Chapter 15
Katrina draped her peacoat over her shoulders and put the baseball tickets safely in the side pocket of her case. Sise left her office, glancing down at her phone and checking the time. It was a little bit earlier than she usually went home, but she wasn’t complaining.
She walked out to the hallway, stopping and closing her office door. She was about to go to the elevator when she glanced at Kylan’s office. He was sitting at his desk, leaning back in his chair, with his hands clasped across his stomach. His expression was sullen as he stared outside
She hesitated for a moment. Should she go talk to him? She usually gave him space when he got like this. He had also told her to go home. But he looked so. Tired
Against what was probably her better judgment, she walked to his office and peered her head inside the half–open doorway. “Sir! Did you need anything else before I leaver” she asked, moving to step inside his office.
Kylan ran his hands down his face and sighed. “No, she can go.” He sounded exhausted; the dark circles under his eyes were even more prominent than they had been this morning.
She wasn’t sure what made her do it, but she was overcome with new compassion she had never felt toward her boss.
“Have you had dinner, Sir?” she asked him as casually as
as she could.
Kylan laughed bitterly. “No, I haven’t.” He yawned widely and she looked at him curiously.
“Would you like to go get dinner with me, Sir?” she asked him in a sudden rush of boldness.
They didn’t need to spend more time together right now. Their date wasn’t until tomorrow.
morrow. The social media post was already created from the gala. And yet, she couldn’t help but feel like he didn’t want to be alone right now. And with no other plans of her own, she didn’t feel all too strange about inviting him out to dinner. It was only a meal, after all.
Kylan looked up at her, his arms folded over his chest. “You’re under no contractual obligation to spend any more time with me today,” he said, his voice flat and devoid of emotion.
She rolled her eyes. “I know that. I was planning on going somewhere for dinner, anyway. If you want to tag along, let me know. I’ll have Oscar head
to the car if that’s the case.
Katrina looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to say something.
He stared at her for a long time. So long that she turned and began to leave the room after a while.
“Til pick,” Kylan mumbled from behind her.
She turned and flashed him a grin over her shoulder. She started making her way to the elevator, and Kylan joined her a moment later.
He looked at her from the corner of his eyes, his hands back in the depths of his pockets. “Did anyone say anything to you today?” he asked, glancing up at the elevator as the numbers above it indicated it was near the top floor.
She shook her head. “No, but I spent most of my day with you, so that isn’t too surprising. I’m sure people will have their opinions. I told you I’m prepared to deal with it, though.” She shrugged just as the elevator door popped open, and she stepped inside.
Kylan stepped in behind her and pressed the button for the parking garage. “We never quite addressed a few things, and I think we should go over those at dinner” he said quiety, staring down at his shoes,
“That’s fine, Sir,” she assured him.
She saw him nod his head out of the corner of her eye, and then the rest of the elevator ride was spent in silence.
Kylan chose a steakhouse for dinner, and the restaurant’s hostess walked her to table when she arrived. She sat down, and Kylan sat opposite her.
Katrina adjusted her coat to drape across the back of her chair. She pulled her hair across one shoulder and then opened the menu on the table. Kylan was quiet in the seat across from her, and she looked up at him. He was already staring at her, his expression as unreadable as it always was
“What did you want to talk about, Sir?” she asked as the waiter ca
came to take her drink order. “Water for me, please,” she told him with a polite smile. Kylan ordered his usual whiskey neat, and the water wandered off to make their drinks. “Do you think you’ll ever not need to be reminded to call me kylan when we’re out like this?” he asked, leaning back in his chair and crossing both his arms and legs.
“This isn’t a date, and I’m not sure if you wanted to talk to me about something work–related, or personal,” she reminded him, setting her forearms on the table and resting her chin in her hands while she looked at him
“When have we ever had dinner just the two of us before we signed the contract?” he reminded her right back.
Chapter 15
is our dinners with Keith, I suppose
She nodded and laughed. “I suppose you’re right. We never did that. The closest thing is our i
The waiter dropped their drinks off and she sippel on her water, staring down at the menu once more
Kylan cleared his throat. “I feel like my reaction to you touching my face at the gala, followed by our strange kiss, as I’ll refer to it as, has made me realize we should go over boundaries in more depth.” He sat up straight in his chair and eyed her carefully now.
