Chapter 49
The next morning, I finally found Dane. He was in his home office, a room filled with heavy, masculine furniture and dark wood. He leaned over his desk, writing something.
I paused in the doorway when I saw him, caught for a moment in the memory of the dream. Of the way he wanted me in that place. The way he claimed me without hate.
If only I could stop myself from having those dreams, I might be able to stop wishing he would love me.
I knocked politely on the door frame, and he looked up. I thought I saw something dark flash in his eyes. Something like… desire.
Then it was gone.
“Aurora,” he said in a polite tone. “How can I help you?”
“It’s about yesterday.”
His face hardened, but I continued. “When I found you with the children, I was actually looking for you for another reason.
The hardness faded and he looked at me with curiosity. “Really? What reason is that?”
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“The journal. Part of the back inside cover peeled up, and I found more writing. I think this is more complicated than we realized.”
Dane set down his pen and turned to face me fully. He folded his arms over his chest and leaned against his desk. “Complicated in what way?”
I lifted the book. “I can show you.”
He gestured for his desk, and I moved forward to stand next to him. I showed him where the cover paper had peeled away, and how there was writing beneath. I showed him the symbols that had revealed themselves to me.
“There are three,” I said. “And it speaks of shadows and a prison or cage. I think that’s why we’re under attack. Because we’re getting close to the thing that contains the relic, and the shadows are trying to stop us.”
“Hm. Whoever buried this power didn’t want anyone else to have it. Typical.”
I nodded. “Or it could be some sort of trial to worthiness. Either way, they’re connected.”
“There’s only one problem with what you said.” Dane looked down at me, his arms still crossed over his chest. “These
shadows aren’t targeting you. They’re targeting my family. Why?”
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I glanced up at him, then away. It was too easy to get caught in his eyes, to sink in and drown in them. “I don’t know. I was hoping the two pages that are still missing might have the
“Do you think Esther might have them, and she was toying with you by just giving you one?” he asked.
“I’ve considered it. But I’m not sure why. Like we’ve discussed, she thinks this journal is an oddity. Something silly, full
of symbols. Barely more important than a coloring book. Otherwise, there’s no way she’d let me have it.”
Dane nodded. “Still. She might have the pages and just be holding them.”
“She might. But I still think they might also be in the house, lost in the chaos of the years.”
I waited for him to say more, but he didn’t. I think we were both lost in the memories of what happened the last time I’d tried to go and find the pages.
Dane broke the silence. “I’ll go.”
“I’m going,” I protested. “It’s my book. My old home.”
He sighed. “I meant I’ll go with you. Bring Trajan. I’ll bring Archer. I believe the four of us should be a match for an old, abandoned house. Before we go, I’ll have guards comb the area
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and make sure no Reeds are waiting in ambush.”
“Thank you,” I said. “This was…casier than I expected it to be.”
His gaze cut away from me. “I have no problem giving you want you want, Aurora, when what you want is reasonable.”
I snorted. Those words were a trap that would lead to another argument over the twins. I wasn’t going to fall into it. Not today.
“When should we go?” I asked.
He glanced outside. It was midmorning, the sky bright and blue and warm. “Tonight,” he said. “I’ve already sent the orders for the scouts to begin their work.”
I nodded and went to leave. Then I paused. “Dane. How are Connell and Piper?”
He met my gaze. To anyone else, I’m sure he looked like the same stoic Alpha as ever. But I could see the hint of blue beneath his eyes, the weariness in the way he held himself. “The
“If the shadows are connected to the relic, finding it may help them,” I said.
“It will help them.” His voice was determined. “It has to.” He sighed. “We’re in it, now, Aurora. Our actions have affected others. We can’t stop. Not until we see this through to the end.”
He looked so distant and sad; I moved back to him. Tentatively,
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I put a hand on his shoulder. “I’m with you, Dane. Your grandfather…I always loved him like my own. And Piper is incredible. I won’t abandon them. Or you.”
Before he could speak, or either of us could say something more, I left.
I had to remember to keep a professional distance from him. It was for the best. After all, he was still the man who was trying to take my children.
That night, Dane, Trajan, Archer, and I took a car down the road I’d taken the other day. We parked, walked, and came to the old Broken Forest pack house without hearing more than crickets and an owl.
The building loomed above us, dark and forbidding, and I shivered.
“You ready for this?” Trajan asked.
I hesitated, then nodded. It was a lie, but it didn’t matter. Some things just had to be done.
“Let’s go,” I said.
I walked inside. Dane went first, then me, then Trajan. Archer came behind.
We stepped into the foyer and looked around. The men had
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their wolf sight. I had a flashlight on my phone.
“We’ll head for her old room,” Dane said. “Remember, watch for
There was an ominous creak, and then the floor gave out
beneath us.