A Journey of separate 47

A Journey of separate 47

Chapter 47 


I get what he’s doing. Together, we’re weaving our narrative, just like we did with Nana, and he needs me to play along

You mean after I kicked your butt when you couldn’t show me an AI art engine that can make human hands? And then you told me you hate all things sugar and I considered walking out right there?I smile, praying it doesn’t look too fake. Yeah, I remember. Third date.” 

Delly leans forward, clasping her hands together. So how did you meet? Dexter said something about a museum?” 

The NelsonAtkins,Dexter says. She’s an art nerd just like you.” 

Oh!I think Delly’s eyes blow up like golf balls. That’s where Dexter gets his charm, I think, even if on the surface it comes out very differently. How lovely. You see, the very reason I came here, dear, was to invite you to my art show this weekend.” 

Art show?I glance at Dexter, whose face stays impassive, though his fingers dip gently into my flesh

This must be it

The thing he warned me about, the inevitable formal introduction to his family, and I certainly can’t back out now

I’d love to, Delly. I’m no art snob. I just love our local scene.” 

You’ll fit right in!She beams, and I look away. Seeing how happy she is doesn’t make this any easier. It’s a casual affair. I do like to hold these little fundraisers sometimes. Dexter’s brothers have already said they’d be there, and I would love to make it a family event.” 

We’ll be there with bells on,Dexter promises so gruffly I laugh. Though next time you want to pounce on Junie, Mother, give me fair warning first.” 

Oh, stop. It’s fine,I say hurriedly, digging my elbow into Dexter’s side. He’s not in any position to complain about unexpected visits. And judging by the wry smile he aims at me, he’s well aware. It’s been fun meeting you, Delly.” 

And you, Juniper.She finishes her coffee and rises. I really should go and stop disturbing you at work. I can’t wait to see you on Sunday.” 

Same,I manage as she floats out of the store, somehow managing to command the attention of every single person 


Not that there are many nowwe’re coming up on close and we don’t have extended hours today, so the only people left in the store are being politely herded out by Sarah

She glances my way and nods politely at Dexter, then twists the sign and switches off the lights

Chapter 47 

Lights that are now fixed thanks to his money

I slide the ring off my finger and sag back into the chair. Dexter removes his arm, and I try to pretend I can’t sense the eyes of every Sugar Bowl employee glued to us like we’re a freaking live reality show

I’m never, ever going to live it down

Sorry about that,Dexter says. I came the second I heard. Didn’t have much notice she was going to descend on you.” 

Descend is the best word for it

I can still smell her perfume, something expensive and tropical. She’s nice. And really intense.” 

She’s a Rory,Dexter says with a shrug, which means I know she’s a lot. If I’d had more notice, I wouldn’t have left you alone with her.” 

Does that mean you’re a lot to handle, too?I meet his eyes, bright as the evening sky

That’s up to you, Sweet Stuff,he snorts

I don’t know if I’m qualified,I murmur, pushing my chair back and assessing what’s left to do

Too much, unfortunately

There’s still a lot of cleanup after getting those lastminute orders out the door. I’m on closing duty alone tonight after Sarah leaves because Oliver has an evening study group and Emmy called in sick

And that’s fine. I don’t mind manning the ship by myself. I’m not the kind of boss who forces her employees to drag themselves to work just so they can shower our customers with germs

Since I’m here, I was hoping we could talk about the Sugar Bowl’s daytoday operations,Dexter says

When I turn to face him with a frown, he just shrugs

Look, woman, I don’t know a damn thing about bakeries, but I intend to keep my promise. If I can advise you in any way, I might as well start now.” 

There goes my face again, morphing into a cherry tomato. Oh. Well—” 

Bye, guys!Sarah calls, waving with a wicked, knowing smile as she darts out through the back. Oliver picks up the trash as he takes off his apron, excited to leave. Probably because he has a life after his studies on a Friday night

I have a business date with a badtempered beast who only touches me when it’s time to lie

Dexter watches me from where he’s still sitting, a frown deepening between his eyebrows. You’re cleaning up by yourself?” 

