Tempting Mafia Ch 10

Tempting Mafia Ch 10

Cornered In The Bathroom 

Genesis nervously sipped her water while the table sat quietly absorbing the situation. Kiefer’s arm draped casually over the back of the booth behind her shoulders while he kept Eagan on his lap, felt far too familiar. Egan was coloring a picture on the back of his placemat, his tongue poking through his teeth as he focused

Suddenly Egan popped his head up and looked at his uncle before looking back down and biting the inside of his cheek

What do you want to say, kid?Tadgh questioned him

You are staring at me,he grimaced. “My mom said you are a bully. Are you going to hurt me and my mom?” 

No.Tadgh gave Genesis an annoyed glance, I’m not a bully.” 

Yes, you are.Egan didn’t back down. My mom told me you and your sister and your sister’s friend bullied her. She said even eat breakfast with her, and you played music she hated.” 

Sounds like a bully to me,” Kiefer glared at his brother

You know why,Tadgh spit back at his brother

You should have said something.Kiefer shot back

you wouldn’t 

Cornered In The Bathroom 

You should have known.” 

I’m not fucking clairvoyant.” 


You swore!Egan interrupted the bickering. Mom doesn’t like swearing.” 

Really because two days ago, she was dropping eff bombs and even see you next Tuesday,Jerren suddenly piped up

You said the c word?Astra looked at Genesis in awe

Yeah, while we were holding her off Aoife. You broke her nose by the way. It needed to be reset.Jerren continued his storytelling

“She deserved everything she got.Genesis grumbled

We agree,Kiefer rubbed her shoulder reassuringly. My father met her plane this morning and she is being managed.” 

You didn’t do it yourself?Genesis was disgusted. Weak.She insulted him and she knew it

While I’m the head of the family here in America, my father is the head of our family overall. What I want for her punishment is not my decision to make. When it comes to his children, he gets the final say.” 

I’ve met your mother, Kiefer. Your sister is the way she is because your mother thinks the sun shines out her arse. She’s going to get away with what she did.Genesis couldn’t fight the 

Cornered In The Bathroom 


bitterness spewing from her lips. She threw her napkin on the table, Astra, I need a minute. Watch Egan please?” 

I’ll guard him with my life,Astra slid round the back of the booth to move closer to the boy

She glared at Kiefer, can you move? I need the ladiesroom.” 

Of course,he turned his body and Egan’s, so they were half 

out of the booth

Squeezing past, them she stomped off to the bathroom and slammed her fists against the cheap countertop and glared at herself in the mirror. It was all her fault. She should have told Astra they weren’t stopping for dinner. They should have kept on moving. The urge to scream at the top of her lungs. as her world felt like it was imploding into her was nearly overwhelming

She needed to find a way out for her, Egan, and Astra. There was no way she could belong to a family again where she and her child would be treated as less than because she didn’t 

have O’Reilly blood running through her veins. Aoife would always be the true daughter of the family and her bitch of a best friend, the sister of the man accompanying the twins today, was always going to get her get out of jail free card because of her connection to both Aoife and Jerren

She leaned over the sink and turned the tap on, splashing cool water over her face hating herself for the burning in her eyes and the ache in her throat from the unshed tears. She should be stronger than this and here she was, hiding in a bathroom

Cornered In The Bathroom 

trying not to cry over her misfortune once again


Lifting her face to look in the mirror she caught sight of the man entering the bathroom behind her

This is the ladiesroom. Get out.” 

Why are you crying?Kiefer called her out. This is a good thing, a joyous thing. Our family is whole.” 

She gave a bitter laugh, I would rather be dead than share family with your bitch of a sister and her whore of a best friend.” 

You need to tone down the rage, Genesis. It is clear you have painted the family in a bad light to our son,a tic at his jaw twitched, a son I had no idea existed until the wee hours of this morning. Why did you not tell me you were pregnant? Yesterday, at the house, you made it seem as if you lost our child when there was another one alive and well. Why did you hide 

him from me?” 

Because I hate you,she didn’t look away from his startled expression in the mirror. I hate you with the strength of a thousand suns.” 

His hands moved to rest on her shoulders, and she tried to shrug them off, but he simply stepped closer to her, his hips pressing her into the counter. Why? What did I do to make you hate me so much you would keep my own son from me?His eyes blazed at her in their reflection, it was one thing to sell me out to the feds but to keep my flesh and blood from me, to steal his inheritance and his rightful place as the future leader of this 

Cornered In The Bathroom 


family away from him, is entirely another. Why? Why did you do it?” 

