Tempting Mafia Ch 24

Tempting Mafia Ch 24

Pretty Fish Tales 


Walking through the aquarium, Genesis was finding it hard not to respond to Egan’s enthusiasm. While she was still pissed off at Kiefer for the way he was trying to manipulate her into feelings she didn’t want to have, Egan’s excitement at the animals they were going to see was contagious

Yet she couldn’t shake the thoughts Kiefer put in her head

It was one thing to say the things he said to her when it was them alone. To say them in front of Egan and to normalize the idea of her being in what she herself felt was a scandalous relationship with a pair of twins, was an entirely different thing altogether. It felt wicked and wrong, and it was also dancing around her brain like an ant on black asphalt in the dead of 


Genesis, come join us,Kiefer held his hand towards her as Egan’s face was pressed against a glass of a giant tank full of brightly colored fish

Mom! Look at the fish. Jerren said there are piranha around here too!” 

She moved to stand next to Egan and he slid his hand into hers. They’re very pretty, aren’t they.” 

Nothing more beautiful,Kiefer’s voice was warm in her ear as he moved to stand behind her, his hands resting atop her 

Pretty Fish Tales shoulders


She wanted to bat him off, but Egan was looking at them in the reflection of the glass. She tilted her head a fraction, her mouth inches from Kiefer’s check, stop touching me.” 

He put his hands behind his back, and she didn’t miss the hurt in his expression

Egan, do you know, your mom and I went to the Caribbean and while we were there, we went swimming in the ocean. All kinds. of these little fish, similar to these ones, came and swam around our legs. Your mom was giggling so much she almost peed in the water. I kept teasing her if she peed in the water all the fish would die. The more I teased her, the harder she laughed.” 

Is that true, Mom?” 

It is,she felt her heart beating as she remembered the time when they’d gone south for their honeymoon

Did you pee in the water and kill the fish?” 

I did not but pee in the water wouldn’t kill fish, Egan. Where do you think the fish pee?” 

His mouth was a perfect circle as he considered what she was saying. I didn’t think of where the fish pee! Oh my gosh, Mom. If the fish pee in the water and their food is in the water, do they cat and drink their pee?” 

More importantly,Kiefer snickered, is whether the fish eat

Pretty Fish Tales 

and drink human pee because I definitely peed in the water.” 

Dad!Egan threw his head back and laughed uproariously

Kiefer chuckled and ruffled Egan’s hair, think about it, little man. I’m not wrong.” 

Egan looked at his mother, you never told me you went swimming with pretty fish, Mom.” 

It was a long time ago.” 


I remember it like it was yesterday,Kiefer said with a sad smile. We went to a lovely little island where the sand was white, and the water was turquoise and clear. You could see the bottom of the water even when it was rather deep. Your mom and I made a huge sandcastle. I even fell asleep on the beach and your mom buried me and I woke up completely covered in sand up to my neck.” 

No way!” 

Yup. Then there was a place in the small town where we went for dinner and the people there taught us how to salsa dance. I found out I am not an exceptionally good dancer, but your mom is an amazing dancer. She has all kinds of rhythm. I dance like a wild turkey being electrocuted.” 

She couldn’t help the giggle which spilled from her lips at Kiefer’s words

Do you remember Gen?” 

Pretty Fish Tales 

Yup. The men at the bar were laughing at you.She met his eyes and noting the way his were bright and shiny with memories


They were all trying to steal you from me,he smiled at her. Remember the guy who kept giving you flowers and asking you to marry him?” 

She nodded, he followed us all through the market and showed up at two dinners as our waiter. I never did figure out how he worked in all the different restaurants.” 

He took Egan by the hand and slowly walked towards the turtle exhibit. Your mom dumped a pitcher of sangria on his head.” 

You did?Egan was wideeyed at the story telling

He touched my butt. Do you know what I said about how it’s important to respect people’s personal boundaries and their bodies? Well, this was one of those times where someone didn’t respect mine and I needed to remind him to use his manners.” 

