Chapter 113
Once again, the moon was rising. I was surrounded by 100 wolves. I stood on the grass of the Blue Ridge pack house in my bare feet, my face upturned.
It wasn’t summer this time, but the edge of autumn. The air smelled like dry leaves and damp earth and the breeze was cool.
But like last time, the sky was clear. It was perfect for calling on the goddess.
The wolves of Blue Ridge were in place for the second and third ceremonies, which had been rolled into one larger one that would determine the identities of the goddess’s final two chosen.
Dane stood in the same special place in the circle as last time -a place where he could raise and concentrate the power the goddess gave her Alphas.
I met his eyes. I think both of us were trying not to remember the last time, and what had happened after. How his grandfather had been attacked by shadow spirits.
To ensure that didn’t happen again, we had contacted two witches that worked with Blue Ridge in the past. They worked all day, placing protections around the grounds closest to the pack house.
Chapter 113
I wasn’t sure what they could do against the darkness we battled, but at least this time we were trying. We also had wolves looking out, keeping an eye to see if any strange magic began happening anywhere on Blue Ridge land.
Just like last time, when the moon climbed to its highest point, I signaled the wolves. All around me, torches lit.
When every single one held a flame, I raised my arms and called on the goddess.
The first time we’d held this ceremony, I had hoped and prayed I would be chosen, and that in choosing me, the goddess would return my wolf to me.
I didn’t pray for that anymore. I didn’t even want it. With my wolf, I could only imagine that Holden’s control over me would grow stronger. Wolves were always eager to obey their Alphas.
And what if she accepted him as a mate?
Revulsion rolled through my body. I wouldn’t be able to stand that. I’d rather be wolfless than have to deal with a wolf who was willingly mated to a man like Holden.
I spoke the words in the ancient language, and they resounded in my heart.
While I was chanting, I felt something…catch. Something that hadn’t last time. Magic that sparked down by my toes and climbed slowly, as if I were sinking into warm water.
Chapter 113
Goddess…is it you?
She didn’t answer. Not exactly. But I felt the wind stir, like a soft kiss on my cheek.
I remembered a dream. I’d had so many, and most of them were nightmares. But this one…
I felt…cradled. Held, as if in a loving mother’s arms. A feeling I had only ever touched in dreams, like a wisp of a fragment of an ancient memory.
A new voice whispered in my ear. It was so faint, at first it sounded like someone impossibly far away.
Then I heard the whisper again, and realized it wasn’t far. It was close by. Right next to my ear. But so quiet that even that close, I could barely make it out.
Except I could hear the words more clearly now.
Aurora, you are mine. Do not forget. Do not go sweetly into the dark!
The voice was so clear, and yet so clearly in my mind, I almost faltered. I almost lost my place.
I looked to Dane. Just like last time, it looked like he stood right under the moon.
Chapter 113
Except…it was more than an illusion. He was glowing. His face. was lifted to the sky, and iridescent white, blue, and purplet flames seemed to leap around his body.
My voice rose with the chant, almost like a song that someone else sang with my voice. I reached the last line. The torchest flickered. Their light changed to ghostly blue and silver.
The moon gave two bright flashes of light that lit the sky. Motes of moonlight rained down like glittering silver snow.
I closed my eyes and reached for the sky.
Last time, I had been so certain. I had been arrogant.
This time, all I wanted were the right people. The wolves who could solve this problem. Who could help us unearth the relic and find my children.
Everyone gasped.
I opened my eyes.
The motes had coalesced into something like a waterfall of light. It fell from the sky, lighting the chosen with power.
Lighting me.
And lighting Dane.
I pressed my hand to my mouth and almost laughed.
Chapter 113
It was me. For once, it was me.
The Blue Ridge wolves were looking from me to Dane. Evelyn stood off to one side. Her expression was blank.
Dane walked toward me. The wolves parted to make way for him to join me in the center of the circle.
The final two. The priestess and the knight…
I didn’t know what whispered those words. Maybe the wind. Maybe they were in my mind.
Dane joined me. He took my hand. Softly, he kissed my knuckles.
“I knew it would be us.”
“As did we,” called a new voice.
As one, the Blue Ridge wolves turned to look at the edge of the circle, where twelve strange women stood. They all wore their lycan forms.
Then they stalked toward Dane and I as if they were ready to kill.