Chapter 9
The following day at work, she was happy to see that Kylan’s Litter was appropriately silent. She still needed su mention to Aaron that her relationship was all a roine, but he was nut of the office for most of the day. She was left to work in reports, as well as planning Kylan’s annual trip to Ireland, where he met with several of the overens eieritives of Ross Corgi
She never accompanied him on a trip this lavish, but the thought of the contract. He had specifically stated he wanted her to go withi trips. She thought about how to approach the situation. She decided her best bet, was in text him. He had done at the other night, so could too, rightr
“I’m about to purchase your plane ticket for Ireland in two months, Sie. Am I to accompany you this year, as per the contract coudine?” dhe teated
She sent the message and held her breath, waiting for a response. She nearly dropped her phone when it vibrareil a moment later,
“I think that would be appropriate
“Business class for you, correct! I’ll buy my ticket for the coach
“Don’t be a damn idiot. Buy your ticket to be next to mine, Katrina“
“If you’re sure, Sir”.
“Where is my usually self–assured assistant?”
“Sorry, Sir, I had one more question, though. Am I allowed to explain in Aaron that this “erlatiombap between us, jin’t real! He’s my best friend, and I’m terrible at lying.”
“Can he keep his mouth shut! I have my doubts.”
comes to that.”
“I know how to threaten a person if it comes to
“I’ll trust your discretion, Now get back to work.”!!
“Right. Thank you. Sir
Katrina breathed a sigh of relief that she hadn’t been aware she’d been holding in. She scrolled to her message thread with Aaron on her phone, confirming she would definitely be getting drinks that night
The remainder of her Friday flew by in a blur of buying plane tickets, finishing the reports, and organizing her office. Kylan was particular about how she kept her things, and she wasn’t looking to make him mad, especially not with her new arrangement,
Once her office was properly put back together, she headed down to grab a ride home with Oscar. He had just returned with Rylan in tow, and she smiled at her boss brightly. It was the weekend finally
I’ll are
I see you tomorrow?” she asked Kylan, while he opened the back door of the SUV for her.
He nodded and she got in the car. “We’ll pick you up at seven. Be ready to go, so I don’t have to wait for you. Rylan told her, holding onto the dear of the car and looking in at her.
Katrina flashed him another smile. “Absolutely, sir. Have a nice Friday. She told him cheerfully,
Kylan looked at her strangely, but he closed the door of the car and headed back into the building to finish his own work for the day
Oscar looked at her in the rearview mirror. “I know it’s none of my business, Kate, but I hope you know what you’re doing with a man like that,” he said as he pulled out into traffic.
She frowned at Oscar. “It’s just for the public. We have a
a contract It’s nothing I can’t handle” She did her best to defend herself
Oscar nodded. “You know yourself better than I do. I just don’t want to see your spirit be dampened, that’s all,” he explained.
She couldn’t help the feeling of warmth that filled her chest at his work. Oscar often reminded her of her father, but especially during momenta. like this. She made a mental note to call her dad, the next opportunity she had
ou, Oscar. I appreciate your concern, you know that,” she said with sincerity.
“Thank you,
“I do, Katrina” Oscar smiled at her once more, the wrinkles near his eyes pulling up as he did.
He dropped her off at home a little while later, and she bid him a nice weekend in farewell. She raced inside, excited to go out with Aaron, and more than ready to let loose.
Clupter 9
An hour later, she had showered and changed into a simple black dress, pairing it with some cream bullet flats and a red peacoat. It was beginning of October, and the evenings had started to turn cold
Aaron texted her to let her know that he was outside, and she happily made her way to the elevator and then down to him. She wrapped her arms around her best friend, smiling and hugging him tightly. He hugged her back, and she climbed into the front seat of his car
She drove to her favorite haunt and Aaron parked the car. They walked arm–in–arm into the bar and sat down at a booth near the back. She ordered a glass of wine, and Aaron ordered some kind of fruity concoction she had never heard of
She talked about work for a little while, and then she listened as Aaron told her about his latest relationship drama with Maine. It was nothing major, only a small argument about what color to paint the walls of their new condo. They had been together for five years and had recently imgaged, planning to be married late next year.
