Boss CEO Chapter 89

Boss CEO Chapter 89

Chapter 89 

When at last they broke apart, the air around them was different Charged. It was unlike it typically was, though. This time. This time it felt safe Warm, even 

The walk to Kylan’s car was silent and comfortable, and when she sat on the passenger seat of his Bentley, he pressed a few buttons on the dash and the seat beneath she warmed at once

He had turned on her seat warmer, and for whatever reason, that solidified how she was already feeling 

Kylanshe paused, watching him fiddle with his radio until he found the song he wanted. Soft, familiar jazz filled the space around she, and she couldn’t help but smile. He was just.. Kylan. A complicated, broken man that she loved. That she wanted to be close to. To know 

Yes, Kate?Kylan pulled away from the valet after nodding his head in thanks and she eyed his side profile in the moonlight while he drove away 

from the hotel

She squared her shoulders and steeled her resolve to ask the question waiting on the tip of her tongue. How are you feeling about Intimacy(just mean. If you wanted to. I don’t. Well I don’t have to go home right now. We could.. We could spend time playing chess, or watching a movie, or cooking a latenight snack.She was rambling, but her jaw felt slack and incapable of closing. She was seared, Vulnerable, even, to be asking something like this 

Kylan was quiet for a moment too long, and she couldn’t tell what he was thinking in the near darkness. She wondered if she royally f*cked up her hear thundering and her palms sweaty in her lap 

Should she give him time to process? Or should she say something elser 

I’m not suggesting we do anything, if that’s what you’re worried about.She laughed a broken, nervous laugh, subconsciously tucking a bit of her hair behind her ear and shifting her gaze to stare out at the city instead of his face

I feel Fine, with intimacyKylan’s words were slow, calculated, and precise. She didn’t dare look at him. I feel. Fine, if it’s with you.She heard Kylan move his hand across the center console, his fingers quietly finding the bracelet on her wrist and then resting there. How do you feel about croissants and tea at one in the morning” 

She smiled at him then, blinking away a few tears that nearly fell from her eyes. I feel like those are the perfect snack to indulge in at one in the morning.Her voice was shaking with the sheer amount of emotion that filled her, but she allowed it to peak through, just as she had throughout the night

Alright, then,Kylan took hold of her hand and didn’t let go for the remainder of the car ride


It was nearly two o’clock by the time the croissants were done in the oven, because Rylan was particular with his cooking process. He was clean, meticulously so. He even made Katrina wear an apron and tie back her hair, to which the didn’t protest

id discard the jacket

She felt a bit silly, maneuvering around his kitchen in her formal gown. Kylan also stayed in his suit, though he did 

She was a hilarious pair while she washed each dish she used to make the croissants and tea. She worked well in tandem with one another, and it made a near permanent smile form on her face

I still don’t understand how you can drink tea without any kind of sweetener,she admitted while she dried the last dish and Kylan stirred either of her cups of tea

She watched him shake his head and raise his eyebrows at her. The right tea doesn’t need sweetener, Kate. It only takes away from the natural essence. He eyed the tea in question with an almost holiness and she laughed at him

I’ll try it your way, just this once,” she relented, wiping her hands on the cotton fabric of her apron. She joined him at the counter, resting an elbow next to her cup of tea

Kylan pushed a small plate with a croissant her way. Raspberry jam is acceptable for your croissant, though.He gestured to a small jar of jam near ber, and she nodded her head

Thank you for your blessingshe teased lum, carefully splinting #part her still steaming croissant, before spreading a bit of the jam around Inside with a butter kiule

You should try a drink of your sea before you take a bite of your croissant, or the sweetness from the farm will cloud your tastebuds.Kylan sounded serious, incredibly so

Katrina refrained from laughing or taunting him again, and instead picked up her cup of black tea. She took a long drag from it, staring at Rylan all the while. It was bitter, undenably so. However, she could pick up on the subtle hints of malt and caramel, mixed in with the intensely overwhelming tartness. It’s good,” she managed to say