It’s not so bad. Nothing new here,I say bracingly, even though my back aches at the thought. I just need to disinfect and sweep up. It’ll be over quick. If you can’t hang out that long, we can just do this another time.” 

Chapter 47 

Bye, Junie!Oliver calls as he, too, leaves out the back. The door closes and we’re alone

How often does this happen?he asks. How fucking often are you stuck here after close?” 

Oh, it can’t be more thanI count in my head. Three times this week?” 

This week?He folds his arms and his eyes rip through me. How many hours do you work. Junie?” 

A lot. But the good news is, if we keep doing this well, I’m thinking about hiring a few new parttimers to handle the evenings we’re open later, so- 

That doesn’t answer my question, sweetheart.Sweet Jesus

Even the way he says sweetheart makes my heart flutter, just as much as it stalls me in my tracks

I need to get a grip

But then he rolls up his sleeves and I lose my last hope of having any coherent thoughts

He’s obscenely muscled, but I already knew that

What I didn’t expect was the detailed mess of military tattoos spiraling up his forearms, all black and stark and a little dangerous

He was in the Army, I think, judging by the eagles

Now the indoor gym routine from hell makes sense, and so does that physique. The military honed him into a human work of art, and Dex hasn’t stopped honing

Junie?he asks

I realize I’ve been staring. Maybe drooling

My heart rockets up my throat. I’m pretty sure I’m reaching new levels of deathbycrush

I really wish I could figure out how to not spend my life blushing around this guy

Right. Um.I need to find some chill before he thinks I’m utterly insane. Yes, well, I work a lot. But so do you. Where’s the harm in that?” 

A sad smile touches his mouth. There’s a difference between burning the midnight oil and burning yourself down, Junie. When you’re this worn out, you need a break. You need to delegate. That’s where you can help yourself, by bringing more hands on board.” 

Jeez, he’s being nice

I mean, what counts for nice in his own growly, overprotective way. But there’s real concern in his voice

He cares, and that leaves my heart that much more wrecked

Chapter 47 

I’ll be fine, Dex. But maybe we can talk another time? I really don’t want to make you wait around.” 

What do you mean?He spreads his hands. I’m here now, aren’t I? Put me to work. We can talk specifics while we clean up. Show me what goes on behind the scenes. I don’t know jack about bakeries, but a man can learn.” 


How is he so perfect he renders me incoherent? Youyou don’t need to do that. Honestly.” 

And you don’t need to drag yourself home to another cold bowl of chili,he rumbles with a knowing look. Tell me what you need.” 

Out of arguments, I point him to a broom and start on the tables, swiping the crumbs aside so he can catch them as he goes past

As we work, we talk about the Sugar Bowl. I run him through the routine, from the preopening prep to closing cleanup

He asks probing questions

Like where we source our ingredients, how often they’re delivered, whether we have a website and what state it’s in. The last one’s pretty embarrassingwe do have a website, but it hasn’t been updated in seven years, and it shows

We’re barely equipped to answer emails, much less handle mobile orders. And when it comes to having a nifty app. I might as well wish for a unicorn

An hour later, I can’t say I mind the extra muscle

Working together, we blow through everything a lot faster than usual. I set Dex to mopping the front while I clean up the equipment in the back

What about your plans for upgrades and renovations?he asks as I exit the kitchen. The floor’s almost finished, too, gleaming wet and smelling like fresh lemon. A floor that we’ll have to do something with eventually if we ever want to shake off decades of wear and grout grime. I made a tentative inventory last night of the stuff I’ve seen here, but I was wondering what you were thinking.” 

He made an inventory? Last night? On his own time? He needs to stop before I cry

We don’t have to talk more business,I tell him. It’s getting late and we’ve got a good start.” 