Two glasses of wine in, and she was feeling properly buzzed enough to broach the topic of her situation with Kylan
is quite loud, so the
“I need to tell you something. Aaron, she said, dropping her voice so no one around could bear her. The music in the bar was figured she was safe either way, but she wanted to be nothing but certain that no our would be able to eavesdrop.
“Oh, this sounds like it’s going to be juicy. Spill the beans, Kate, Aaron said with a low voice and a wiggle of his eyebrows.
She rolled her eyes at him. She suddenly wasn’t at all sure how exactly she should tell Aaron. Maybe she could just show him the contract! Kyları had emailed a copy of it to her, for her own records. She pulled out her phone, unlocked it, and quickly found the email. She turned her phone around and silently handed it to Aaron
She watched his face carefully as he read over the contract. His face shifted to various emotions ranging from shock to amusement, and then to confusion. He finished reading the contract and handed her her phone. She locked it once more and put it back in the pocket of her coat.
“This is Really heavy shit, Katrina. Did you really think this through! I mean. Kylan is. He’s a difficult person. You know that better than anyone. Is this honestly the best way to help the stocks go up?” Aaron was speaking quietly, but with one look at his face, she could see just how concerned he was for her.
“I know it’s unconventional. I’m not naïve to think that that’ll go off without any son of problems arising along with way. We’ve already overcome a few hurdles and we communicated through those relatively okay” She tried to sound confident, making sure she held her best friend’s gaze the entire time she spoke.
“I get that. But I also know you’re an emotional person. Kate. And Kylan is. Not. What if you develop feelings for him! I don’t want to see you getting hurt. I also know it says you’re not allowed to have sex with each other or anyone else, but I find it hard to believe Kylan will go one year without having sex. He’s known to be promiscuous” Aaron was still speaking quietly, and she was thankful
She knew that no matter what she did or said, it would probably be impossible to completely appease him, and she supposed she couldn’t blame him. She echoed some of his same concerns, but she was also still confident that she couldn’t ever have feelings for someone as callous and unfeeling as Rylan Ross.
“Do you trust me. Aaront” she asked her friend, reaching out and taking a hold of one of his hands.
He grasped her hand tightly and gave her a small smile. “You know that I do, Kate. I worry about you. I love the freaking shit out of you and I’m scared of your father. Katrina couldn’t help but giggle at his words, “it’s because of that, that I worry what dating your boss will do to you. Even if it’s only for show. It’s like friends with benefits, almost. Only with a billionaire fuck boy, Aaron shivered with disgust, and she couldn’t help but laugh.
“Please don’t ever refer to Kylan as a fuck boy ever again. Aaron.” She showed his shoulder playfully and then sighed. “I can handle myself, okay? 1 promise if it ever gets to the point where I feel I’m in over my head, I’ll come to you,” she reassured Aaron, with a squeeze to the hand she still held. “You also can’t tell a soul that it’s all fake, not even Maine, she told Aaron seriously
Aaron sighed and squinted at her. “Fine. But I expect details after every date. And when you inevitably kiss the Pcker. I expect to hear all about it I’m still not entirely convinced he’s not a machine, under all that damn brooding,” he mused with a playful grin.
She laughed and shoved Aaron’s shoulder again. “You are completely ridiculous. I love you. Let’s get another drink,” she suggested, raising her arm to hail a warler.
Two hours later, Aaron walked her to her door and gave her a hug goodbye. She stumbled into her apartment, having enough sense to lock her front door before the shuffled to her bedroom and collapsed on her mattress. Without meaning to, she fell asleep with all of her clothes and makeup still on Aug of a night well spent with her best friend.