Boss CEO Chapter 96

Boss CEO Chapter 96

Chapter 96 

I’ve been too much of a coward to tell you while you’re awake, and I’m sorry for that. I didn’t want to scare you away. I can’t. I don’t want to lose you. Katrina” 

Katrina did turn around then, tears in her eyes, her face 

entirely fro 

You could never scare me away. Kylan I haven’t. All this time, I’ve been by your side. I’ve been patient. I’ve been underganding. There’s not a damn thing you could say that would make me not be completely in love with your stubborn, grumpy, kind, warm ass.She didn’t disguise the emotion in her voice. She wanted Kylan in understand. To know how much she loved him. How much she would always love him 

The expression on Kylan’s face. It was He was. Shit, he really did love her. It was clear. As clear as the sky on a sunny darnn day

His eyes were brimaning with it Overflowing with words, emotions, the feelings he didn’t know how to say 

She let out an embarrassing whimper, flinging her wet hands around his neck and hugging him tighter than she ever had. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her to him and releasing a long, slow, exhale

I love you, Kylan, I love youShe sobbed those words, sniffling, her heart nearly exploding with the truth that she had been holding Kylan gingerly shifted so that he could take hold of her face, his thumbs brushing the tears away that pooled beneath her


I love you. Katrina. You’re the only person I’ve ever been in love with, and the only person I ever want to be in love with. Rylan’s own eyes were full of tears, and she heard herself laughing

You’re a pain in the ass, Kylan Ross. My pain in the ass. Forever mine.Her hands fisted in the back of his hair and her lips ascended on his kissing him with every ounce of passion, every unfiltered emotion that she possibly could

Tim yours. As long as you want me, kylan spoke against her lips

She hammed, resting her forehead against his

Will you make love 

to me. Kylan?It was the first time, the first real instance that she had ever referred to their passion in that way

Every damn day, if you’ll let me.” With that. Kylan picked her up bridal style, carrying her over to the staircase and walking her up to the loft


Katrina would never tire of this. She would never become bored of Kylan. She would never grow used to making love to him, feeling him inside ber, hearing how much he cared for her

She would never take for granted the fact that Kylan let her in, let her see him in a way that he hid from the rest of the world. She would never stop being grateful that he knew she was just the same, and he knew exactly how to make her feel safe and seen

It wouldn’t ever be easy, it wouldn’t be a perfect journey, but it would be hers. It would be her own journey with Kylan. Her own path with him. She didn’t need perfect. She didn’t want perfect 

She wanted real. She wanted someone who believed in her, who pushed her to be the best version of herself. She wanted to do the same, to be the same for someone else

She wanted Kylan

Her former boss 

Her best friend

Her parter

Her equal 

As she reached her climax together, as the warmth of his release flooded her insides, she smiled. Really smiled 


They cleaned up together and returned to the bed, arms and legs tangled, no clear distinction of where she ended, and Kylan began. She stared out at the gently falling snow. Kylan’s fingers grazing up and down her arm in lazy passes 

own fingers found the frayed bracelet on his 

His hand stopped at the bracelet on her wrist and her own linge 

They were such a stark contrast, the two bracelets. The one with broken edges, barely holding it all together. And the gold bracelet, carefully crafted and clasped delicately

She loved each one equally. Just as she loved each bit of Kylan, the good and the bad, the frayed and the neat. And she knew he loved her like that

Thank you, Kylan. For bringing me here. For agreeing in the contract, all those months ago, she spoke into the quiet of the night, distant sounds of the time still burning in the hearth on the floor below her, floating up to meet her words

Clupter 96 

I never be able to properly thank the top of her head 

for all you’ve done for me, Kate. But just know that I feel it, I feel all of it,Kylan whispered, leaning to kis 

It’s enough for me, Kylan. All of it. It’s enough,she sighed, pressing herself impossibly closer to him

They spent the next few hours, whispering in each other in the soft glow of the moonlight, the fire downstairs eventually fading to nothing but ash 

forest, surrounded by trees and mounds of 

She fell asleep in the arms of her safe haven, the keeper of her heart, on a bed in the middle of the