She supposed what he was saying made sense. He had reacted oddly to her touching his face. And then that kiss.. It was Luughably bail. Hut now that she knew how he felt about kissing, she wasn’t looking to step on any of his toes
“1 agree. Would you like to lead the conversation?” she asked, lifting her water glass and taking another drink.
Kylan seemed to consider her words for a moment. “I’m interested to hear her thoughts,” he finally responded.
She nodded, setting her glass back on the table and rubbing away some of the built–up condensations on its surface. “I am comfortable with hand holding hugging, or if you put your arm around my waist.” This felt oddly like a business transaction, where she was listing out her terms, andi way, she supposed it was a business deal like any other. “If kissing means something different to you, we can work around not having to do that again, she offered.
A strange facial expression flashed across Kylan’s face for a fraction of a second but it wasn’t long enough for her to properly decipher what it was. If she had to name it though, she would say that he looked almost.. sad.
“I don’t kiss the women I sleep with. I understand this is a different situation, and I’m attempting to separate myself from all of it but.. I would certainly prefer not to kiss you again if it can be avoided,” Kylan spoke so matter of fact, so clinical, Katrina couldn’t help the slight wince that her face did in response to his words.
It wasn’t like she wanted to kiss Kylan. And she knew why he didn’t want to kiss her. But even still, it made her uncomfortable to be rejected in a way. Katrina took another gulp of water, doing her best to silently brush by the fact that she had winced.
Kylan was frowning at her, but she gave him what she hoped was a reassuring smile. “Of course, Kylan. I don’t want to do anything that will make you uncomfortable,” she said, thankful that her voice at least sounded fairly steady. “Are you uncomfortable with anything else I mentioned!” she asked him, opting to now speak just as clinically as he did.
“Everything else is fine, yes I did wonder though, do you feel like we should hold hands and all else, every time we’re in public together! In case someone snups a photo of us,” Kylan asked her, taking a drink of his whiskey as soon as he was finished speaking.
She shrugged her shoulders. “It couldn’t hurt. There are many instances that spark gossip, when a couple in the spotlight, isn’t affectionate enough in public. If we want to avoid something like that from potentially happening, we should appear to always be dating when we’re out like this.”
The waiter came by to take their orders then, and she sealed on a ribeye and potatoes, with Kylan following her lead and ordering the same. The waiter left once more, and Kylan looked back at her.
“Plan on holding hands with me any time we leave the office together, or if we’re on a date. The exceptions are obviously going to be if we’re in a business meeting or another inappropriate work setting,” Kylan instructed, his CEO voice peeking through for a moment. She wondered absently if he were aware of having a voice like that at times.
“That sounds reasonable,” she agreed, the waiter dropping off their food as the finished speaking
They began eating in silence, but it wasn’t an entirely awkward one, and she didn’t feel the need to say anything as they both ate their food. A while later, she dabbed her face with a napkin and looked at Kylan curiously. “Would you prefer a hat or a jersey?” she asked innocently.
Kylan narrowed his eyes at her. “Neither. Whatever you’re thinking, stop it right now,” he told her seriously.
She laughed and shook her head. “I won’t. Would you prefer to wear a hat, or a jersey, at the game tomorrow?” she asked again. “You need to look the part, Kylan. All eyes will definitely be on you, at least a few times,” she reminded him
“Feking hell You and Ryan are both shits,” Kylan groaned and downed the rest of his whiskey. “If I must choose, get me a f*cking hat,” he said the words like they were disgusting, and she couldn’t help but laugh again.
“Thank you for choosing. I’ll do just that.” She flashed him a winning smile, and he shook his head at her again.
The remainder of the dinner was spent planning out the rest of the work week, reminding Kylan that they had a game of golf with James Hughes on Wednesday. To her surprise, he only complained a fraction of the amount she thought he would. Perhaps he understood how beneficial it would be to partner with him for the Nightfall, or maybe he was just exhausted after lighting her and Ryan already earlier.