Kylan rolled his eyes at her. You’re a terrible liar, Kate He drunk from his own cup, grasping it the way he always clial

Hey now, let me drink and eat in peace.” She blanked at him innocently, taking a bite of her croissant next and nearly groaning Now this, this is 


heavenly,” she admitted before taking another bite and relishing in the sweet mixture of the taste of bread and raspberry jam on her tongue

Lat your food, Kate, Rylan scoffed at her, though he didn’t actually sound annoyed, and she was certain there was a ghost of a smile along his lips

As soon as she was done eating and cleaning the remainder of the dishes, the followed kylan into his bedroom. Would you like to shower before or after me?he asked her, taking off his watch and opening a drawer of his dresser to place it back in its respective case

Oh, um. you can go first.She felt her face flush warm and opted to look away from him. If she was bold, she might have suggested showering sogether, but he hadn’t brought it up and she wasn’t sure if she should, either

I’ll only be a minute.he paused when he walked by her, leaning down and kissing the top of her head swiftly 

She waited on his bed a bit awkwardly said he emerged from his bathroom ten minutes later, a towel secured around his waist. She watched him. disappear into his closet and then step out again with a pair of grey sweats clinging to his hips, and nothing else

Her throat was dry. Exceptionally so


can wear these, if you’d like.Kylan made to hand her a pair of shorts and a longsleeved shirt and she smiled at him gratefully

Thank you. Kylan,” she said quietly. She stood up to go to the bathroom, and then paused when she remembered what she was wearing. Um, de you mind!She moved her hair away from her neck to reveal the zipper that sat near the middle of her back 

Kylan’s face was blank as he stepped to her, stopping just short of her back and then deftly unzipping her dress enough that she would be able to step out of it without any issue. His fingertips grazed her skin for a brief moment, and then he was moving away from her. You should go take a shower His voice sounded strained, and it only made her face WATIME

Right. Okay, I’ll be back With that, she finally rushed into the bathroom and shut the door behind her


Katrina showered her body quickly and then borrowed a dollop of Kylan’s face cleanser to remove her makeup under the stream of warm water She finished up and stepped oun, drying her body and hair alike with the towel Kylan left for her 

She was nervous. She could feel her limbs and fingers shaking while she brushed her teeth with a spare toothbrush, her towel wrapped around her 

This fels like a deciding moment. A transitional moment. Or perhaps she was only pretending as much 

Regardless, her mind recalled the words Kylan spoke in the car

He was fine with intimacy, as long as it was with her

What did that mean, exactly

She couldn’t handle being rejected again. She couldn’t handle it if he walked away from her again

But she also wanted to connect with him like that

He washers and she was his, right

Maybe that meant he was ready for a step like that

She was ready, only 

actually ready this time

Was it worth trying? Was it worth bringing up at all

She borrowed Rylan’s coub and packed through the knots in ber hair, staring at her reflection while she worked

She glanced at her dress that rested against the doorframe on a hook, her mind remembering the root top and Kylan’s sweet words there, too. His words that were for her and only her 

He apologized to her father. He asked for his blessing to be with her, even though she was twentynine years old

Those things. They meant everything to her

He meant everything to her

She loved him. She was in love with him 

She looked at the pile of pajamas she was meant to be changing into, and then she observed herself in the mirror KICE HINE

Without allowing herself to overthink it too much, she gripped the towel tightly around her and with a hand that was far too unsteady for her liking, she opened the bathroom door and stepped out into Kylan’s bedroom

. He was sitting on his bed, his laptop opened in front of lam, the glow of the screen reflecting on the lenses of his glosses the had put on after taking 

Chapter 24 

This shower 

It took him only a moment to realize she was out of the bathroom, and then he was staring at her

Not moving. Not saying anything. Just. Staring 

She swallowed and licked her lips, stepping away from the bathroom and stopping in front of the base of Kylan’s bed

