Chapter 97
One Month Later
“That’s perfect, thank you so much.” She smiled at Kylan’s dining room table
hired mover who had just spent the last ten minutes hanging a piece of her artwork near
She was finally completely moved in, little reminders of fall speckled throughout Kylan’s normally black and grey penthouse because of her. The smell of the apple cider–scented candle she hit walled through her nostrils each time she inhaled a deep breath, only adding to the general ambiance of feeling like she really was at home.
Kylan was working late tonight, and she promised she would be completely done with everything by the time he was finished.
He had honestly been working late several nights lately, and it was beginning to grate on her nerves. He was the CEO, and she knew he could delegate, if he really wanted to. But for whatever reason, he chose not to
Now, though. Now, she wanted him home. She wanted him near her. She wanted to enjoy this new, this exciting step in their relationship.
She leaned her elbows atop the kitchen counter, fumbling her phone out of her pocket to call the man whose penthouse she now shared. Just as she unlocked the screen, Kylan entered the kitchen, dark circles lining the area beneath his eyes. He was still wearing his leather jacket, his cheeks dusted a nice shade of pink from the mid October cold.
“Hi” She couldn’t help the p
grin th
that spread across her face, crossing the kitchen to hug him at once.
Kylan returned the gesture, holding her securely to him. “What is that smell?” He sighed into her hair, kissing the top of her head. He was obviously struggling to avoid swearing with her in his presence but she still appreciate it
She withdrew from his arms and rolled her eyes at him. “It’s a fall candle. Don’t even act like you don’t like it,” she chastised him.
Kylan rolled his own eyes, pulling off his jacket and yawning “Time exhausted. Let’s order dinner and I’ll go take a shower,” he suggested tiredly
She nodded her agreement. “Italian okay?” she asked, already finding the food service app on her phone and choosing her favorite Italian restaurant to order from.
“Sounds good” Rylan made to leave the kitchen, and then he paused, his eyes seeming to fall on the artwork above his table. He turned back and looked at her, a thoughtful expression upon his face. “Welcome home, Katrina,” he told her with unbridled warmth
She grinned at him, her cheeks hurting from just how wide her mouth was drawn up at the corners. “It’s good to be home, Kylan,” she replied to him honestly.
“You look… Nice, here,” Kylan commented, gracing her with a beautiful, quick smile of his own before disappearing down the hallway.
With a renewed sense of belonging, she went ahead with ordering dinner for her and Kylan to enjoy, and to celebrate the start of a new chapter in their lives.
Two weeks later
“Aaron, for the last time, I don’t need to do something big just because I’m turning thirty. It’s not a huge deal. I really only want to spend is with Kylan, maybe watching scary movies at home or something. Honestly, its been really nice, having things slow down since moving in with him. It’s comfortable.” She shrugged her shoulders, though he couldn’t see her through the phone.
“I swear to God, Katrina. It’s okay for things to be about you, for a day. Plus, tomorrow is also Halloween, so you’re celebrating with Maine and I. at the very least. You can spend time with Kylan any day, especially now that you live with the man. Don’t break your birthday tradition, please. We’ll pick you up around seven. Okay?”
She couldn’t help but smile at the computer screen atop her desk Aaron had valid points and truthfully, she knew she could benefit from a night with her friends. She sighed audibly, teigning annoyance.
“Fine, since yo
you insist But you better get the movie theater butter popcorn. Her voice was lighthearted, her heart warming to the idea of spending
an evening with Aaron and Maine
“Duh, Kate. I love you. See you tomorrow!
ty when she heard a knock. Kylan was leaning against the wall, his arms resting across
She sighed and locked her phone, glancing at her office doorway his chest while he appraised her with a quirked brow.
“Birthday planning?” he mused.
She nodded at him, turning her attention back to her computer screen to put the machine to sleep for the night. “Yeah, Aaron was insistent on keeping our tradition going. I hope you don’t mind. If you’re free, I was going to ask you to come to lunch with me tomorrow.” She stood up, shuffling her arms into her jacket before picking up her nearby briefcase.
Chapter 97
Lunch won’t work, unfortunately. I have that executive meeting I can’t cancel.” Kylan took hold of her free han
hand, guiding her to the hallway
She bit back the disappointment that found purchase in her heart. “Oh, of course. I’m not sure how I forgot about that, I guess I don’t keep track of your schedule quite as closely as used to.” She forced herself to smile at him, pressing the button to call the elevator at the end of the hallway
Kylan hummed, watching her carefully. “Perhaps we can celebrate tonight? Open a bottle of wine, watch a movie if you’d like, get food from that sandwich spot down the road from our house.” He let her step into the elevator first. “We could end the night with you riding my face, if that’s something you’re interested in,” he said the last bit like he was mentioning the weather, and not something intimate.
