A cruel 79

A cruel 79

Chapter 79 

Antonio watched her quietly as she finally leaned back into the pillows, the tension in her shoulders gradually easing

Zabelle was doing far much better than when she had woken up, and he was happy to see that 

He didn’t say another word, as she needed the silence to fall asleep. However, his hand remained close, a small gesture of comfort that showed he was there no matter what

Zabelle yawned, and she felt her eyes heavy once again. She stared at the ceiling, well aware of Antonio’s gaze on her

Why did you do this?she asked after a while, her voice soft and curious

Antonio glanced at her, his expression unreadable. Did what?” 

Yyou comforted me. You didn’t strike me as the kind of person who would do theemotional support thing,she paused and continued, her lips twitching into a faint, almost teasing smile despite the seriousness of the conversation

He didn’t know as well. Antonio thought to himself. It was the first time he did such, and he only did such because it was her It’s nothing,” he however brushed off, not wanting to agree that she was right

Or it’s because you’re a lot softer than you let on,Zabelle retorted. Such a big softie.” 

Antonio didn’t respond right away as a frown appeared on his face. When Zabelle noticed him frowning, she gulped as she thought she had crossed the line, but then he spoke

Nah, I’m still very cruel,he said quietly. I was only soft and comforting because it was you. I wouldn’t have care if it was any other person.” 

The words hung in the air, leaving Zabelle unsure how to respond

His words made her feel special, very special, and it wasn’t something she thought she would hear especially from someone like Antonio, who was the devil’s mentor

“Thank you,she said in a sincere tone, one that showed just how much she appreciated him, and it wasn’t just for tonight. but for everything he had done to make her feel safe

You’re welcome. Although, the thanks isn’t necessary. You’re my family and my responsibility. Antonio wanted Zabelle to realize that she had her own family, so she wouldn’t continue to make excuses for the one she had been born in 

His family, the thought, brought his breath of fresh air to his life and he smiled

Hmm,Zabelle muttered as she closed her eyes

Antonio stayed where he was, his back against the headboard, his eyes watching as Zabelle began to drift off beside him. For the first time in a long time, Zabelle felt safe, not because the storm had passed but because someone had stayed. And for Antonio, who had spent years avoiding any form of vulnerability, staying felt like a battle he was finally ready to fight

As Zabelle’s breathing became steady showing she was asleep, Antonio relaxed and his gaze lingered on her now peaceful 


One day you’ll come to love yourself completely, and you wont take any of your family’s bullshit. And I’ll make sure you know what it means to be loved,he whispered to her. 

With that, he got back into the bed, and he sighed as he wondered if he would be able to get sleep once again


Chapter 79 

Antonio groaned when he ujed to move but found himself unable to do so due to something pressing his body down. What was that, he asked himself as he sluggishly opened his eyes, but bis senses were sharp as always

He heard the soft breathing of someone, and it took him a moment to realize that the warmth pressed against his chest was all thanks to his wife

His eyes dropped to Zabelle, who was curled against him, her head resting lightly on his chest and her hand loosely wrapped around his waist. Her expression was peaceful, just the way it had been after she had gone to bed for the second time

Antonio didn’t make a noise as he didn’t want to wake her up as he wondered how they had ended up like this

He remembered staying awake until she fell asleep, and wondering whether he would be able to fall asleep once more. He was a light sleeper, and so he wondered how he didn’t feel it when she shifted to him

Not that he minded, which was strange to him once again as he hated physical touch, but once again, Zabelle had broken another one of his rules. Why was that? He asked himself. 

He reached out to Zabelle when he noticed a strand of hair hovering over her face, and he gently tucked it behind her ear so he could see her beautiful face clearly

His hand hovered for a moment before he let it rest gently on her back

He still didn’t dare move as he didn’t want to wake her too soon

She deserved this moment of peace, especially after reliving the nightmare she’d carried for so long

But as much as he wanted to stay still, his thoughts began to race. The way she had clung to him last night, the vulnerability she had shown

Zabelle was always so guarded, so fierce. Yet, she had been so vulnerable in his arms

Not that he liked the way she suffered. It was the fact that she had chosen to seek solace in his arms and the fact that she had chosen to talk about that night with him

It showed she was comfortable with him and a faint smile tugged at his lips as he looked at her once again

He’d never thought he would find himself in this position, holding someone like her. It was a strange feeling, but not unwelcome

Zabelle stirred slightly, her brow furrowing as if sensing someone watching her, and Antonio froze when he saw her eyes flutter open

She blinked sleepily, taking a moment to register where she was Then her gaze lifted to meet his, and realization dawned on 




A cruel

A cruel

Status: Ongoing


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