I need you to tell me if I’m way out of line here. I justyou said. I don’t know.” She was losing steam. that she was actually standing before Kylan in nothing but a towel

earlier confidence foundering now 

It was impossible to read Rylan’s expression. He simply stared at her, and she stared back at him. Neither of them said anything else. She hardly breathed. Her heart was beating in her chest so loudly, she was certain it was actually audible, at this point

Kylan had been sent for so long; she was growing increasingly uncomfortable. This had been a mistake. A foolish wish she had. She was embarrassed and she wanted nothing more than to leave him and gri dressed like she should have, to begin with

Im sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking. 17 go get dressed.She rushed the words out of her mouth, turning away from Kylan, her face warmer than the could ever recall it bring

Wait Just Wait.Kylan voice caused her to stop where she was, her knuckles turning white from the force with which she was clinging onto her towel 

She heard movement behind her and she was certain Kylan had left his place on his bed. You trust me enough to do that again!” He sounded closer than the anticipated, but she didn’t shift around to face him

I understand you more than I did last time. I understand why you may need boundaries when it comes to intimacy, in particular. I do trust you. though. I don’t think it would end like the first time, but perhaps my feelings are premature. She stared down at her feet, her damp hair fanning either side of her face and acting as a needed barrier between her and Kylan in that moment

I don’t deserve you, KatrinaKylan’s voice was low. Lower than usual. It sounded as if he stepped closer to her, yet she still didn’t face him. She couldn’t 

You don’t get to tell me what I do and don’t deserve, Kylan.” Her own voice was low enough to match his. I told you that I’m yours.She finally turned to look at him as she said the last word. She nearly stumbled backward when she realized he had been standing right behind her 

Her eyes searched his face. His eyes searched her face 

They were both looking for something. Something unspoken. Something real

Mon cœur cappartient. Kate.” Kylan gently, tenderly cupped her face as he gazed into her eyes. His pupils were blown wide, the grey of his eyes all 

My heart is also yours. Rylan, Katrina echoed his sentiment, capping his wrists and holding him firmly in place

Kylan inhaled a shaky breath of air, his eyes flickering to her lips briefly. Can I please kiss you, Katrina?The way he askedThe tone of his voice…. I nearly brought her to her knee 

Please, KylanShe didn’t care how desperate she probably sounded. She wanted him to kiss her. She needed him to kiss her. She needed him

Without allowing another second to pass, Kylan closed the last of the distance between them and pressed his lips to hers. A small squeak left her mouth upon impact, but she couldn’t find it within herself to be embarrassed

She angled her head to deepen the kiss at once, her hands finding purchase in the longer strands of his hair and scaling his face to hers. She ignored his glasses pressing uncomfortably against her while her tongue caressed his lower lip

Kylan groaned, his hands moving to grab onto her hips rather tightly while he opened his mouth and allowed her tongue to begin a dance with his 

He tasted familiar. Warm. Minty. Safe 

Her breathing became steadily more ragged, and she was vaguely aware when the towel around her began to untur. Finding the last of her courage she allowed it to fall away from her completely 

The kiss changed then as Rylan realized just how prepared she was to accept him like this

Their mouths moved wildly against each other, her hands gripping his hair and his hands pressing against her hips in such a way that she was sure there would be bruises left behind in the morning

Kylan pulled back just enough that he could look at her. His own breathing was erratic, his pale cheeks flushed in the low glow of the lamp on his nightstand. Can I nouch you, darling?His voice was as unsteady as his breathing, and she sluddered

Darling. There it was again. That name. That nickname. It was something she never anticipated on hearing from someone like kylan, or all people

She loved it 

Trapper no 

She loved hum 

Yes, Kelan You can touch me wherever you’d like. She kissed hom then, not able to help herself any longer 

Ahe feli Kolan’s hands, close over her backside and a moan bubbled from the pit of her stomach and up into his mouth

Boss CEO Novel

Boss CEO Novel

Status: Ongoing


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