Her eyes widened and she laughed. “Kylan, we’re at work,” she teased, turning to wrap her arms around his neck, staring up at him with stars no
doubt in her eyes.
Kylan’s hands rested on her hips, his face still irritatingly composed. “You only turn thirty once, or something” he murmured, kissing her forehead.
“I suppose you’re right. The doors pulled open, and they broke apart to walk into the parking garage. hands intertwined again. “I won’t say no, in any case Your face is my favorite chair, darling” She smiled at him coyly, continuing to walk even as he stuttered and came to a halt, surprised by her crassness for once.
She giggled again, shaking her head and sighing, stupidly happy.
The following morning, she awoke to her alarm, rolling over and groaning when she realized the bed next to she was empty. Rubbing the sleep away from her eyes, she yawned and scanned the birthday messages she already had to filter through on her phone. With the intention of replying to them later on in the day, she swung her legs over the side of the bed, her feet connecting with the cool, hardwood floor below
She stood, stretching her arms over her head while she stumbled her way to the bathroom. She went through the motions of getting ready for work, brushing her teeth, and fluffing her curls with a bit of hairspray after showering
She draped a cardigan over her shoulders, making her way to the kitchen for some much–desired coffer. She paused in the hallway, a smile finding its way to her lips.
Jazz. Soft, familiar, jazz music floated its way out of the confines of the kitchen and to her ears.
She turned the corner, finding her boyfriend standing in front of the stove, a black apron tied around his waist, protecting the white button down and grey slacks he was wearing. With the sleeves rolled up to his forearms, his hair perfectly situated around his head with his freshly groomed. undercut, Kylan looked like a dream.
His body was partially blocking her view, but she thought she could smell French toast. Her grin widened, walking further into the kitchen so she could wrap her arms around Kylan’s waist. She rested her cheek along his upper back, breathing in his Kylan smell
“Good morning.” Kylan said as way of greeting, squeezing one of her hands for a moment.
“Good morning, my love,” she mumbled back, perfectly content to stay just as she was for as long as he would allow her to
All 100 soon, Kylan turned around and she sighed in protest. She promptly stopped as soon as his arms were winding back around
“Happy Birthday, Katrina” Kylan moved to cup her cheek in his hand, his thumb tracing the space below her eye softly. “I’m sorry I can’t be with you as much as I would like today, but I wanted to make you breakfast” He gestured to the steaming skillet on the stove behind him.
She gave him a smile and a shrug. “It’s okay. It’s only a birthday. Aaron and Maine will help make it special, too.” She leaned on the tips of her toes and pressed a quick kiss to his lips. “Thank you for breakfast, Kylan.” She smiled once more, squeezing his biceps through his shirt.
Kylan kissed the top of her head, nudging her in the direction of the counter “Sit down and let me get yo
you a plate,” be instructed and she listened.
Getting to watch Kylan cook and maneuver around in his element like this, it was special. Something she always cherished.
In a world where Kylan was a powerful CEO, and she was the head of P for his company, moments like this meant everything
Birthday or no birthday, she was just glad to be doing something normal like having breakfast with K
Her birthday was filled with love and praise, and she was overwhelmed in the best way. Her coworkers made her feel thought of her assistant even going as far as gifting her a beautiful bouquet of white roses.
They joined the slew of other flowers from Kylan, her father and Oscar alike. Her desk looked little more than a garden by the end of the workday.
but she didn’t mind.
As much as she hated the spotlight landing on her, she felt special. Important, & valued friend and employee for Ross Corporation. It helped dull the sting of Kylan not being able to see her for the rest of the day, if only just
She was looking forward to sharing her evening with Maine and Aaron, but she would be lying if she said she wasn’t disappointed her first birthday that she was living with Kylan, wouldn’t be spent with the man hinwell
As soon as five o’clock rolled around, Aaron was blowing up her phone with reminders that he would be at her home to pick her up within the next couple of hours. She closed up shop for the day, choosing to leave the various floral arrangements on her desk to enjoy tomorrow too,
Glancing around the room to make sure she didn’t forget anything she might need the rest of the night; she made her way down to the parking garage where a nameless driver was waiting to take her home
Her heart ached in the fashion it always did when Oscar was no longer the one driving her home at the end of a long day, but she did her best to ignore the feeling with the silent promise that she would set aside half an hour to call him tomorrow.