She finished eating dinner, standing and stretching to put her jacket on Kylan came around the table, grabbed her jacket for her, and helped her slip it on. She felt her face heat up, but she let him help her. She turned around, facing him now. She was wearing flats today, which meant Kylan was towering over her. She was at shoulder level with him, and she had to look up at him to see what he would do next. He seemed to hesitate for a second before he reached his hand forward and took hold of her own
His hand was warm, and firm. His grip was strong, and she hoped her own hand wasn’t sweaty from the sudden nerves she was feeling. Would she ever get used to holding his hand? Would it ever feel like she wasn’t breaking the rules, every time she did it
12:59 PM c d .
Chapter 15
He walked her to the front of the establishment, paying for the entire dinner at the front counter. She ignored the few looks that she got from patrons eating their dinner, and then Kylan opened the door to the restaurant, and she was once again outside.
The rain had subsided before they entered to eat dinner, but it had picked back up again while they were inside. She also realized that Oscar hadn’t pulled the car around yet.
She had only been outside for a moment, but she was already sopping wet and freezing. Kylan pulled her under the awning near the restaurant and they stood shoulder to shoulder, hands still entwined.
Her teeth began to chatter while Kylan looked down at his phone and sent another message to Oscar.
“Come here,” he mumbled, putting his phone away and turning so that he could wrap his arms around her waist. “There are a few people watching might as well give them a show.” He breathed into her ear. “Act as if you’re enjoying being close to me,” he added.
Katrina swallowed, her throat suddenly becoming dry. He was standing so close to her, she realized. So close, she could smell his cologne and mixed together with the natural smell of the rainstorm. She looked up at him and found he was once again, already staring at her. He had beautiful eyes, she had to admit. They were the strangest shade of grey, with flecks of blue, if she paid attention enough to see them.
“I can do that,” she whispered. She leaned forward and tentatively pressed her forehead against his, noticing how his bangs nearly fell forward into his field of vision
Katrina held eye contact with him, both of them breathing in each other’s air. She felt Rylan tighten his hold around her waist, while her hands rested on his chest. The fabric of his expensive button–down felt nice and comforting, along with the feeling of his muscles beneath her fingertips.
The whole thing was intoxicating in a way, which immediately felt wrong to her. All wrong. She was standing so close to her boss, and she knew it was inappropriate. And yet, she couldn’t deny the strange warmth it sent through her body. Or maybe that was just his body heat, she wasn’t sure
Her eyes scanned his face, subconsciously trailing the shape of his lips for a fleeting second. She noticed that he was doing the same to her, and the air around them felt different for a beat before she saw Oscar park the SUV over Kylan’s shoulder.
She tapped his chest, nodding her head in the direction of her driver. Kylan stepped back from her, holding her hand still, and lead her to the car without a word
He helped her inside and shuffled in after her. He let go of her hand, and her fingers tingled at the loss of contact. She rubbed them on her th choosing to stare out her window, instead of having to look at Kylan right now.
Oscar drove them home, and neither she nor Kylan said anything for the duration of the ride. When they reached her apartment building. Kylan helped her out once more.
“Thank you for the dinner. And for the money, you sent me after the gala, I of Kylan, feeling slightly awkward and uncomfortable
I uh. I paid off a portion of my loans, as instructed.” She stood in front
Kylan nodded slowly. “Good to hear that. Get some rest, Katrina.” He gave her one last glance and then turned and got back in the car, not really making eye contact with her as he did so.
She watched the SUV as it faded from view away down the road, her mind going temporarily blank.
This felt like one of those variables she had been worried about when she signed the contract. She was constantly going to be balancing on a tightrope, of sorts,
The fine line between what was
was appropriate, and what wasn’t. The even finer line of reminding both her mind and body, that this was all for show. Her head began to ache, and the rain picked up in intensity around her.
She glanced up at the angry mixture of grey clouds adorning the sky above her, closing her eyes and breathing in the fresh smell of rain to steady
Glancing down the road in the direction Kylan had left, she finally headed inside to do research on whee
tomorrow’s game.
pushed the i
she could buy a jersey and hat for
image of the lightrope from her mind for now, instead choosing to focus on what was obvious:
This was all pretend.