Chapter 15
Zendaya opened her eyes and she groaned. When she took in her surroundings, she saw that she was still in the hospital. She remembered that she had fallen asleep with Antonio watching her, and this made her frown.
Zabelle paused in her thoughts when she heard a sipping sound coming from inside the room. She immediately sat up to see what was causing the noise and her heart dipped when she saw that it was Antonio who was drinking coffee.
He was wearing different clothes, and this made her conclude that it was a new day. He was busy looking at his tablet and seeing as he didn’t notice she was awake, Zabelle proceeded to go back to bed.
However, before she could even move, Antonio looked at her, and it seemed she knew what he was going to do judging by the expression he had on his face.
“Y–you are here,” she stuttered and inwardly cursed herself for stuttering while also rejoicing that her voice was back. “What are you doing here?” She then inquired when he didn’t say anything in response to her previous words.
“I saved you, which gives me the right to be here,” Antonio finally spoke as he placed the tablet on the sofa and crossed his legs. Before Zabelle could respond, the door opened and she saw the same doctor from the previous night walk into the room. However, he wasn’t accompanied by the other two doctors
“How are you feeling now?” He inquired from Zabelle as he began to perform his examination.
“I–i feel better,” Zabelle responded.
Your voice is back. That’s good,” The doctor stated.
“But my legs…” Zabelle started.
“It’s normal seeing as you’ve been in a coma. All you need is a physiotherapist to help you and you’ll be fine,” the doctor stated and Zabelle nodded. “Other than that, everything else is order.” The doctor completed his examination after which he left.
Antonio who had been in the room all along didn’t say anything as the doctor had already explained everything to him.
“Y–you’re the one who saved me?” Zabelle repeated in shock as he turned her attention back to him so they could continue the conversation they had been having before the doctor walked in. She had been having doubts about whether or not Antonio was the one who rescued her, and he just cleared her doubts.
But why? She wondered, especially when he had said he wouldn’t save her.
“Were you expecting Jeremy to save you?” Antonio fired at her and a frown made its way over to her face. How did Antonio know about Jeremy? She asked herself.
“How do you know about Jeremy?”
“Wasn’t that hard to figure out,” Antonio stated as he stood up. Zabelle subconsciously backed away when he began to approach her.
It would be a lie if she said she wasn’t weary of Antonio at that moment, mainly because it was difficult to figure out what was running through his mind and why he had saved her.
“Why did you save me, Antonio?” She couldn’t help but ask, as she wanted to know.
She was happy to be alive but at the same time, knowing that it wasn’t because of Antonio was thrilling news, especially since their last encounters were heated ones.
“You see, I thought watching you bleed to death would be an amazing revenge, but when you lost consciousness, it didn’t
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Chapter 13
quite do it for me, and so I decided to save you, so I can properly get revenge and destroy you,” Antonio answered bluntly, not mincing words.
Zabelle’s mouth fell open when she heard what Antonio said to her, but deep down, it made perfect sense. He was no angel, but a devil, and so it was just right that he had saved her for an evil cause.
“So what now?” She probed.
“What do you think?” Antonio responded with a question of his, as an evil smile made its way over to his face.
“I don’t know, I’m not the devil here,” Zabelle responded and Antonio chuckled. She gasped when he suddenly brought his face closer to her, which made her back away as he was in her personal space.
“Now, it’s time for me to drag you to hell so you’ll burn,” Antonio told her, and she gulped in fear as the way he said it made shivers crawl to her spine.
Antonio then backed away, and he stared at Zabelle who had a troubled look on her face.
“I hope you have a lot of savings because you’re going to be paying me for every penny I’ve spent on you in the last month,” he stated and Zabelle turned to glare at him.
“You’re kidding, right?” not only did she not have any money, she had debts she needed to pay off. She didn’t have to be a genius to figure out that the room she was in was a VIP room, as it wasn’t the regular one. There was no way she would be able to pay him back.
“Does it look like I am?”
No, it didn’t look like he was. Zabelle screamed in her head. “Does it look like I’ll be able to pay back the money?” She asked in irritation. He knew very well of her financial status, yet he thought he would get his money back.
“You know what, you’re right,” Antonio agreed with her, and she squinted her eyes in suspicion as him agreeing with her didn’t seem like a good thing. While she was waiting for him to elaborate, he turned and walked out of the room.
‘Asshole,‘ Zabelle muttered under her breath as she stared at the door. Her mind then took her to Jeremy, and she wondered what he was up to in the last month.
She cursed herself, as it had been a habit of hers to wonder what he was doing, but that had to stop. His words resonated in her head, and Zabelle clenched her fist in anger.
She wanted revenge for what he had done to her and for that to happen, she needed to get out of the hospital.
Deciding to give it one more try, seeing as she was already talking, Zabelle removed the blanket from her body and placed her legs on the floor.
However, just like the previous night, her legs couldn’t hold her weight. She quickly grabbed the drip stand so she wouldn’t
She groaned in irritation. How was she supposed to get revenge on Jeremy when she couldn’t even walk? The door opened and Antonio walked in with a duffel bag in his hands. He paused upon seeing what was happening, after which he spoke.
“Get dressed, we’re leaving,” he stated as he threw the duffel bag to her.
Zabelle didn’t make an attempt to catch it, as she didn’t want to fall. She looked at it, after which she raised her head to look at Antonio. “Leaving to where?” She inquired.
Instead of giving an answer, Antonio walked up to where she was and he stretched his hand to pull the drip stand away from her. Zabelle immediately lost her balance and she fell to the ground, with Antonio making no effort to catch her.
“Are you fucking crazy?” She yelled in anger as she knew he had done what he did on purpose.