don’t usually make such stupid mistakes.” 

I guess.” 

Trust us, please?” 

Tadgh I can’t fight against the three of you.” 

We don’t want you to.” 

Then you need to have my 

need to have my back when I think he needs to rest


Fine. Kiefer and I will talk to him and remind him not to push you or himself too hard but,Tadgh tilted her chin, you can’t be yelling at him, Gen. He doesn’t tolerate yelling from anyone and according to Kiefer, in the hospital room your voice was raised 

Negotiation With Tadgh 


more than a couple octaves. I get you were scared and angry but yelling at Lorcan O’Reilly has landed more than one person in a coffin. You’re going to get punished. Kiefer said you pretty much insulted Dad’s masculinity told him you could outrun him.” 

He was making me angry.” 

Have you ever heard the expression you can catch more flies. with honey?” 

He was so damn,her fists clenched against Tadgh’s chest

Lorcan?Tadgh laughed

Yes!she exclaimed with frustration

Gen, tell me something, what do you like best about him? Aside from his crankiness right now, what is it about him do you respond to?” 

His strength and the way he makes me feel protected.” 

You like him being the manly man.” 

She twisted her lips, I guess.” 

He likes you best when you’re being his baby girl, his princess. You coming at him sniping and in a snit, is not his favorite version of you any more than his whining and sulking over being hurt is your favorite version of him. Come at him in a different direction, Gen. If you want him to give you what you want, which is him resting and in bed, then ask him. All you need to do 

Negotiation With Tadgh 

is ask him.” 

She gave a loud sigh. He’s so stubborn.” 


So are you. He likes he’s the one person you don’t need to be stubborn with and you can let him be in control. Give him back his control, please. It’ll be better for everyone in this house.” 

I’m still angry,she muttered

He winked at her. That is why you have three partners, my love. You can always come see me or Kiefer to work it out. Whether you want to punch it out in the gym or training facility or you need us to throw down in the bedroom, we are here for you to get your aggression out. But Dad, he’s not the one you fight with. It’s going to get your ass bruised.” 

She gave a loud sigh and then nodded, fine but you and Kiefer might need to be on standby to keep me from smothering him.” 

We promise to fuck the rage right out of you.” 

She gave a laugh and then snuggled into his side. For now, can you hold me until I actually get the nap I need?” 

Nothing would make me happier.” 

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ir Gifts 

Tempting Mafia

Tempting Mafia

Status: Ongoing


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