Chapter 21
The man was still on his knee before me, a look of remorse in his eyes. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing as well. Princess? Where thesy referring to me? Maybe they were talking to someone else.
1 don’t”
It hurt each time I tried to talk or even try to breathe. I grimaced as a sharp wave of pain filled my chest. Was this what dying felt like?
“You don’t have to be scared. I’m your bodyguard. We’ll get you out of here, princess.” The man slowly got up to his feet and made his way closer to me.
He began to examine my body and the blood coming out of my mouth. There was a deep frown on his face as he began to lift me up.
“Stop right there!”
Froste marched towards the man and tried to push him away. The bodyguard was like a stone wall. unmoving and frozen in place. Froste’s expression changed to that of anger and rage. The man however, was not fazed at all by any of it.
“And you are?” He stared at Froste with an impassive look on his face.
“Alpha of Galaxy Pack.” He said proudly. “You have no right to just come in here and try to take my Luna away. And what’s with this whole princess bullshit?”
“Like I said,” The guard started calmly, “We’ve come to take the princess. You’d do well to let me do my job easily.”
Froste inched closer to the man, closing the distance between them. His whole body was shaking with rage and he wanted nothing more than to punch him hard across the face.
“She stays here. I’d get the hell out of here if I were you.”
The man cocked his head to the side, an amused smile on his face. He probably thought all of what Froste was saying was hilarious. If I wasn’t so out of it, I might actually have been able to get a better talk with
this man.
Everything hurt so bad and all I could think about was the pain coursing through my veins. I let out another painful cough, feeling something spill out of my mouth. No doubt it was more blood.
ALPHA’S ENDLESS REGRET. After The Barren Luna’s Leave
napter 21
The man’s gaze flickered to me. I could see a look of worry in his eyes. He turned hack to look at Froste, a small fire burning behind his eyes. He wasn’t smiling anymore.
“Miss Giselle is the daughter to the Luciano family.” The guard announced.
The whole place was immediately filled with murmurs as they all turned to each other. Even Froste
looked dumbfounded upon hearing it.
“She’s the daughter of the Luciano family?”
“I find that hard to believe.”
I found it hard to believe what I was hearing to. The Luciano family was one of the richest families in the whole of Alpha. They were considered royalty among werewolves.
“What?” Froste asked, a shocked look on his face.
Even Caroline was finding it hard to believe what she’d heard. The man ignored most of them and made
way closer to him.
“I don’t believe I introduced myself. I’m Blair. I’m your head of your squad of bodyguards, princess. I was sent here on orders of your five brothers. Would you like to go see them?”
He had a kind smile on his face as he offered me a hand. I stared at his hand for a moment, finding it hard to believe all I was hearing. She had five brothers?
“How did you find me?” She asked, the question taking a lot more effort than necessary.
The man pointed at Caroline who was still standing in a corner. She looked shocked by all that was going on. All eyes fell on her immediately.
“Your birthmark. When she was assaulting you on live, we saw your birthmark on your back. The
symbol of House Luciano.”
My eyes widened as I slowly connected the dots. I had a small birthmark in the shape of a moon on my back. I didn’t know it had been revealed when Caroline was assaulting me. I couldn’t believe I had been so vulnerable on live. Who knew how many people had seen it already?
Caroline was the first to get over her shock as she marched towards us, her heels clanking against the
tiled floor.
ALPHA’S ENDLESS REGRET: After The Barren Luna’s Leave:
Chapter 21
“You insolent hitch. I don’t care what kind of stupid act you’re playing with these goons you hired, but you’re not going to get away with this.”
I put
head down, my cheeks burning in embarrassment and anger. When I raised my head again, I held my breath.
She turned to the crowd of people watching. “I bet these men here are her customers. Won’t be hard for this whore to get people to play out her little drama.“
Chapter 22