Reborn let the evil couple reap What they sow Chapter 3

Reborn let the evil couple reap What they sow Chapter 3


It really could have happened that way. After all, Kaysen knew my computer and phone passwords 

But recently, he’d been away with his professor on a field trip, so he hadn’t been back to campus in ages

It be had stolen my design before the competition, he’d have to have used surveillance to do it

With that thought, immediately found a tech expert to check my devices for any monitoring software

But the results came back clean. There was no evidence of any eavesdropping on my computer or phone

Still, I couldn’t shake my unease. Just picturing Kaysen and Frieda together made me sick

So I called him, broke up with him on the spot, and hung up before he could even process what I’d said. Then I blocked him

Next, I changed the lock on my studio door, combed through every inch, and made sure there were no hidden cameras. Only then did I feel at ease

Once everything was set, I locked the door and began sketching a new concept for my entry

I was determined not to have a repeat of that uncanny coincidence“. 


I was determined not to have a repeat of that uncanny coincidence” 

After working through the night, I finally finished my new design 

This time, my inspiration came from the tropical rainforest 

Frieda had once posted online about how much she hated the humidity and stickiness of rainforests 

Twas certain our designs wouldn’t neeilap again

To leave a record, I posted my sketch on social media, along with a short video of my trip to the rainforest last summer 

With that done, I stretched, deciding to grab some breakfast before submitting my final design

I felt genuinely proud of this one

Although it wasn’t as eyecatching as my previous cyberpunk style, I believed its raw, untamed energy would resonate more with the judges 

While eating, I checked Frieda’s account from an alternate profile, curious to see if she’d posted anything 

I’d barely clicked in when I saw she’d made a new post just ten minutes carber 

My heart froze

In her latest update, Frieda wrote a long past claiming someone had copied her competition design, forcing her to pull an all nighter to create a new 

When someone in the comments asked who’d stolen her work, Frieda responded with a smiley face, hinting that it was someone from our school who had connections, so she couldn’t name them openly 

Beneath her post was a photo of her working on her computer

Reborn let the evil couple reap What they sow novel

Reborn let the evil couple reap What they sow novel

Status: Ongoing
Reborn let the evil couple reap What they sow novel


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not work with dark mode