Chapter 38
By the time Katrina got home from work that night, she was exhausted. So exhausted, that she contemplated not eating dinner at all.
Whenever Kylan went out of town, it always meant more work for her beforehand. This week had been no exception, and she was spent
She put away her briefcase and finally kicked off her heels, her feet immediately thanking her. She rolled each of her ankles a few times and then forced herself to go into her kitchen and look for something to eat.
Katrina settled on making some pasta, pulling a small pot from a cabinet near the stove and filling it with the appropriate amount of water. Setting it on a burner, she turned it on and then leaned against her commer
A notification on her phone reminded her it was time to check into her coming flight, and she did so for Kylan as well. Yawning she poured the pasta into the now boiling water. She shifted around her kitchen in search of a wine glass. Once she found one, she pulled a half–empty boule of the liquid from her fridge, flicked the cork off, and filled the glass on the kitchen counter
she stirred the noodles periodically, taking absent sips of her wine every so often. She was pulled out of her sleepy revere by a knock on her front
one she didn’t know. They were
She set down her wine glass, tentatively walking over to the door Glancing through the peephole, she saw someone holding a white bag in their hands, glancing down at their watch periodically
she unlocked her door and opened it a fraction of the way. “Can I help you?” she asked the stranger, eyeing him wearily.
“Katrina Morgan? I have her order here.” The man indicated to the bag in his hands, holding it out to her.
She frowned at him. She hadn’t ordered anything! “Are you certain this is meant for me?” She didn’t take the bag, instead staring at it in confusion.
The guy looked at the recript on the bag and then back at her, shrugging. “I got your name and apartment number on it does it not?” he said fadly
“Okay. Um, thank you.” She grabbed the bag from him. “Just a second.” She disappeared inside her apartment, setting the bag down on her kitchen counter. She opened her nearby briefcase and withdrew a few dollars from her wallet. She returned and handed the tip to the guy. “Thank you.” She smiled at him and then closed her door, sliding the deadbolt back in place.
She glanced at the boiling noodles on her stove and then opened the bag on the counter, taking a look inside. She smiled when she realized she knew exactly where the food was from. The Chinese restaurant she and Kylan were both fond of. The same place that he had ordered food from the night she was at the office working late.
She knew he sent it. He was the only person that made sense
She grabbed her phone and dialed his number before she could overthink doing so. This was a nice gesture, a very nice one. Especially after a week of almost awkwardness since their last kiss.
a word in
Kylan answered on the third ring. “Thank you. Sir. You didn’t need to do that” she said before he could get a w
“You worked hard this week. Today, especially.”
She turned off the burner on the stove and then placed her phone on speaker, setting it down on the counter. She shed a colander out of a cupboard and then poured both the steaming water and noodles into R.
“I appreciate it. Sir” the paused, glancing at the bag. “This is quite a bit of food for just me. Leftovers won’t hold up very well in my fridge over the Dext few days. If you’re not uch, busy. You’re welcome to come to eat with me?”
Kylan was quiet on the other end of the line, and she worried she said the wrong thing.
You don’t have to…. it was only an invitation, she quickly corrected.
She smacked a hand on her forehead, shaking her head at herself for how ridiculous she sounded. She sighed and found some spare Tupperware, putting the noodles inside and then cuts a shell in the fridge
“Thank you for the invitation. I have a few things I need to do before our flight tomorrow. You should go to sleep after you’re done eating. Katrina.”
She ignored the slight swinge of disappointment she fek at his rejection. Of course. Sir Thank you again. Make sure you take her sleeping medication, so you’re not tired of our trip. Her eyes moved to her birtliday painting, and she båt her inner cheek. “Thank you again for agreeing to meet my father. I assure you; it will mean a lot to him, she told him sincerely.
Despite her nerves about how to sell her relationship to her father, she knew it did mean a lot to him. She had to believe the rest would sort itself.
“He knows we’re not staying with him, correct!”
She felt herself nod, even though he couldn’t see her doing so. “He does. He’s not exactly thrilled about it, but he understands. He said he knows we want to have uh, privacy.” She cleared her throat, feeling her face flush warm.
Chapter 38
“wood. Fat up and get some sleep. Katrina”
Right. You too. Str. Thank you again. I see you tomorrow She waited to see if Kylan would say anything else, but the line choked dead and so the
locked her phone.
she couldn’t help the smile from creeping up on her face as she looked over the food he got for her. He even ordered her fortune cookies, and her sonide only grew,
Katrina ate and slept well that might, all the nervous anticipation of her trip momentarily forgotten.
ready for a shorter
er day at work, opting to take both her suitcase and a traveling outfit with her.
Oscar was already waiting for her when she headed down to the curb near her building, rolling her suitcase alongside her. He stepped away from the car at the sight of her, grabbing her luggage and lifting it easily into the trunk of the SUV
With a smile at her, he opened the back door and watted for her to climb inside. Once she was buckled and on the road. Oscar extended a hand behind him and she looked at it, smiling brightly when she realized he was holding another bag of candy,
She took from him and chuckled. “Lemon sours this time. Oscar?” she asked him, ripping a small hole in the top of the bag, and then plopping one of the pieces into her mouth, a smile still on her face.
1 imagine the idea of the coming weekend might be daunting for you. Katrina. I wanted to help, came Oscar’s sheepish response,
She leaned forward in her seat, straining against her seatbelt so she could put a hand on his shoulder for a moment. “You’re always thinking of me Oscar. Thank you. She meant it entirely.
car gave her hand a quiet pat grinning at her in the rearview mirror.
She stacked on the candy periodically during the drive. her nerves settling with each piece she ate. And when Kylan called to complain about an interni that spilled water on a report he needed to submit before her flight, she didn’t mind dealing with him. Not one but.