Chapter 16
When I walked into the living room of the mansion. Max was on his phone. His other hand was running through his hair while he pressed one hand against his ear
“Yes, officer, thank you very much” He said. “And then..”
I raised an eyebrow. “What are you doing?”
He turned around, suddenly staring at me, and shook his head. “Never mind, officer
He hung up the call, came to where I was, gripped my shoulders, and started to inspect me from head to toe. I frowned and
stared at him
“What do you think you’re doing right now?”
He pulled me into a hug. “Thank heavens you’re okay. I thought something bad happened to you.”
“I told you I was line.”
“Yeah, but you left without saying much. We don’t know who the suspect is, and you’re just acting strange. You’re making me worried for no reason. I really knew that we should not have gone to that funeral, none of this shoul have happened.”
“Max. enough. I still don’t like it when you overreact like this. I appreciate your concern and everything, but you, of all people, know that I do not like to be treated like this”
“But you spent the night outside.
“Like a grown woman, need I remind you?” I retorted.
He took a step back, trying his best to control the frown on his face. I looked down at his shirt and realized he was in the same outfit from the meeting
“With your ex–husband that you wanted to escape from.” He continued to pester, by now his eyebrows had shifted into a frown and he could barely conceal his annoyance.
“I can spend the night out with anybody I want. That should not be a problem, Max. Please.”
I closed my eyes and sighed. “I don’t want us to start arguing back and forth. Let us just put a pin in this. I’m fine. I’m here. I left as early as I could. He saved me, if anything.
“Saved you? You don’t know this, but…”
“I was married to him for four years. He may have treated me like garbage, yes but Neil would never want me dead,” I said, though I wasn’t sure why I trusted him that much.
Just then, I heard a tiny voice reach me before she did.
“Mommy, is that you?
I could hear her racing down the hallways, still in her pajamas. I quickly forgot that I was upset with Max to begin with.
I smiled at her. “Oh, my baby. I missed you. Did you miss me?”
“Yes. Mommy, You’ve been away too much,” she said, raising her hand so I could pull her into a hug.
I looked at her in my arms and smiled. I’m so sorry. Mommy has been so bad, right?”
21:21 Sat, B Mar A.
Chapter it
“Yes,” she nodded.
“How can I make it up to you?”
“Let’s go shopping together”
Max and I quickly exchanged glances, Even though he wasn’t speaking, I knew he was going to say that was a dangerous move, considering everything that was going on right now.
“Oh, sweetheart, I would love to, but…”
I saw her instantly sad expression, knowing what I was about to say.
I smiled instead. “You know what? Let’s do it. Let’s go shopping. What do you want?”
“Yay!” she exclaimed, scurrying up and out of the room. “There’s a new doll that I saw on television. I want it!”
“All right, sweetheart. We’re going to get it. Hurry up, let’s go get changed.”
“Yay!” she said again as she dashed toward her room.
Max quickly grabbed my wrist to stop me from leaving. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“I know I shouldn’t be going out now, but… I can’t neglect Helen for anything?
“Yeah, she’s safe here in the mansion. Within these four walls, there’s no threat that can get in. And you want to willingly take her outside?” He was struggling to keep his voice on the low.
“Max, you know how much I care about her. All I care about is her. We’re going to be really quick. I’m not going to deprive her of the joy she deserves, okay?”
“You always-” he started, but I interrupted him.
“Max, we’re going shopping. We’ll be at a mall within the neighborhood. The malls here are prestigious. The security is great in the estate. There’s no way any outsider can sneak in. We’ll be fine, okay?”
He closed his eyes in hesitation, then reopened them with a sigh. “Fine. But I’m coming with you.”
“All right. Go get dressed. You look like you haven’t had a shower since last night,” I teased him with a smile before disappearing into my room. I caught him shaking his head as he went to his.
I stepped into my daughter’s room and helped her get changed, my mind drifting to Neil for a moment. The fact that I had been near him and even slept in the same room with him was beyond anything I could have imagined. I shook the thought out of my head.
“Mommy, I’ve missed you so much! I’m so glad we’re going shopping together.
“Me too, my love,” I told her.
It wasn’t long before we were both dressed and ready to leave.
Max started the car and drove us. I noticed him glancing left and right multiple times. The car was bulletproof, but even though I tried to mask it, I was heavily worried about my daughter. I could handle it if someone threatened me, but not her.
I pressed one hand against Max’s thigh. “Calm down,” I said softly.
His eyes widened, and he stared at my hand before looking at me. I quickly retracted it.
“Sorry,” I muttered, shaking my head. Then I lowered my voice to a whisper, noticing my daughter was distracted by the
21:21 Sat, 8 Mar A.
Chapter 16
iPad in her hands. “You’re being too obvious. Can you calm down so she doesn’t worry that something is wrong?”
Tm trying, he replied.
We finally pulled up in front of a mall near the
estate and hurried inside to do our shoppins
* 47%
We had barely spent ten minutes, but it felt like forever because Helen was having so much trouble making decisions. We had a cart full of dolls by the time we were done, and it was time to pay so we could head home.
I turned to Max. “We should pay now and go home.”
Yes, please,” he said.
“All right, let’s do just that.”
I had barely looked back for a second to pay when I called her, “I hope you are happy with everything that happened today, love.” I looked down with a smile, waiting for her response, only to see that she was gone.
“Helen” My eyes shifted into confusion, one hand finding its way to my chest. At first I froze in place, trying to process what was happening. I looked around me, my breathing pace changing
“Helen” I called on top of my voice.
“What’s wrong?” Max turned to me.
“Helen, she’s gone, she’s gone!” I started to panic, looking around the mall, trying to capture everyone that was walking around. My hands started shaking instantly.
“Calm down.” Max said. He quickly held my trembling hands and forced me to look at him with this small hold of my chin.
“She’s fine, I’m sure, she just ran off.”
“She was just by my side now,” I said.
“Exactly, so no one would have taken her without us noticing, okay?”
The panic was there as I looked around.
“Don’t worry, she’s fine. I’m going to get the mall security to announce it, okay? Just let’s go find her.”
I was about to lose it. I nodded fast as he disappeared to inform the necessary authorities.
I closed my eyes tight, knowing my legs were about to give out, and then I heard her voice, opening my eyes sharply.
“Mommy!” she said with a smile, waving at me.
I realized that someone was carrying her and heading in my direction.
“Oh, thank goodness, I pressed one hand to my chest, sighing in relief and shock.
“She ran off, the person started explaining as I attempted to take her from him, and then that was when I finally calmed down enough to meet his gaze.
I almost wanted the ground to swallow me when I realized whose hands she was in.
Neil Devon.