Chapter 56
It was all subtle things and quiet looks over the rest of the week. Such as the fact that Kylan actually thanked her for the tea she brought him day. The first time he did it she had to refrain from asking if he was feeling alright.
Katrina had also found bags of candy on her desk more than once, and she could only assume they were either from Oscar, or her boss Oscar typically gave her any candy himself, so she surmised it had to be her boss.
What was more than any of those things, Kylan made an effort to seek and hold eye contact with her. He made an effort to address her professionally and with more poise in his voice and demeanor than usual,
She was still on edge, the thought of cuting off the contract completely never too far from her mind. It was nice to see him make an effort with her. but it was also frustrating that nothing was ever truly addressed or talked about.
Like what the hell happened at the hotel room in Maine, or why he was such a distant asshole afterward, to begin with,
INICIy that? Why did he not break the contract
If it was indeed him wanting to create distance in order to honor the contract, why did he himself? It wasn’t like she had gone on a date with him since Maine and she was running out of things to satiate the public audience with, her heart not entirely in it anymore.
She pondered talking to Ryan about Kylan’s behavior, but she thought better of it. She still respected Kylan’s privacy enough not to step across a line like that. Not yet, anyway. Not if he continued to treat her with more respect.
By Friday, Katrina was equal parts exhausted and happy it was almost the weekend. Their Ireland trip was fast approaching, which meant she was tasked with preparing for the four–day conference and anything ourside of it – which includes their “honeymoon” getaway during her weeklong trip across the pond.
She had a few more emails to respond to before she could go home, but her eyes were bleary, and her shoulders were aching
Her body all but forced her to take a break, dropping her head into her hands and rubbing her temples with a tired sigh.
“Call it a night
come get dinner with me.” Kylan’s low baritone resounded from the doorway.
She frowned and looked up at him. “I need to send this last email off to James.” She yawned, putting the back of her hand against her mouth to be polite.
She watched Kylan walk over to her, stopping near her chair and extending his hand for her to take. “James can wait. Let me take you to dinner. Kate Please?”
She stared at his hand for a moment, considering his invitation. “Is this a date, Sir?” She felt like it was important to clarify. “Or rather, is the contract still fully in play!” An even more important thing to clarify
Kylan’s eyebrows furrowed, his frown deepening. “Of course, it’s in play, Katrina. [. Look, I understand things have been. Well, shit. Let’s just. Can I please take you to dinner?” He was visibly uncomfortable, and she wondered not for the first time why it was so obviously difficult for him to talk about his feelings.
She decided to show him a bit of mercy. “Okay, sure. You can take me to dinner, yeah” She looked at her computer, saving the draft of the email before she shut the machine down for the night. “I think it’s snowing outside. Do you know if Oscar went home already?” She took his hand and stood from her chair, then let go so she could slip her jacket on.
“I let Oscar have a half day. He had a doctor’s appointment this afternoon. I brought my car,” followed her out into the hallway.
y nearly
“A doctor’s appointment? Is he okay?” Her mind filled with worry
Kylan responded, his hands in his pockets while he
instantly. Oscar was important to her, now more than he ever had been
Kylan hummed in reply. “He’s fine. I believe it was only a yearly exam.” He pressed the button on the elevator at the end of the hall and looked at her. “What are you doing tomorrow?
She looked back at him, trying to figure out his mood like she had been all week. “Aaron wanted to go get drinks. Why are you asking?” The elevator doors opened, and they both stepped inside, her finger finding the button for the parking garage and pressing it.
“Are you free during the afternoon?” Kylan leaned against the adjacent side of the elevator, his hands still in his pockets.
“I can be, yes” Katrina said the words slowly, carefully. She was more on guard with him than she realized, and she didn’t know how to feel about him continuing the contract after a month of near silence.
Kylan nodded, pushing off from the wall when the elevator doors pulled open. “I’ll pack you up tomorrow around two it that works for your schedule.” He led the way to his car, and she trailed closely behind hine.
“That works fine,” she agreed with him, staring at the back of his head. It looked like he had recently trimmed his hair, and she wondered if it was in preparation for her trip out of the country.
Kylan stopped near an all–white SUV, and she couldn’t help the raise of her eyebrows. “Of course, you have a Bentley”
2:54 РМ
Chapter 56
He rolled his eyes and opened the passenger door for her. She flashed him a quick smile and then climbed inside, shivering against the cold leather
of the seat
Maine. She mostly stared ourside at the falling
The drive to dinner was mostly spent in silence, but it was more amicable than it had been since Mai snow, soft jazz drifting through the speakers of the car.
She couldn’t keep the surprise off her face when she realized Kylan was taking her back to the French restaurant. She looked at him, her eyes trading his side profile while he found a parking stall near the establishment.
“Here again?” she couldn’t help but ask him.
Kylan cut the engine to the SUV, staring straight out the windshield still. “I thought we could make a new memory here, considering the last one wasn’t the best.” He didn’t look at her once while he spoke, his voice quier and guarded.
What was he thinking? It was incredible he cared at all. “I thought the article was meant to come out today.” She folded her arms over her chest, willing him to meet her gaze.
*I asked her to make a few revisions. Or rather, I threatened her that if she didn’t, she would hear from Stephanie. Kylan finally did meet her gaze, and she frowned when she saw how tired he suddenly looked.
“What sort of revisions?” she pressed him, already having an idea what he might say.
Kylan ran his fingers through his hair, sighing as he did. “She wasn’t very accommodating toward you; I’ll tell you that much. I don’t think she appreciated that I turned down her propositions.” He kept his eyes trained on her; his lips pulled together in a tight line.
She snorted, shaking her head, and letting out a bitter laugh. “She’d have a field day if she knew you didn’t actually give a shit about me.” She sighed and moved to open her door.
A hand on her arm caused her to pause. She stared at Kylan, who stared back at her with his usual guarded expression.
She stayed like that for a few minutes, the snow quietly falling along the surface of the car, the glow of nearby lampposts illuminating the interior of the SUV.
“Shall we go inside, Kylan?” Saying his name again in a setting like this was oddly refreshing, she had to admit.
Kylan swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he did. “Katrina.. I just…” he stopped and openly grimaced.
She smiled at him, her heart running an odd marathon in her chest. “Let’s go, okay? It’s cold” She turned back and opened her door this time.
Kylan was at her side rather
er quickly, reaching for and taking her hand much more firmly than in his usual fashion.
What she wouldn’t give to understand what the hell went on in the dark recesses of his damn mand.