She dozed a bit on the way home, exhausted after a tough week of work. The autumn weather was dreary and wet, making the atmosphere for Halloween all too perfect
She thanked her driver when they dropped her off, walking into her building just as her phone rang. She fumbled it out of her coat pocket, smiling when a picture of herself and Kylan illuminated the lock serren.
“Hello, darling, I just got home I might lose you in the elevator” She stepped into said elevator, pressing the button for the top floor before leaning against the nearby wall, her eyes on the illuminated members as they increased while the elevator climbed several floors.
“Have you had a good day? Are you planning on staying the night with Aaron and Maine!”
“That’s usually what ends up happening on my birthday, yeah. But don’t worry, I won’t share a bril with them this time” She smirked as the doors pulled open and she stepped out of the elevator car, walking over to her door and propping the phone against her ear while she unlocked it.
“Aaron is aware I’d kick the shit out of him if he tries to share a bed with you again. I’m not worried”
She let out a snori, shaking her head while she kicked off her heels and deposited her keys in the glass bowl near the front door.
“What have we said about violence. Kylan?” she teased, making her way to her bedroom
not there today”
“Fine, Kate,” he paused on the other end of the line for a moment, his voice lowering when he spoke next. “I’m sorry I’m no
She felt herself frowning, her shoulders slumping a bit of their own accord. “It’s okay. I understand how important Ross Corporation is to you,” she tried to reassure him, but she knew she likely sounded a bit disappointed.
the boner”
“You’re the most important thing in my life. I love you, Kate. Happy Birthday. I’ll make it up to you tomorrow, if you’ll allow me
She pretended to think for a beat. “Mmm, if you must, I allow it.” She teased, opening her bedroom door. Her eyes caught on something situated on her bed and she walked over to it staring down at a large, black box that she didn’t recognize. A white, crisp bow adorned the outside, her name written in tine, cursive lettering along the top. “You already got me flowers,” she murmured into the phone.
“Open it, darling”
Kylan knew what she was referring to, then
Her brow furrowed, she placed her phone on the bed, pressing the speaker button so her hands were free.
“You never have to get me presents, Kylan,” she chastised him, smiling slightly when she heard his loud sigh in reply.
She didn’t want to ruin the beautiful wrapping, but she carefully undid the bow, sliding it off slowly before lifting the lid away. She gasped when her eyes soaked in the contents of the box. “Kylan, it’s gorgeous.” Her hands gingerly guided the dainty gown into her fingertips, eyes wide and a smile forming on her lips.
It was a simple, all black, silk gown that nearly floated in her grasp. The material was so soft, so fine, she knew it likely cost a fortune to buy a dress
like this.
“You should wear it tonight. Pair it with those silver heels and her bracelet. Even if all you’re doing is watching movies and eating shit, you should feel elegant on your birthday.”
She almost laughed at the suggestion, holding the dress to her body as she sat on the bed.
“That’s silly, Kylan,” she sighed, staring out the window at the storm clouds obscuring the setting sur
“What’s silly, is me working tonight. What isn’t silly, is you feeling beautiful. Wear the dress, Kate. I need to go, I’ll call you later, okay? I love you”
She bit the inside of her cheek, still feeling like wearing a dress this fancy was a ridiculous thing to do tonight, but a part of her was undeniably curious to see how it would look on her. “I love you, Kylan. Thank you”
“Don’t thank me. Just wear the dress. I’ll talk to you soon!
The line clicked and she locked her phone, staring again at the absurdly fancy dress in her clutches. Throwing her reservations out the window, she stood and began stripping her clothing so she could change into the dress.
As soon as it was on and adjusted the way she wanted it, she stared at her reflection in her bathroom mirror, grinning at herself. She looked wonderful. Elegant, just as Kylan said she would. Beautiful, in the way that she didn’t realize she had been needing to feel today
She fixed up her hair and redid the parts of her makeup that had mostly melted away during the long hours of the day. She sprayed herself with fair amount of perfume, a chime from her phone indicating that Aaron and Maine had arrived to pick her up at the same moment.
With one last, lingering glance at her reflection, she fetched her jacket from her closet and headed down to her friends.
It was Halloween. It was her thirtieth birthday. She was going to have fun with her friends, regardless of how much she really did miss her other half.