Do you want your list in alphabetical or numerical order?” 

Her biting tone had his pale eyebrows lifting, in whichever order is easier for you to muster.” 

You’re an evil, manipulative prick who lied to me from the beginning. Your sister told me all about how you didn’t have your green card, and you saw me as a mari in Ireland and used me to make your stay in America legal. Before you get on me about it being a lie, she made sure to call your mother in front of me and the woman corroborated the story.” 

My mother?” 

Yes. Your sister called her in front of me and asked her in there was any word on you getting your green card so wou could divorce the Yankee bitch and marry Laoise. Your mother laughed and told her these things take time and Americam bureaucracy, and paperwork was difficult to wade through and she and Laoise needed to be patient.” 

It was a lie.” 

I don’t believe you.” 

What else

You promised me to never leave me alone,she accused him bluntly. On our wedding day, when you told me who you were

Commened in The Bathroom 

who you really are. You told me you were an O’Reilly but if I married you, if I agreed to be your wife, I would never be lonely again a day in my life. The ink was barely dry on our marriage certificate, and you were out all day and all night. You came home to get your dick wet, sleep two or three hours and were gone again.” 

Get my dick wet?He squeezed her shoulders warningly, I came home to make love to my wife.” 

Making love? That would imply you were taking your time with a wife you cared so much about you didn’t even realize how much you were hurting her? Most nights I was in so much physical pain from the shit those two bitches and their minions did to me, I could barely move, and you didn’t even notice. You were so caught up in getting off you didn’t even notice me wincing, whimpering, or crying.” 


How many times did I beg you not to leave me home alone? I followed you into the bathroom and grabbed your ankles like a pathetic fool and begged you to spend the day with me and you told me,she looked away finally, you told me you needed to meet at shipment down at the dock at your father’s orders. I asked if the shipment was more important than me and our marriage and you laughed and said nothing was more important than an O’Reilly making good on their deliveries.” 

Realization lit up his eyes, this was why you told them of the shipment dock location.” 

Camered In The Bathroom 

It was more important than me. Your precious family was more important than me. Your abusive bitch of a sister and your lover, were more important than me.” 

She was not my lover.” 

I saw it with my own eyes. Your dick, held in your hand, was in her mouth. While I lay listening to the doctor tell me I was young and I could have more children someday, his pathetic platitudes in my ears, you were getting blown by your whore.” 

He turned her to face him, she was not my lover. She took advantage of me after she spiked my drink. They put drugs in my private bottle of scotch. Substantial amounts. I went looking for you and I was looking for you when the drugs hit me. When Laoise came up to me, I was calling for you and she pretended she ” 

Save it. There is no way I believe you could confuse her auburn tresses for mine.” 

I couldn’t see a damn thing. She was wearing your perfume. I don’t remember much else, but Barry reported yesterday to me I was calling her by your name and she and my sister were encouraging it.” 

You knew enough she was wearing my perfume.” 

No. I realized it in the morning when I woke up naked next to her and it was your scent on her skin, but I also know I didn’t fuck her. You have to believe me.” 

Comered in The Bathroom 

I don’t.” 

We will find a way to get through this together.” 

I don’t think it’s even in the realm of possibilities.She shook her head, you abandoned me. You left me there. I realized the truth the first time they hurt me, and you didn’t do anything about it. You’re trying to tell me, you the great leader of your American division of your family, didn’t know what was happening in your own house? Your own brother didn’t see what was happening? Whatever you want to use as excuses to absolve your guilt, you go ahead but the day you chose to leave me home alone with them when I begged you to stay with me because your shipment was more important, was the day I decided I wasn’t telling you about the baby and it was the day decided to leave your pathetic ass.” 


The minute you left that morning, your sister and her bitch showed up in our bedroom and told me how you and Tadgh were laughing at the breakfast table about me being a needy whiny bitch. Then they dragged me from my bed and shoved me into a cold shower because Laoise was disgusted your touch was still on my skin.” 

She will pay.” 

If you drag me back into this family, Kiefer, I’ll make sure all of you pay.Her hatefilled gaze glowered at him, I won’t rest until you’re all in ruin.” 

Cornered In The Bathroom 

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Tempting Mafia

Tempting Mafia

Status: Ongoing


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