Just like she wanted 

just like she dreamed of

And this. This one was a good dream. An unbeatable dream… 

This one was her reality

Kylan didn’t have a nightmare that night, and neither did she



Growth. Healing. Genuine happiness

Each one bringing equal amounts of relief and smiles was ever present in her relationship with Kylan

Nothing was perfect. Nothing just. Went away. There were days that he struggled to let her in more than others. There were times he allowed his fear, his worry to dictate his decisions and to rule aspects of his personal life

Those instances were hard. They were a challenge. She would be lying if she said she hadn’t shed a tear or two when Kylan shut her out

But, among the uncertainty, the shadows and ghosts that Kylan could never quite get away from, she could see growth. She could see him battle himself, wrought with a desire to let her in 

And he always would in the end. He would always relent, always work through it enough to hug her. To hold her hand. To kiss her, which she still held the privilege of so close to her heart

He would eventually talk to her, even if it wasn’t always in great detail or with many words uttered at all. He kept her informed, and she developed Can appropriate system about how to handle Kylan when he punished himself

11 was simple, really. The only thing she asked of him, the only thing she wanted from him during those moments, was for him to verbalize that he needed space. It helped her to hear those words from him. Those words let her know for certain it wasn’t anything personal, and he would come to her when he was ready

And he would come. Every time. He would come to her. He would seek comfort from her. Then together, she could move on 

She was proud of Kylan. She was thankful he was working on himself. She was grateful he was beginning to care about his happiness and his well- bring. It was long overdue, and it was special to witness the process in such an intimate, upclose fashion 

Overall, bring with Kylan on his good days, and her good days, was Easy Natural. Requiring almost no effort 

They just worked. They balanced each other out. Kylan pushed her to better herself, and she did the same for him 

He believed in ber, in her abilmes both in and out of the office, and she gave him equal courtesy. It was nice. Domestic, when those good days happened 

The longer Kylan went to therapy, the more frequent slays, and moods like that were happening. Which made their relationship feel safer

After a few months of actually being committed to one another, the stocks at Ross Corporation had leveled off in such a way that their relationship no longer needed to be a public spectacle. This also took a ridiculous amount of pressure off her professional and personal shoulders, and she was dann glad

Gone were the days of publicized dates, staged photos and carefully thought of captions for social media

It was needed, and it honestly helped her feel like Kylan really was with her because he loved her, and not for the reputation she helped him to obtain. It wasn’t even that she doubted him, in all actuality. It only sealed her feelings in carefully poured concrete that she praised the fucking heavens for existing at all 

By September, she was comfortable with Kylan wholly and completely. She was content in her new normal Quire like almost every other day, she was sprawled out across Rylan’s couch, her head resting against his chest, his hand casually nestled against her heart while she subconsciously played with his fingertips

The sounds of yet another cooking show Kylan insisted on watching, filled the living room around them. Her attention was pulled to a book in her lap, an oversized blanket covering her lower half to keep her warm 

Kylan shifted slightly under her, drawing her out of the fantasy 

sy land of the novel in her hand. She found her bookmark on the blanket and wedged between the pages to save her place. She glanced at her phone, noting the time, and yawned. It was only nine o’clock in the evening, but she was almady exhausted

A difficult week at work, coupled with the delicious dinner currently sitting happily in her belly, made it hard not to be tired and ready to curl up with Kylan in the welcoming folds of his bed

I need to go park up a few things from my apartment before we go to bed. More moisturizer and a few outfits for this weekendShe sat up some, stretching her arms above her head while she released another yawn

Kylan paused the TV, silent beside her for perhaps a moment too long. She frowned, rubbing her eyes while forcing back another yawn

You could leave more of your stuff here if you wanted.Kylan seemed to hesitate, his voice guarded enough that she blinked her eyes open to look at him. She realized he was refusing to meet her gaze, and she tensed. Or you know.He cleared his throat a bit awkwardly. You could keep all your belongings hereagain. If you.. you know, if you wanted.His knee began to bounce, and the only stared at him, thinking she understood the implications of his words, but not wanting to assume anything. She never wanted to assume when it came to Kylan

