Tr Gifts
Tempting The Mafia Twins
Mr her thoughts all over the place the allodowater where their bag war pathad to the altele like her tits body was ice cold. Is this what it to be going into rinct? She was barely going through the motions an aber opined the back door of the car to colect Egan’s backpack and his smaller suncase from where it pat bed his car seat. Did she need to get his car seat as well
Termin began unloading the land she board arguing between them and Astra. She was busy unbraciding the booster seat when bar trend spoke trombahind
“I’m coming.” Astra cleared her voice, I can’t do them
Dashe tumed to look at her best friend who was standing holding her overnight bag which she’d ripped from one of the guards in ber hand and was putting it into the bucket of the carro Egan’s bagi serenit, ut do you w
“G, I love you and I would do almost anything but this,” she waved at the man holding court with Egan, “thin‘ comething can get behind. You’re walking right backinto the loss den and you’re going to bed and I can’t watch the happen. Tais in suicide. He is going to bill you, and I can’t watchi
“And What do you want to do? Ised to run. I followed our plane to the latter and,” she allowed back there at the way her friend was regarding her. Aber all they’d been through
The last seen earn and Antra was going to abandon her only need to find another way to get for?
But you work. He saw you and Egan and neck. You that bathroom a long time. Did he get into your pants already?”
“Whately not. In the what you think of? Do you not know how hard I needed to work to get away from him?”
“You game in to be”
“I warfighting with him. Telling him how he and his blasted family nearly destroyed me. I let him he over the fact that, hs, my son is dead, and my other is growing up without a brother and you’re standing he accusing me of fucking him in a bathroom?”
“You fecbed hang the first day you save him lat tiros.”
“Imastointy–one, ma country on vacation and very stepid. I am not the namo girl anymore. They destroyed the person she was.
“Did they are.” Astra whispered Lively.
“Khata that supposed to mean?
“You used to be fun, Genesis, he wanted to travel the world and build our business together and instead, you got mixed up with the Trish mob and walked away from me without a backwards glance and you’re going to do it again.”
“How many times are we going to have this argument, Astra. I didn’t walk away from you. Our business was online. You could have built it from anywhere. My husband’s businesses were in Boston. You wanted to go to Atlanta. I tried to negotiate with you. I tried to rationalize with you. You hated him from the first day we met him. You argued with me from the minute I met him. Every conversation we shared from the day I met him was you begging me to leave him and then suddenly you were gone. You ghosted me. I didn’t leave you. You left me. You changed your number, and you left me. The only reason we connected again was purely coincidental when we were both in Miami when I was pregnant and hiding. However, before this, you left me because I fell in love with him.”
“Because he was dangerous, and I knew you would be in trouble. I was right,” she motioned to an armed man standing a few feet away watching them argue. “You need to get away from him before you wind up dead.
Her eyes moved to where Egan was excitedly exploring every inch of an SUV, an Escalade, with tinted windows and ginormous wheels with shiny rims.
“He’s going to take Egan from me. He has a full damn army here, Astra. Look around. He won’t let me take him. What am I supposed to? Leave my son behind?”
Astra made a face and Genesis gasped. Surely her best friend, the woman who helped her raise Egan and was there when he was born was not thinking she should simply leave her son behind and run away?
“You think I should let him go and walk away? You think I should leave my son with him?”
“Even if you got the best lawyer in the world, you would never win against his family. They are going to have Egan with or without your agreement. If you go with them, they’ll only kill you and finish what those two bitches started years ago. Now they have him, he’s going to be turned into one of them and he’ll be a murderous bastard someday too. Come with me. Leave with me now. We’ll start over somewhere else. Someday when Egan is old enough to come find you on his own, he will.”
“He is my son!”
“He is also his,” she spat the pronoun, “son and because of it, he will never let him go. You heard him at dinner. Egan is the O’Reilly heir. He
doesn’t care if you stay or leave but he wants the boy. Let him have him but save your life.”
“I’m telling you, Genesis. If you stay with him, they will kill They let their own family beat you and cause the death of your unborn child. They knew it was happening. He cheated on you with the woman who caused your miscarriage. You can’t save his life if you are dead. Let’s leave and regroup and maybe we can find another way to get Egan, but I mean look at him,” she waved at the boy who was laughing uproariously at something Jerren said while Kiefer watched on indulgently.
“You are asking me to leave my son behind and to not fight for
him? Everything we have done was for him.”
“Everything I did, was for you.” Astra negated Genesis’s
statement quietly. “I love you, Genesis. Why can’t you see how much I love you?”
“I love you too.”
“No. It’s not the same, Genesis. I love you,” the way Astra said the words made Genesis’s eyes widen curiously. “I have loved you for so long and you chose him over me back then and you’re doing it again. If you choose to stay with him then this is the last time, we will ever see each other. I’ll never take another one of your calls again.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“Because I love you, but I always come second or in this case, third now. I was second to Kiefer. Then I was second to Egan. Now I’m third to the pair of them.”
“I don’t love Kiefer.” She meant it too. She hated him as much as she said she did in the bathroom earlier. She held him entirely responsible for the hell she’d gone through.
“He doesn’t love you either. He owns you. You are a possession and when he tires of you, like he did last time, he’ll destroy you. Either way, he gets the boy. If you want to live, then come with me now. We can start over somewhere else.”
“I cannot leave my son behind.”
“Its your death sentence,” Astra shook her head.
“If I’m going to die for anyone it is him,” she watched as Jerren, the larger of the three men, tossed her son high into the air, catching him easily and the way Egan was gravitating to their high energy. The three of them were always loud, boisterous and the focus of attention wherever they went. She felt her whole body shudder as Kiefer turned as if feeling her gaze on them and his eyes met hers, his strawberry shaded eyebrow perching high at the tension between the two women. He leaned sideways and said something to Tadgh who took his eyes off his nephew to
look at her.
“I love you, Genesis but I’m not going to stand by and watch you walk into the equivalent of a death chamber.” She held her hand out, “give me the keys to the car. I’m going to continue onto Milwaukee and figure out my next steps, but this is where we part, Genesis.”
“You cannot mean this.” She held the rental keys tight in her grip, tears streaming down her face. “You’re my best friend.”
“You don’t even get it, do you?” Astra looked upwards in frustration. “I don’t want to be your best friend. I wanted to be your partner and once again these assholes are disrupting us. I would move heaven and earth for you, but you don’t even notice.”
“That’s not fair. You’re asking me to choose between you and my son! He is my heart. I can’t lose him.”
“You’ve already lost him,” Astra said bluntly with a cool look
over her shoulder. “I love him, Genesis but I know right now this. is a losing battle. If they asked Egan to choose between you and his father, even after only an hour in his presence, it’s Daddy all the way. You saw the way he was in the hotel room. He was pissed off at you even knowing the man is a bastard. He wanted his Dad and now he has him.”
“You’re wrong.”‘
“Maybe but you can’t compete with something he’s longed for. He dreams of his grandfather because he wants a male figure in his life. You’re not it. You will never be it.” She gave Tadgh a sideways glare as he approached, “I know you’ve made up your mind but so have I. I won’t be standing around watching you die for a little bit of dick and the love of a child who would abandon you the minute the ginger fuck comes around. I’m out of here.”
She flipped her finger up at Tadgh as he moved to stand next to Genesis and then got into the car, slamming the door hard before driving away.