Boss CEO Chapter 83

Boss CEO Chapter 83

Chapter 83 

Kylan really didn’t like surprises. He was clearly anxious while he drove her to their destination, his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly, his right knee bouncing a nearly invisible amount 

She wondered if she would have noticed the small tells he was giving off had it not been for Christmas Eve. Now though, she felt familiar with the subtle hints of his anxiety, even when he wouldn’t vocalize them

Katrina casually placed a hand over his dancing knee, striking up a conversation with him about chess while he drove. She didn’t honesty care much for the game, but he did. It relaxed him, and that was all she wanted him to be right now, Relaxed Unbothered about the many things she needed to figure out, to talk about

This would be her best date. Her first real and honest date. She tried not to allow her nerves to overwhelm her, instead throwing herself into the conversation with Rylan 

It was quietly exhilarating, watching Kylan virtually melt next to her while he passionately delved into the intricacies of chess. It was clear he had spent a ridiculous amount of time perfecting the art of playing, and he was all too happy to tell her everything about the game as a result

She listened intently, her palm still resting on his leg that was no longer bouncing, glancing out at the setting sun while Kylan took her to the destination that he knew nothing about

It was comfortable and, at that moment, she felt safe


By the time they reached the small, brown brick building that was nestled amongst others of a similar Eshion, the sun had long since set and a relentless December chill had taken hold of the evening

When Kylan helped her out of the SUV, she didn’t hesitate to take his hand in hers. It was second nature, at this point. And yet, this time it felt undeniably different. It felt real, like there wasn’t a line or a boundary she was nervous to cross anymore

Every possible line, every single barrier had already been erased and she was no longer worried about pretending like she didn’t want to hold Kylan’s hand while he led her into the establishment of her choosing 

It took him only a moment to realize where she was, but not why 

A cafe?he asked her upon entering, staring up at the low ceiling and the various wrapping greenery that hung from it

The atmosphere was both relaxing and warm, the smell of the many vines and plants emanating in tendrils to her waiting nose, Soft music played from somewhere she couldn’t see, and her eyes took in the wellpositioned tables, as well as the low lighting that flickered across patrons faces as they smiled and enjoyed their own memories in the making 

Not just a cafe,” she whispered to Kylan, squeezing his hand once before she guided him over to a counter near the front of the cafe

Kylan came willingly, staring around at the candles flickering atop each table and at the white lace tablecloths that covered them all

I have a reservation for two under Morgan,” she kindly told the worker situated behind the counter

They gave her a smile and nodded, pointing to a table near the center of the large room. That’s your table. Go ahead and make yourselves comfortable. I’ll have your server meet you.” 

She gave them a smile of her own and then pulled Kylan along to the indicated table. She shuffled out of her jacket and watched as Kylan did the same, both of them draping their coats across the back of their chairs. She sat down across from one another, and she nearly laughed at how apprehensive her date appeared to be 

Relax, Kylan. You’ll enjoy this.She ignored the roll of his eyes in favor of greeting the server who walked over to her table

Welcome! Have either of you ever been to a te tasting before?the gentleman asked her, looking between herself and Kylan an equal amou 

Kylan’s gaze whipped in her direction, and she grinned at him. Not quite like this, no. Although, this man right here is a kind of expert when it comes to all things tea. He’ll likely be your pickiest patron yet,she mused, mostly playing, but absolutely meaning every word, too. 

Their server raised their eyebrows at Kylan for a beat and then they laughed. “Is that so? I’ll make sure to bring only the very best, then. I’ll be back in a few with your first round of teas, as well as some sandwiches and scones for you to enjoy.With that, they winked at Kylan and then headed to what she assumed was the kitchen

ther in front of him

Tea tasting, Kate?Kylan leaned across the table and narrowed his eyes at her, has hands clasped together in 

She knew he would initially be hesitant about something like this, considering just how seriously he took his tea drinking. And yet, she also knew that if he only allowed himself to have an open mind, he might even enjoy himself

Yes, Kylan. Tea tasting. Give it a shot, yeah!She cupped her hand over the top of his folded ones, and he sighed at her. You’ve taken the time to cater a few dates to my liking and I wanted to make our first. Well, real date. Special, I suppose. I know how much you enjoy tea when it’s made correctly, and this place has really great reviews, the kind of reviews that even you would- 

13:04 PM 

Chapter 83 

Kylan placed a single finger against her lips, effectively cutting her off entirely. I have an open mind.” 

She was surprised at how easily he conceded but relieved all the same. I’m glad to hear that, Kylan, she admitted, thankful for the low lighting the cafe offered so he wasn’t able to see just how much her face was flushing

As promised, their server returned a few minutes later with a metal tray that housed eight incredibly small teacups, along with the scones and sandwiches they mentioned too

A mixture of sweet, woodsy, and bitter tea scents assaulted her nostrils, and she sat forward eagerly, eyeing the different cups in Front of her

Now, there are four different teas here. Each of them is labeled accordingly. Try these, and then I’ll be back with more.Their server smiled at them and then left them to it 

She eyed Kylan closely, watching as he rather incredulously looked at each teacup. He picked up the different labels, quietly reading them to. himself. By the look on his face, she knew was taking this very seriously, and it only filled her with more warmth than even the candles on the table were bringing her

It was nice, watching Kylan be Kylan. It was endearing, he was endearing, and she was reminded of one o in the first place

of the infinite reasons that she fell for him 

Which shall we try first?she inquired, clearing her throat and brushing her hair behind her shoulders, pretending she knew what any in front of her were

of the teas 


one is labeled as Apricot Amaretto, I suppose we can start with that one.” Kylan picked up the cup in question and smelled the steaming liquid within. I don’t understand why tea needs to be fruity,he grumbled with a shake of his head

She laughed at him and found her own cup filled with the apricot tea. Not everyone wants their tea to be bitter, Kylan,she pointed out to him

Kylan rolled his eyes at her, a scoff easily passing his lips. Black tea is not bitter, Kate. It’s delicate and full of flavor if it’s made correctly,he insisted

Of course, of course,she agreed with a wave of her hand

Kylan graced her with another roll to his eyes and then brought the brim of the tiny cup to his lips, taking a generous drag from its contents, before wincing. Absolutely appalling.He shook his head and set the cup down

She took a drink herself, truthfully quite liking the mixture of apricot and the subtle undertone of what she thought could be almond. So appallingShe laughed at Kylan and feigned disgust on her face

I’ll help her refine her taste. Kate, Kylan promised all too confidently

Please do,” she teased, leaning a bit closer to him, a smirk on her face

And so it went, she watched Kylan try tea after tea, and she followed his lead with each one. He had criticism for all of them, and she wondered to herself if this had been a mistake until he smiled at her. Really smiled at her, when it came time to pick her favorite tea and order a larger cup of it 

He chose a black currant mixture, and he only protested mildly when she asked for the blueberry merlot flavor to be brought to her

He held her hand the entire time she ate the scones and finger sandwiches the server brought with the tea. He held her hand while she drank their respective teas. He held her hand while he teased her about her choice of tea

He held her hand as they wandered out of the cafe sometime later, making a comment about how they both smelled like tea. He said it with an almost reverence and she grinned at him, her stomach a sea of unfiltered somersaults while she took in how content he looked in the moonlight

She was happy herself. Relieved, even, that she had chosen well for his birthday present. For their first date of what she could only hope would be many, if the variables that still floated above them sorted themselves out just right

Boss CEO Novel

Boss CEO Novel

Status: Ongoing


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