Tempting The Mafia Twins
Closed Doors
“What happened?” She was staring at a newly plastered wall
where a door once was.
“What do you mean?”
“The wine cellar. You blocked it off?”
“Yes. The minute you had a meltdown last night over it, we got a crew in. We emptied it and sealed it off. Nobody will ever be in that room again.”
“Because it makes you sad, Gen.”
“What did you do with the wine in there. Weren’t there bottles worth thousands of dollars?”
“Moved them to storage for now. We’ll figure out something. For now, it was more important to close it off and make sure it wasn’t staring you in the face day in and day out.”
She wrapped her arms around her middle and sighed, “I don’t recognize any of the housekeeping staff upstairs.”
“Fired them all the minute we found out what Aoife and Laoise was doing and none of them reported it. It’s all new staff, vetted and loyal to the family but they all know you come first. If
Closed Doors
anyone comes at you, they answer to me and considering the damage which was inflicted on some of the women who left you and our son to die in the cellar, well, it won’t be an offense anyone dares to repeat in our home.”
“This isn’t my home.”
“It is. You’ll settle in here again, I’m sure.”
“Unlikely.” She turned and looked around, “who were you talking to on the phone?”
“My father. He found Aoife’s old phone. Do you remember your guard, Finn?”
“The redhaired guy who I thought must have been a cousin or something but wasn’t?”
“He ever hurt you?”
“No but he frequently turned a blind eye to shit. What about him?”
“He was wearing my ring in a video you received. It was a short clip taken from a ninety–minute video in which Aoife, Laoise and Finn fucked around in our bed while I was passed out cold in the background.” He watched as she met his eyes incredulously and then looked away. Before she could speak, “since my face wasn’t in it, it was easy to dub my voice into it because you’d never see my lips move.”
Closed Doors
| now you grading on her, night over there,” sha porabad to where the bench was, also nom muhring.
„1 man higher than a koe and according to Barry and A, I thought I was with you
“Barry, the goy you that in the box?” she rolled þar ayen,
“Yes, Barry the guy I shot in the face becausa ha darespected my wife.” He rubbed the back of his neck, “I need to deal with Finn but ba’s on a ran right now. Aodo and my
berare both under house art back home?
“Och what a punishment.” She scoffed butterly.
“I don’t think you understand hours arrest to the OReilly family. They are in my father’s dungeon, along with my mother’s latest boyfriend. They aren’t getting anything other than omal and water and only sough to losep them from starring to death. It’s cold. There is no heating. My father won’t kill them pet because my mother bethed me and
Ter how long
“I know my father and how much he likes you? Probably for. It depends on how much patiens he ha
“You’re saying bell let them out and they’ll come backform”
Ti saying the old man will and end up talong the
Closed Doors
three of them out because he’s more than done with them. My mother has been doing shat and getting away with it for years simply because Dad lives his own lids too. They temer wanted to pet marned, but their parents forced in when Men got pregnant with un when they were teenagers. Mom was the first one to cheat and ended up pregnant with Ada Dawn’t far behind. The man he knew she wasn’t respecting the you, he took a matra. Uk Man who go through men or socks and then always return to Albiological father every for yours, Dad tends to stay with one monsun for years and then when they start squarnking about him divorcing mom and marrying them, ha ends.”
“thy wouldn’t he simply divorce your mother?” Genesis aped him curiously
“Ho pretop. There n to presup and there’s not a judge on the planet who wouldn’t give her half of the money be nude. Sheenever done anything butaition bar ass. Hemora ramed by Did and his parents for the most part while Hom and Aoife did their own thing
rfather wants his pound of shortalling to the F
“The only pound of fesh he wants in your ass in his bed,” Kiefer didn’t pull ang pushes and laughed at her stunned expression. “His exact words ware you are the perfect example of what a bosta vafe should be and I fucked it up. He told me to tell you if you want to know how a red mat fuck and take care oflsvikcolhim,”
Lland Ucors
“ch” pared her lips and gaveared. “Dillonow?”
“Sed hædick is bigger but I’ve never whipped my own to compare. He did change my nappoon as a baby, but I don’t recall letting him take a parksines I was little,”
“Hein legger than you in height and built. Makes sooville’s buit to scala.”
