Chapter 4
His once vacant eyes flickered briefly with a newfound light, and he nodded.
In a voice that was slightly raspy, he inquired, “Could you take in my two friends as well? They’re both girls, and they’re really talented.”
So, I found myself embracing Lachlan Greer and his friends, Genevieve Calloway and Isadora Langley. Each possessed a unique gift, and I dedicated myself wholly to fostering their growth, standing by them every step of the way.
Lachlan demonstrated an uncanny aptitude for business from the outset. At just twelve, he was already turning a profit by selling homemade holiday chocolates to his classmates. Soon after, he taught himself
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coding, created a computer game, and sold it online.
He had an instinct for pinpointing market demands. By fifteen, he secured a million–dollar investment and was already collaborating with college graduates on game development. As both his expertise and the market expanded, his business empire gradually ventured into diverse sectors–luxury sports car financing, fintech, internet services, artificial intelligence–you name it.
Lachlan’s realm continued to grow, ultimately making him the wealthiest man in the world.
Genevieve, Added to the library similarly composed and collected but thrived in research–especially in pioneering technology. Leveraging Lachlan’s investment, she established the Frontier
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Technological Research Institute, advancing research in areas like communication technology, semiconductors, Al chips, and
The institute excelled in providing core ⚫ technical support to Lachlan’s enterprises.
The siblings‘ collaborative efforts propelled their empire technologically far beyond their competitors.
In contrast, Isadora was vibrant and benevolent. She believed wholeheartedly in the transformative power of education, eventually working her way up to become the principal of a prestigious academy.
This institution not only catered to children from elite families but also counted the president’s son among its students.
Throughout the years, I devoted myself
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entirely to raising my three adopted children. Their presence filled my life, alleviating its loneliness.
Approaching my fiftieth birthday, I decided it was time to return to the U.S. for a ⚫ visit. The kids, meanwhile, were behaving
mysteriously, dropping hints about a grand surprise they had in store for me.
At the party, Eloise stood by the entrance in a peacock–green dress that highlighted her graceful curves and fair complexion. She linked arms with Orson as they greeted the guests.
“Clarisse! You’re here!” she exclaimed brightly, hurrying over and seizing my arm. Before I could react, she whisked me over to where the media had gathered, posing with effortless grace.
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“I know there have been whispers, but they’re all baseless. My sister and I have a fantastic. relationship. I would never meddle in her marriage or become a homewrecker. These untruths have really hurt me. I hope our friends in the media can help set the record * straight.”
As she finished speaking, tears brimmed in her eyes, capturing a blend of sorrow and resilience.
“Miss Hawkesworth,” a reporter called out, “is it true your sister interfered in your marriage once? Rumor has it you were forced to leave 20 years ago. What’s your response to that?”
Before I could reply, my father interjected.
“Clarisse, you’re finally back,” he said, approaching with my stepmother. Under the scrutiny of the cameras, they feigned
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a familial embrace, tears gleaming in theirir
“Everyone, I haven’t seen my daughter Clarisse in 20 years. Forgive me, I got a bit emotional. At my age, having my kids nearby ⚫ is all I wish for,” he declared, dabbing at his
eyes with a handkerchief.
“Miss Hawkesworth, why haven’t you visited your father in two decades? Is that how a daughter should act?” another reporter probed.
“And what about your own children? Your son now runs the family business, on the brink of going public, while your daughter is pursuing a Ph.D. in Germany. In all these years, they’ve missed a mother’s love. Why did you leave them behind and leave the U.S.?”