Not long after, Sarah stomped back into our
room, with Jessica following behind.
“Ashley, why do you always make things so
difficult for me?”
“I could say the exact same thing to you.”
I casually admired my new manicure, not even
giving her a glance.
“My boyfriend came to pick me up, and you
started saving I was promiscuous who
Sarah was speechless.
“I saw you flirting with that older guy. I was
just warning you not to ruin our dorm’s
“Oh relax, I know you like Nick, do you want
me to give you his number?”
I smiled at Sarah, totally playing dumb.
Sarah was fuming. She turned in a circle, then
sat down, mumbling under her breath.
“Who likes your boyfriend? You think you’re
all that? Nick is a loser, he’s not even that
tall. I wouldn’t touch him with a ten–foot
“Vau maust be blind to date bine You think L01
“You must be blind to date him. You think I
want to steal your man? Go cuddle with your
potato head.‘
Sarah ranted for ten whole minutes about
how awful Nick was.
She bashed everything about him from his
looks to his personality.
She thought this would anger me, but she
missed Jessica’s face fall.
“Enough!” Jessica yelled.
Sarah blinked. “Why are you so upset, I was
talking about her boyfriend.”
“Are you even friends with Nick? Why would
you talk about him like that?”
Jessica’s voice was shaking, and her eyes
were red.
Sarah saw Jessica’s face and realized what
was happening.
She scowled, “You can’t be serious. You like
that loser?”
“Of course, you’re from that one–horse town,
you wouldn’t see many cute guys.”
“Listen, Jessica. You’re okay, but if you got a
little makeover, and some cash, you’d get
better. Don’t waste your energy on that guy!”
Sarah thought she was giving good advice,
but her tone was condescending.
Jessica’s tears started flowing. She stood up
“Who do you think you are? Why are you
looking down on us?”
“You just hang around those rich frat boys,
drinking their lattes and getting gifts! Like
you’re so amazing.”
Sarah was surprised. She never expected
Jessica to fight back like this, she always
thought Jessica was a doormat.
She never backed down from a fight. She
stood up and shoved Jessica back. The two
of them started fighting.
Before someone got seriously hurt and the
RA showed up, I stepped in.
I pulled them apart. “Let’s all take a deep
breath, we all live here, let’s not make things
That was Jessica’s favorite line. I said it back
to her.
She glared at me and then ran out of the
room in tears.
I sighed, pretending to be heartbroken.
Being the peacekeeper sure was fun.
Michelle got back from her meeting, saw the mess on the floor.
She looked at me, confused. “What happened?”
I shrugged. “It was over a bad boyfriend.’