Chapter 86
Oscar was sick.
Kylan was getting better.
While one body was deteriorating, another mind was healing. Mersing. Being put back together slowly, piece by cracked piece.
Moment by moment.
It had been a few days since Katrina found out about Oscar’s diagnosis. A few days of Kylan beginning to go to therapy three days a week, a few days of Oscar going to radiations treatments. A few of doing her best to be there for both men.
Kylan was in the thick of unboxing his trauma, which meant he was often drained to the point of isolating for a while after each session. She listened to his curs. She was there for him when he allowed her to be. And she kept Ross Corporation afloat with Ryan while Kylan worked on himself for once in his life.
Kylan fought her nearly every day to stay with Ross Corporation. To stay with him. Though she tried to explain to him that those were two inherently separate things, in his mind, they were one and the same
She still wasn’t sure what she even was with Kylan. She hadn’t exactly talked about it, and it felt like there were more pressing things to be worried about, like Oscar being sick, and Kylan recovering from thirty–three years worth of travina,
Perhaps the only silver lining amongst the shit, was that Ross Corp’s stacks were positively souring lately. The Nightfall had released a week ago to unprecedented numbers and exceptional praise from police departments around the country.
James Hugh had sent over a rather large and luxurious gift basket for her and Kylan to indulge in as way of celebration. Therefore, she had survived solely on gourmet chocolate and bread over the last few days.
Katrina was in the final stages of interviewing with a nearby marketing company, and it seemed like an okay fit. If anything, it was a closer commute for her than Ross Corporation was
They were offering a decent enough salary and benefits package, and it seemed like the right place for her to move on to. Regardless of Kylan’s protests, even he knew it was a healthy decision. A necessary one. If she wanted to be anything real with him, she needed this She needed the distance this would provide for them. The boundaries it would allow them both to put in place.
I would be different. It would be difficult, not being Kylan’s assistant, and not seeing Oscar every morning. It would be hard. But she wasn’t afraid make challening decisions, not anymore. Not when so much more was at stake than there was before.
She was finishing responding to several inquiries about the position of Kylan’s personal assistant, her eyes bleary and her neck and shoulders aching from staring at a computer screen for as long as she had.
Katrina yawned, deleting yet another email that wasn’t even in the realm of being a right in for Kylan. Not paying a single bit of attention to the time, she falled to see Kylan when he came to stand in the doorway of her office.
“It’s after six o’clock, Katrina Kylan’s low baritone pulled her gaze away from the glow of her computer screen.
She smiled at him sheepishly and shrugged her tired shoulders. “I deleted fifteen emails and responded to two. I think one is maybe promising enough to set a preliminary meeting with, but I’ll look into it more tomorrow. She rubbed the back of her neck with the palm of her hand and siglied heavily. “I just want to find the perfect assistant for you, she admitted with a frown.
Kylan pushed off from his spot near the door and moved to stand next to her. He then surprised her by reaching out and cupping her check gently. You’re the only perfect assistant for me. Whoever you find, will be a mere shadow compared to you,” he murmured, the pad of his thumbs tracing her skin slowly.
She melted where she sat, her shoulders slumping and a different kind of sigh passing over her lips. “You’re sentimental right now,” she mused. staring up at him with unabashed fondness.
Kylan shrugged like it was nothing new, though it was. “My session was. Good today, I think. Positive, mostly. I talked a lot about you.” He didn’t expand any further, and she didn’t ask him to. She had learned already that whatever Kylan was willing to share with her from his time at therapy, was more than enough
I did warm her heart any time he opened himself to her at all, though. It made her happy that he was caring about himself. That he was trying Bo grow.
“Did you mention how many times I’ve screwed up your reports or tea, over the last few years! I’m certain of times 1 pissed you off.” She grinned up at him, not at all phased by the glare he inuneslutely seu her way
you could till a session with the number
“Enough about therapy. Who knows I’ve talked enough about my shit the last few days” Kylan shook his head and took hold of her hand, helping her stand from her chair. “It’s New Year’s Eve” The way he said it, made her feel like she should understand exactly what he was implying
Instead, she rested her hands on the front of his son jacket, idly toying with his marco–colored le a bit. “It is indeed,” she agreed. “There’s a party tonight. Ryan mostly planned it, so you know it’s sure to be a ridiculous spectacle that Ross Corporation doesn’t need” Kylan
Chapter 86
brushed her hair away from her neck before resting his hands along her hips.
Katrina hummed, nodding her head. “I know of this event. Do you want to go with me to said party, Kylan? Is that why you’re bringing it up?” She picked a stray piece of lint off his otherwise immaculate suit and gazed up at him. She could have sworn his cheeks were pink, as were his ears. It only made her smile to see him nervous.
“Figured the CEO should make an appearance. We wouldn’t need to stay for long, if you didn’t want to.”
Kylan refused to make eye contact with her as he spoke, his eyes falling to the gold bracelet that adorned her wrist. His fingers found the edges of the jewelry and he rolled it between his fingertips.
“I would love to go with you,” she told him quietly, trying to catch his eye.
He finally looked at her and she nearly melted all over again at the open relief upon his face. He cleared his throat and nodded. “Right. I’ll be good. I think. I’ll pick you up around nine o’clock. I’m giving Oscar the night off.”
She frowned at the mention of Oscar, her stomach dropping the way it always did when she remembered their driver’s illness. “That’s nice of you,” she whispered, licking her lips against the dryness that suddenly coated them.
“He’s going to be fine. Kate. They caught it early,” Kylan repeated the same words he had been saying the last few days, and she gave him a halfhearted smile in response.
“I know. Let’s get going, yeah?” She shifted around Kylan to grab her jacket and briefcase, situating both of them and then waiting for him to walk her down to the parking garage.