Got my eye on Tag “She watched the way his pupils dilated at her words. “He was upstairs with me, and I admit I was shocked silly by what be said to me but after he left,” chopatted hit chest as she malled part him, I got in the shower and was delighted to find the hand wand for theshower head and thought of his filthy mouth and Imada myselfcome. Tothing better than an orgarm to start the day right. Today it was by my own hand but maybe tomorrow. HashTaigh to help out.”
weed to work on our manage fest before we bring Tadgh into it.”
She laughed in his face, so we don’t. I will back who I want is kifer. If I want to part my legs and lat Tad, and all the guard in thin hour train on me, I will, haw nowymi Do you know why
And you
“My body, my chore and mot
I most importantly, you cheated on me
Closed Doors
I did. Heath clenched with the accusation.
mo? Son, she told me all the time how you and she were fucking behind my back. Do you really think just because you came up who do to prove she didn’t blow you the right I left wough to negate all the other time you are both out at the same time and then came home together?”
“I never came home with her. Dr’s more probably she led in watt for nato come home and walked in with us to fuck with your head, Gan, but I wear, I etched brot until that night when they drugged me.” Henokher bands, “I am sorry. I am not tell you how scary I am for avoiding the house and those two bimbos for the thres month they were here. I regret it with everything in my so because put you in harta way and I didn’t even realize. Cox, I am sorry. Please, if you can do anything, low I am sorry, I never touched bar. I her the entirety of her life and never enca wanted in touch her and never conndared it. I’va navar liked har let alone wanted to put my dhek in any orifon other body.”.
“Whatever.” Centred and fed the air. “breakfast peady?”
“Egan wanted manager and bo’s face cold her he wasn’t happy she was changing the subject, but he was going it. “Pancales, eggs and potatoes are happening an ading to the chef.
“Who in the chef
“Hamoo Shara. She’s new. All the staff are now. Theld a meeting last night with all the staff and all the crew and gave a deste te patron along. Imadamura everyone. know you caped because Anila and Lane were torturing you and catooed you to scary and our son and Egiant to be twin. They have all been given directives to bing to my attention anyone who dares go agamat you for securing your dominate to protect our anbom son. I ales mude mana emeryone Enows the information you shared with the TTL was weak and it’s why they couldn’t hold me. You only gave enough to make seryoso was preoccuped. The overall cendres, according to Jeren, is the men think you and your head to keep your family, your son, side and they perYou didn’t by confening format the dede already knew, resin putting thinnariaties. De mada it closind out anyone in my chillharboring any loyalty to move Lana, then they are part of this family and I millend their lives.”
“Thanks” she paned his chim an if all he’d said making him pagh
Fanny in her
nothing more than a weather report. She made her way to the kitchen and saw Taigh leating a stool wb Ega ma perched and the cled out and war on ha seth yn as MADA BERYACHTS,
“Mom” Egangizgled agam, “Uncle Taigh told me when he and made
by while they theirs in the other and Tadgh peed all
over Uncles by mistake and he got mad and peed in the Tadah to get back at him.”
Closed Doors
“Cany. “Charodjed her eyes at the story but ruffled Egan’s hair an the moved to sit in the stood beside him, eyeing the plate of meat in front of the boy.”
angle poses of brad or Sbreon your plate? You can this meat alone, Igan,”
The lady cooking the food mid she didn’t have anything!
. I don’t like bana.“”
e haven’t bamboose in three months, Gen,” Tadgh defended agat lack of produce. “A quick grocery nut was dona last night for the morning, but we’ll have a full kitchen theroon. All the things a pressing boy needs will tokens, You have my word. The gave her a unda
She returned lan male and rubbed her band along kin forearm which nat Lon the back of the stool where Egan sat, Thank you Tadph. Tapprecute you making sure Egan is
Kiefer morted but said nothing as he moved to the gut fridge and poured a glam of orange juice and alid it across the counter at Egan, “the put the actual fat but clos
Can I get you anything?” Hacked Cashaking checkman
- Thewanothing you have the then loaded to Tagh, though maybe correlated her Liste omg she was lying on thick, bat Tadgledalat nomm. the least bit put off.