She licked her lips, calming her fluttering heart and willing her voice to remain steadfast. You mean.. Do you mean I should. Are you suggesting I move in with you. KylanHer voice was shaking Quivering, just like her lower lap while she spoke. Again” 

Kylan shifted again, his knee still bouncing. I mean.. Damn it, Katrina. You know what I’m suggesting. Do I really need to spell it out for you!A blush ghosted the plains of his checks and she smiled at him

Yes, you really do,” she urged him, turning on the couch so she was facing him

Kylan groaned and rolled his eyes, his fingers carding through his hair a few times, which was another nervous tick of his, she now knew. Christ., Look, I talked about it at therapy. I just. Opened up about it because it’s been on my mind an annoying amount for the last month or so He was talking quickly, his eyes still averting her own. My therapist thinks I’m Damn it, Kate. He thinks I’m ready for a step like this. If you disagree, I understand. Nothing has to happen now. We can talk about it more; you can think about it. I know our marriage is fake and the contract. Why the hell are you looking at me like that?He was incredulous now, his eyes finally narrowed at her, but she didn’t care. She didn’t care one bit

Because Kylan was asking her to move in with him. Again, He was asking her to share his space with him. Again. To be a part of his private life each and every day again

Not because it is part of the contract. Not because they were married in papers

While they spent their days before in one place, this would be different. This would be more. So much more. No contract, no hiding, no faking it 

She was happy she realized. She was nervous, but not because she didn’t want to live with Kylan again. It was more so that this. This would be opening the door to a future. A future with Kylan, even more than she could have seen before he made the suggestion of combining their lives so entirely

It excised her, truthfully. It warmed her heart. It made her want to scream with joy. But she knew she needed to pull herself together. She knew she couldn’t say the wrong thing for fear that Kylan would get spooked, even though it was his idea in the first place

She gave kylan a coy smile, pushing the blanket and book away from her. Still smiling, she moved to straddle his lap, her fingers finding purchase in the long strands of his hair, while his hands slid along her hips

Are you sure you want me to live with you again, Kylan?Her voice was quietly teasing, leaning her face to be closer to his. I’m not too messy for you?She rested her forehead against lais, breathing in the same air as him

Kylan sighed, his hands raking up and down her sides. There would be rules and boundaries, undoubtedly he explained, has brows furrowing 

She giggled, shaking her head at the silly

silly expression on his face. I wouldn’t expect any less from you,she murmured, staring into the grey of his 

ryes with unfiltered adoration 

Kylan swallowed, licking his lips. So, will 

ill you! Move in with 

with me

I meanHe was uncharacteristically nervous, and she bit back another chuckle. Mmm.. Let me think about this.She moved back and placed a kiss on his forehead. My boyfriend whom I love very much, and who I spend nearly every night with anyway, has asked me to move in with him.She pretended to consider the offer, looking at him thoughtfully while quirking her head to the side. At last, she sighed, deflating, and dropping the act altogether. I think we’re ready for this step, tooShe kissed either of his checks. Of course, I’ll move in with you, KylanShe kissed the tip of his nose

Kylan groaned, pulling her flush against him and squeezing her midsection so tightly, she struggled to get a proper breath of air

Okay.He kissed her neck, burying his face there and sighing heavily, his warm breath tickling her skin. That’s enough feelings for today 

She smiled, holding his head against her body tenderly. You did great. Kylan. ReallyShe pulled him away from her neck after a moment, holding his face in her hands. I love youshe said the words quietly, reverently, just as she always did

Kylan’s eyes visibly softened some and she could feel the tension disappearing from his body. I love you,he echoed just as softly. Now, shut up and kiss me.He didn’t wait for her to respond, instead gripping her head now and pulling her forward to meet him in a searing, allencompassing kiss

She allowed herself to drown in it. To bask in it. In the victory, the progress. The future

Boss CEO Novel

Boss CEO Novel

Status: Ongoing


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