Rejected Mate Chapter 44

Rejected Mate Chapter 44

Chapter 44 


Imight?I said. The words sounded choked

She nodded. Then she took my hand and tugged me toward the table

Something gripped my heart when she put her hand in mine and led me to the table. Something fierce and proud and stronger than I’d ever felt in my life

I had held them earlier, when I pulled them from the house. But there hadn’t been time. It was life or death, and I was worried about Piper

Now, there was nothing to distract me from these two except Margie putting a donut and milk in front of me, too. As if I was also four, and not the billionaire Alpha of a massive pack

Margie,I said. I wasn’t sure if I was saying her name in warning, or in helplessness. I didn’t know what to do with two fouryearold children

She’s right,the old cook said. Have a donut.” 

I sat across from them, really taking them in for the first time

There was no way to stop seeing it, now that I looked. Aurora’s 

Chapter 44 

wide eyes in the girl’s face. My frown on the boy’s


She wouldn’t say it, and I was still waiting for the results to come back on the samples Piper brought me, but they were mine. I knew more deeply than I’d ever known anything in my life

You’reSeraphina,I said to the girl. Then I turned to her brother. And you’re Tristan.” 

Seraphina nodded. Tristan whispered loudly, We aren’t supposed to tell him.” 

Then he turned narrowed eyes on me again

What aren’t you supposed to tell?I asked. I couldn’t help the slight smile that crept over my face

Instead of answering, he glowered. You said mean words to our mommy.” 

At the mention of Aurora, my smile faded

They were mine

She’d kept them from me

I should be enraged

But I couldn’t stop thinking about what she’d said to me. I would never subject a child to the treatment you gave me for the 

three years we we 

years we were married

Chapter 44 

So many people thought I waswhat had Aurora said

Honorable. Except her. With her, I’d given into the darkness. Allowed myself to be a monster to her, because I thought she was a monster, loo


I shouldn’t be surprised that she had kept them, and kept them. from me

If I thought someone might treat my children the way I treated her for those years, I’d keep them away, too

Still, looking at them, at how old they were, thinking of what I’d missed, I couldn’t stop the rage

She was afraid I’d take her children, was she? Maybe she should be

After all, her pack had taken my parents

Does your mother know where you are?I asked the sugarcovered twins

She thinks we’re napping,Tristan said. She needs to rest.” 

A wry smile curved one corner of my mouth. Come on,I said to the kids. We’re going on a walk. I think we have some things to talk about.” 



Chapter 44 


Once Dane’s beta, Archer, showed us to our rooms, and the children were asleep, I paced

I was back in Blue Ridge. Granted, I wasn’t stuck in the city penthouse like I had been before. But I was back, nonetheless. Except this time, I was a guest, and Dane was engaged to Evelyn.. 

I couldn’t tell how that made me feel

Aside from that, I couldn’t stop thinking about the shadows. As the mansion had crumbled around us, they’d gone right for Piper, just like I watched them go for Connall

I thought I was going to have to fight them as the house crumbled around us. But when I got near them, the amulet at my throat glowed, and they’d turned transparent, like normal shadows, and justfallen away

Why? I wasn’t the chosen. The ceremony made that clear

It had to be that the amulet had power all on its own

There was no way I was giving it up, now

Because one thing was clear: Dane’s family was being targeted. First his grandfather, now his sister

Was Dane next? Were the twins

I grabbed the journal off the shelf and carefully turned through its pages. The new one was carefully glued back in. Two were 

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still missing. What did they say? What came next


Because now that we knew who the key wasEvelyn, apparently 

we needed to push forward on our search for the relic

I needed to, especially

Because the ceremony hadn’t brought my wolf back, butmight it

From what we’d read, the thing we were searching for was a pure source of magic. Enough that unlocking it would bring magic back to the world. Wolves, witches, and the like wouldn’t have to hide in fear of being hunted by humans anymore

We could just exist

Surely, something like that would be strong enough to bring back my wolf. Then I could have everything. Stay Lunaheir

If I was a leader of a pack in my own right, Dane couldn’t take my children. Because they’d be my heirs, and he already had another one on the way

I moved to put the journal back on my bedside table. I’d pulled it from the rubble, and it was battered and torn in several places

As I did, the back cover shifted. I opened it to see if it was damaged. The paper pasted to it had peeled free

Beneath it, several symbols glowed

Chapter 44 

The top ones caught my eye


Chosen, one of the symbols said. And then a line down, from the prison gates, the shadows will rise… 

Then there were others I couldn’t read, and then, Her chosen Three

I sat down hard on my bed as more symbols became clear, my heart beating in my throat

We’d been wrong. We’d been wrong about everything


I stumbled out of the house to find Dane. I didn’t care how angry he was, we had to talk. We had to figure this out

I found him outside

He was playing with the twins

Tristan. Seraphina,I gasped. I thought you were asleep!” 

We’re playing,Seraphina said. She handed me a crown of woven clover flowers. For you, mommy! Look, he has a bracelet!” 

Sure enough, there was a bracelet of clover flowers on Dane’s wrist

I met his eyes, saw his set jaw, and everything else was driven 

Chapter 44 

from my mind


He stood, then pulled me away, just far enough that the children. couldn’t hear. There was a look in his eyes like I’d never seen 




No. You’ve had five years to speak, Aurora. To tell me who they 


I couldn’t-” 

His face twisted into a snarl. No more excuses! Those children are mine. Mine, no matter what you say. You took them from me, and now I’m taking them back. They aren’t going anywhere. Ever. You, though? You can stay or go. It’s your choice.” 

Rejected Mate

Rejected Mate

Status: Ongoing


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