I woke up early the next morning, my mind already racing with thoughts of meeting Alexander. The clock showed
7 AM – still hours before our scheduled meet
A knock at my door pulled me from my thoughts.
“Breakfast is ready, Miss Isabella.” The maid called through the door
“I’ll be right down.”
I threw on a simple black dress and made my way to the dining room. Marco sat at the head of the table,
newspaper in hand.
“Sleep well?” He folded the paper as I took my seat.
“Well enough. “I reached for the coffee, needing the caffeine to steady my nerves. “Any plans for today?”
“Business meeting downtown.” He studied my face. “You?”
“Just some shopping.” The lie tasted bitter on my tongue. “I need to pick up a few things.”
“Take Giuseppe with you.”
“I can handle shopping on my
y own.”
Marco set down his cup. “It’s not up for discussion. The streets aren’t safe right now.”
“Because of the Kabbaros?”
“Among other things.” His phone buzzed. He checked it, jaw tightening. “I need to go. We’ll talk more tonight.”
He stood, straightening his suit jacket. Before leaving, he paused behind my chair and squeezed my shoul The gesture was surprisingly intimate, sending warmth through my body.
Once he left, I texted Alexander: Still on for 11?
His reply came seconds later. Same place. Come alone.
I had two problems: ditching Giuseppe and making sure no one followed me. Marco’s security was thorough, but
I hadn’t spent years in this world without learning a few tricks.
“Giuseppe?” I found him in the security office. “I’m heading out around ten. Mind giving me thirty minutes to pick up some… personal items first?”
He nodded, understanding my implied meaning. “Of course, Miss Isabella, I’ll wait in the car.”
Marlia Queen. Ergrond The
Perfect. Now I just had to make it count
I walked into the small café at exactly 11 AM, scanning the room until I spotted Alexander in a corner booth. My heart clenched at the sight of him – familiar yet strange after all these months.
“Isabella.” He stood as I approached, pulling me into an awkward hug. His cologne was different, something sharper and more expensive. “You look good.
“Let’s skip the small talk.” I slid into the booth across from him. “What do you want?”
“Can’t I just want to see my wife?”
“Ex–wife,” I corrected “And no, you can’t. Not after what you did.”
Alexander leaned forward, lowering his voice. “I made mistakes. I know that. But I’ve changed.”
“Changed?” I laughed. “Like how you changed when you swore you’d never cheat again? Or when you promised we’d start a family?”
His face darkened. “That’s not fair. We were both-”
“You made me get an abortion, Alex.”
“I did it for us. For our future.” He reached for my hand but I pulled away. “And now look at you- living with some
second–rate mob boss when you could have had everything with me.”
“Marco is twice the man you’ll ever be
“Is that why you’re here? Meeting your ex–husband in secret?” His smile turned cruel. “Does he know about us, about our history?”
I stood, grabbing my purse. “This was a mistake
“Wait.” Alexander caught my wrist. “I need your help, Bella. My company… there are some people causing trouble. With your family’s connections-
“Go to hell.” I yanked free. “And don’t contact me again.”
I hurried out of the café, my hands shaking as I checked my phone. Twenty minutes until Giuseppe would expect
me at the car. Just enough time to compose myself and pretend this meeting never happened.
But Alexander’s words echoed in my head. Does he know about us? The truth was, I hadn’t told Marco everything about my past. Some secrets were better left buried.
I made it back to the car just in time, sliding into the backseat as Giuseppe held the door.
“Find everything you needed, Miss Isabella?”
“Yes, thank you.” I clutched my empty shopping bag closer, hoping he wouldn’t notice the lack of purchases.
Back at Marco’s mansion, I headed straight for my room. I needed space to process the meeting with Alexander.
His words about Marco being “second–rate rang hollow – I’d seen enough of both men to know better. But
something about Alex’s desperation nagged at me.
A soft knock interrupted my thoughts.
“Come in.” I expected a maid, but Marco stepped through the doorway.
“You’re back early.” He loosened his tie. “Meeting didn’t go well?”
My heart stopped. “What meeting?”
“The one you had at Café Milano.” He sat on the edge of my bed. “With Alexander Hartman.”
“You had me followed.”
“I had you protected.” Marco’s voice stayed calm. “There’s a difference.”
“Is there?” I stood up, anger rising. “Because from where I’m standing, it looks like you don’t trust me
“Trust works both ways, Isabella.” He met my gaze. “You lied about going shopping.”
Mais Queen Engaged to The Lon.
“Because I knew you wouldn’t let me go.”
“You’re right. I wouldn’t have.” Marco ran a hand through his hair. “Alexander Hartman is dangerous
I laughed. “Alex? He’s many things, but dangerous isn’t one of them.”
“You’d be surprised what desperation can do to a man.” Marco stood. “His company is failing. He’s looking for any advantage he can get – including using his connection to you.”
ow do you
know all this?”
“Because it’s my business to know.” He stepped closer. “I’m not trying to control you, Isabella. But there are things happening that you don’t understand yet.”
“Then help me understand.”
Marco touched my cheek, his thumb brushing my skin.
Marco’s thumb traced my cheek, but his expression shifted. “Isabella, there’s something you need to know about Alexander”