Chapter 6
1+5 Bonus
Louis‘ POV
She can’t find out. She can’t find out.
I tapped my fingers on my desk in a stunted,
anxious rhythm. This uncertainty, this nervousness,
was not like me. I was usually so well put together,
so confident, and full of pride. But what I had done
had reduced me to practically a sniveling mess.
“Dammit!” I shouted and slammed my palm on
my desk.
“Sir, is everything all right?” my new secretary,
Susan (a middle–aged woman; I will not make the
same mistake twice) asked as she peeked her head
into my office.
I waved a hand but couldn’t wipe the scowl on
my face as I said, “I’m fine.”
She looked at me skeptically but didn’t argue. I
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didn’t hire her to argue. I hired her to get Maya out of
life, at least until the baby came.
God, what had my life become?
When Susan left, I stood up and looked out the
I clenched my fists, staring out at the storm.
brewing in the distance. I used to be in control-
always two steps ahead, always confident. But now,
everything felt like it was slipping away, and all
because I couldn’t keep my dick in my pants.
I had worked too hard to get to this point and
watch it all slip through my fingers. Emily was
everything I wanted in a wife: loyal, graceful,
respected by everyone who mattered. We were
supposed to be untouchable, the perfect couple.
And now… well, it could all go up in flames.
If word got out, I’d be the guy who couldn’t hold
his marriage together. Everyone would see me
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differently. I’d be given glares by wives and pitying looks from husbands throughout the neighborhood
And then there was Maya, complicating
everything further. She wasn’t just some fling I
could ignore. She was Emily’s best friend, and she was freaking pregnant. Me urging her to get an
abortion did nothing. She wanted to keep the baby desperately. Part of me worried she would try to tie
me down with it. I wouldn’t be surprised.
I let out a deep, frustrated breath. No matter
how much I wanted it all to go away, I was stuck
with the consequences.
A few weeks ago when Emily and I had been
driving back from a shopping trip. She had insisted
on picking up a wedding gift for Maya. Maya’s long-
time boyfriend had poised to propose, and Emily
was excited, planning a thoughtful gift for her
friend. But I hadn’t been able to stomach the
thought of Emily spending one more moment with.
the conniving witch.
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“You’re getting her a gift? Really?” I said as my fingers clenched around the steering wheel.
She looked over with a softly raised brow. “Of course. She’s my best friend, Louis. I want to give her something meaningful for her engagement.”
“But she’s not even engaged yet.”
“I want to be prepared.”
I could feel the anger building up, but I didn’t
know how to say what I was thinking without giving
away my secret. Every time Maya and Emily were together, it felt like a ticking time bomb waiting to blow up in my face. Maya could let out the truth at
any moment–who knew what her true motives
“You need to stop spending so much time with
her,” I muttered, trying to keep my voice steady, but I
Chapter 6
saw the bite in my tone make Emily flinch.
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Emily turned to me, clearly taken aback. “Why? She’s my friend, Louis. What’s going on with you?”
“Nothing,” I snapped. “I just don’t like you being
around her. She’s… I don’t trust her.”
“That doesn’t make any sense. Maya’s been nothing but a good friend to me. She’s practically
My knuckles were white at this point. “Maybe,
but she’s not someone you should be close to anymore. I don’t want you hanging around her.”
Emily stared at me in utter shock, still not understanding. It pissed me off immensely. “Are you afraid of something? You’re acting like this is more than just… I mean, she’s my best friend, Louis. Why
does it matter so much?”
I gritted my teeth, feeling cornered by my own
actions “I’ve told you how I feel Can you just listen
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actions. “I’ve told you how I feel. Can you just listen
to me for once?”
“Fine. But I don’t understand why you’re so
upset. I don’t know what you’re playing at.”
We rode the rest of the way in silence, the
tension between us thickening with every mile. I
could feel her pulling away, her body stiff, her focus
distant. It drove me crazy. I had to do something,
make her see me, feel me again.
When we finally reached the house, I couldn’t
hold back. I swung down from the horse, my boots
hitting the dirt with a thud, and reached for her. She
didn’t fight me at first, her eyes still cloudy with
whatever was on her mind.
“Hey,” I gripped her arm gently, making her face
- me. “Look at me.”
She stared at the ground. “Don’t.”
I stepped closer, desperate to bridge the
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distance between us. “Please, just talk to me.”
Her voice was soft, weary. “I don’t have the
energy for this, Louis.”
I felt her resistance, but it only pushed me
harder. Without thinking, I kissed her, my lips
urgent, demanding. She stiffened, but I didn’t back
Her breath hitched as I slid my hand to the back
of her neck, pulling her closer. “Don’t shut me out,” I
muttered against her lips. She tried to pull away, but
I kissed her harder, my hands moving over her,
making her melt against me. Slowly, she stopped
“Louis… I-” she whispered between kisses, but
I cut her off, pulling her toward the door.
By the time we made it inside, my body was on
fire. I didn’t want to think anymore. I just needed to
feel control, something to distract me from the
shane in my hand
Chapter 6.
chaos in my head.
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I kissed her again, more urgently this time, my
hands tugging at her clothes. She didn’t protest, her
body now surrendering to mine. But as I lost myself
in her, guilt gnawed at me. I knew I was using her,
but I couldn’t stop.
Afterward, when she was asleep in my arms, I
stared at the ceiling, the satisfaction of the moment
fading quickly. What had I done? I’d pushed her,
made her feel small. I’d sealed myself in a box,
knowing I couldn’t undo it. The nagging feeling of
regret settled in, but there was no turning back.
I had my secrets, and they needed to stay
buried. I couldn’t lose everything I’d built. Not now.