Mafia Queen Engaged to the Lion Chapter 10

Mafia Queen Engaged to the Lion Chapter 10


We ran through the darkness, our footsteps echoing off the containers Marco kept his gun ready, checking each corner before pulling me forward

Your people better be where they say they are,I said, my breath coming in short bursts 

When have I let you down?” 

Do you want that list alphabetically or chronologically?” 

A smile flashed across his face, gone as quick as it appeared. Duck!” 

I dropped as bullets sparked off the container behind us. Marco returned fire, the sound deafening in the narrow 


This wayHe guided me left, then right, until I’d lost all sense of direction

Shanya’s voice carried through the night. You can’t hide forever, Isabella! Your family’s finished accept it!” 

I started to turn back, but Marco’s grip tightened. Don’t” 

She’s threatening my family.” 

And walking into her trap won’t help them.His eyes met mine. The manifests you grabbed? That’s how we help 


More gunfire erupted behind us. Marco cursed under his breath, checking his phone

Car’s close. But we’ve got company between here and there.” 

I pulled out my own gun- the one he didn’t know I carried. His eyebrows rose slightly

What?I checked the magazine. A girl needs protection these days.” 

You’re full of surprises.” 

Speaking of surprisesI met his gaze. Antonio seemed to think you’re more than you appear

Marco’s jaw tightened. Focus on getting out of here alive. Then we’ll talk.” 



We moved forward again, staying in the shadows. The sound of engines revving grew closer his backup, or 

theirs? Marco’s phone buzzed again

On my signal,” he whispered, we run. No matter what happens, don’t stop until you reach the black SUV.” 

Inodded, gripping both the gun and manifests tighter. Ready when you are.” 

The night exploded in chaos Marco’s signal came as a sharp whistle, and I bolted forward, my legs burning 

I sprinted between the containers. Gunfire erupted from multiple directions, but I kept my eyes locked on the black SUV now visible at the end of the tow 

Keep going!Marco’s voice carried over the firefight

Treached the SUV first, yanking open the door and diving inside Marco slid in seconds later, jamming the key into the ignition 

The manifests?he asked, peeling away from the docks

I patted my jacket Safe. Though I still don’t understand why shipping records are worth getting shot at.” 

Those records prove the Kabbaros have been moving illegal weapons through Antonio’s ports. Using his name

his connections.” 

And Shanya knew this?” 

Why do you think she married him? Marco’s knuckles whitened on the steering wheel. It wasn’t love. She 

needed access to his infrastructure.” 

I stared at the documents in my lap. My family’s reputation” 

Can be restored once these go public.He glanced in the rearview mirror. We’ve got a tail

Of course we do.I checked my gun again What’s the play?” 

You trust me?” 

That’s a loaded question 

His laugh was brief but genuine. Fair enough. But right now- 

Yes,I cut him off. Despite my better judgment, I trust you.” 

Marco nodded, then made a hard turn down a narrow alley. The SUV behind us couldn’t match our speed 

through the tight space. We emerged onto a wider street, and Marco immediately killed the lights, turning into an 

underground parking garage

We sat in darkness, engines off, listening to our pursuers race past above

That wasimpressive,I admitted

I have my moments.He turned to face me. Isabella, there’s something you should know about who I really-” 

My phone buzzed a message from my brother. I read it twice, my blood running cold

What is it?” 

They’ve taken my father” 

My heart pounded against my chest as I stared at my phone. I need to go.” 

Isabella, wait.” Marco’s hand caught my wrist. You can’t just rush in there.” 

He’s my father!I yanked away from his grip. What would you do?” 


Think this through. They took him for a reason they want you to come running.” 

I slumped back in the seat Much as I hated to admit it, he was right. Then what’s your brilliant plan?” 

Marco pulled out his phone. Let me make some calls. I have people who can-” 

No.I shook my head. No more mysterious helpers or vague promises. I want answers. Who are you really

Antonio said things about you that don’t add up.” 

His jaw clenched This isn’t the time.” 

Matungaged in The Len 

it’s exactly the te 

My father’s life is on the line. I need to know who I’m trusting.” 

Marco stared straight ahead, his fingers drumming on the steering wheel. What I’m about to tell youit 

changes everything.” 

Try me” 

The Vercetti family isn’t just another crime syndicate. We control most of the East Coast. The other families- they think they have power, but we’re the ones pulling the strings” 

I processed this. So all this time, pretending to be just another player.. 

Was protection. Keep a low profile, let others fight for scraps while we handle the real business.He turned to face me. Your father knew. That’s why he came to me about the Kabbaro situation” 

My father knew?” The betrayal stung Why didn’t he tell me?” 

To protect you. The fewer people who know the truth, the safer everyone is.Marco’s phone buzzed again. They’re holding him at the old steel mill. My people have eyes on it.” 

Your people. Right.I checked my gun again. Well, Mr. Big Shot, what’s our next move?” 

First, we get those manifests somewhere safe. Then=” 

We get my father back I met his gaze. And after that, you and I are going to have a very long talk about all the other secrets you’re keeping.” 

Deal.He started the engine. But Isabella? There’s something else you should know about why I really wanted to marry you…” 

Mafia Queen Engaged to the Lion

Mafia Queen Engaged to the Lion

Status: Ongoing


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