I hang my apron up and switch off the lights, plunging half of the store into darkness. He looks diabolically good when he works like that, the shirt tight against his back with his biceps bunching

Damn, those muscles

I shouldn’t be looking and I know it

He’s my fake fiancé, not a piece of red meat

I close the distance between us, trying not to check him out obsessively, even though that’s totally what I’m doing

Chapter 47 

Well, if you really want to know, I’m thinking about replacing the mixers and ovens first and-” 

I’m not paying attention. My feet slide out from under me and the next second I’m windmilling violently, flapping my arms and trying to catch my balance

For a hot second, everything slows down. I hear Dexter swear

I feel a thick, strong hand grabbing my arm and jerking me up

Before I can blink again, he hauls me upright and suddenly I’m against the wall in front of him, barely breathing

Yes, it’s every cheesy romcom scene come to life, complete with the clumsy almostfall where the hero literally sweeps you off your feet

In the movies, this is where Prince Charming kisses me like he can’t live without me. And I’m flustered but I’m able to breathlessly confess how much I want this, how I’ve been dreaming about him nonstop

Oh, I’ve definitely done some dreaming, all right

But since this is real life and not a dream, I’m just an overheated mess

I’m pressed against the wall with Dexter Rory leaning over me with less than an inch of space between us, that firm hand still on my upper arm, his heat impossible to escape

He smells so intense, that teakwood cologne doused in testosterone

I lick my lips, trying to convince myself that jumping his bones in the middle of my store might not be the best decision

Then his gaze dips to my mouth, studying my lips like they’re a ripe strawberry

My breath catches

I’m so dizzy that if he wasn’t holding me up, I think I’d fall right over again


Like he needs another chance to notice how pathetically into him I am, craving against my better judgmentagainst any judgmentand how much my body wants him with an ache that’s obscene

The desire sinks to my core

The thought of kissing him again feels like warm water, this steamy liquid gravity pulling me under

He looks up at me again and the heat in his eyes strips the oxygen from my lungs, brandishing a hunger that ties me 

in knots

Holy mother of God

Worst of all, I think we’re both dumbstruck, too drunk on the moment to even speak

Chapter 47 

His breath is too heavy

It falls across my lips until I can’t think past the urge to let him devour me, to find out what that rough, scary mouth 

of his can do to me

What would his kiss feel like on my skin

What would he do if he knew he could just strip me down and let that evil mouth roam wild and— 

His lips slam into mine with a groan erupting from his depths. I’m toasting a human volcano and it’s as delirious as it sounds

I can’t feel my legs anymore as he lifts me up, the better to taste me, melting me down in his arms for a heavenly 


Then he jerks back like I’m electrified, his eyes flicking to mine, stormy and troubled

Junie, you can’t do that shit.He’s snarling when he releases my arm and veers away, cursing under his breath. I’ll pick you up this weekend. We can talk in more detail after the art show. You’re right, this isn’t the time or place,he says, his voice burned

Dex, Iokay, yeah. This weekend.” 

He clears his throat and heads to the door. I’ll bring you my full report on the Sugar Bowl then. Just send me a few of your financials like we discussed and I’ll throw it back.” 

My heart sinks like a dead balloon

There are other things I’d like him to throw. Namely me

Be nice, girl. He’s being the adult here since you can’t. 

Ssure thing. Thanks forcatching me. That would’ve left a nasty bruise,I call after him, wishing my voice wasn’t so ragged. See you Sunday.” 

He raises a hand to wave as he almost runs to his car, but he doesn’t look back at me

My face falls

I’m the one causing this confusion

I’m almost certain he’s sporting the world’s largest hardon and it kills me. Which is only fair, considering my lady bits are one more kiss away from starting the place on fire

I pick up some glass cleaner and a cloth and throw myself into wiping windows, scrubbing harder than I need to, finishing what we started cleaning and wishing viciously that he could finish what we started, too

When did I get this pathetic? Good God

This whole thing would be easier with a man who was even marginally less attractive. But really, I got lucky

Chapter 47 

I’m doing an incredibly stupid thing with a man who’s not the uptight, moneyaddicted monster he seemed to be at 


In fact, he’s such a gentleman it’s driving me bonkers

I scowl at my reflection in the clean window like it’s about to put a hex on me

This was a crime of passion

A bigger mistake barely averted

So why do I wish so badly we’d made it again

Because we’ll see each other on Sunday. Then we’ll have to pretend we don’t know the meaning of sexual tension while it’s eating us alive

In other words, I’m so comically screwed I have to keep laughing through the rest of the night so I don’t break down in a crying fit

Chapter 43 

Chapter 48 


A Journey of separate

A Journey of separate

Status: Ongoing


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