He touched her butt twice, Egan and before I could put him in his place, your mom dumped the sangria over his head, and she kneed him in the balls.” 

Egan clutched his belly as he laughed, oh Mom! That’s funny! Did he cry? I remember once when the hockey puck hit me in the penis, and I cried. Did he?” 

I don’t know if he cried.She watched as Egan raced towards 

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the turtles with a scream of glee

He certainly died,Kiefer whispered in her ear. I’d had enough of his shit by then. You asked me to let it go but once you kicked him in the nuts and he still came back later with a drink as an apology, I was done with his stupidity.” 

You killed him?” 

Nope. Jerren and Tadgh did. I didn’t want to get blood on my hands while we were on our honeymoon. Felt like an omen but the boys were bored out of their skulls from providing security from a distance in a small, tiny town. It gave them something to do. The guy was a creep, and he was a stalking you. It was weird.” 

It was weird, but he didn’t need to die.They got close to Egan again and she pursed her lips, I didn’t know you asked for him to be killed.” 

You didn’t need to know,he gave a sigh, there were many things I protected you from Gen. All the outside forces which were trying to get you because you were mine. Yet, I stupidly, spent so much time looking at the enemies from beyond our walls, I wasn’t even considering the dangers within. There was a dinner we were at once where the man I was meeting with felt strongly we’d shortchanged him on a job and what he wanted to even it up was my wife. I asked Tadgh to get you out of there and Jerren and I made sure he never made such a stupid request again.” 

I remember the dinner. I knew he’d done something to piss you 

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off. It the night Tadgh listened to country music the whole ride. home.” 

Take it up with him for being an ass. I have my own huge pile of excrement to dig myself from. He can dig himself out of his own.” 

She shook her head, Kiefer, you can’t really believe I’m going to forgive you.” 

All I have is hope, Gen. It’s all I have.” 

You and Tadgh both admit you’ve thought the worst of me for the last seven years, despite your father telling you it felt off. Why do you even want to get back together?” 

The truth?” 


Egan was staring in awe at the exhibit with the turtles racing from one end of the wide window to the other

I received the bill from the hospital for what I thought was your abortion and it killed me inside. Genesis, all I could think of was you hated me so much you would terminate your pregnancy without even talking to me about it. The words on the bill said abortion. I didn’t care you went to the FBI. I didn’t care you came back and erased the footage,at her opened mouth he held his hand up, I was lied to but until recently I did believe you came back and destroyed all the evidence which implicated you in your escape. I believed you were plotting your escape, the 

Pretty Fish Tales 

termination of our baby and then you erased the evidence.” 

The hurt at his words rose in her chest

But I didn’t care about any of it. What has been front and center in my brain, in my heart, for the last seven years was I knew how much you wanted a family. All the conversations we shared over the year we were together about how you wanted children and how you wanted to have more than one. All I could think of, Gen, was I must have fucked up on an epic scale for you to terminate a pregnancy. Yes, I’ve been angry. Yes, I’ve been pigheaded and stubborn. Mostly, I’ve been desperate to find you to understand exactly what it was which drove you to the lengths where you went from the woman who loved me in spite of the fact, I’m a murderous prick. You knew the worst parts of me Gen, and you still loved me and then to turn around and do what I believed you to have done, I didn’t. understand. Jerren, Tadgh, and Aoife in my ear for the last seven years laying it on thick about you going to the FBI and terminating the pregnancy. The doubts were amplified by their input. But and I can’t say this with enough emphasis, I never stopped loving you. Even if you did do all the horrible things I believed for you to have done, I still loved you. I still love you.” 

You thought I murdered our child.” 

I know and I cannot apologize enough for doubting you.” 

You let them hurt me.‘ 


We both know if I’d known what was going on back then, Genesis, they wouldn’t have lasted a night.” 

Pretty Fish Tales 



No, Genesis. You keep telling me I should have seen what was going on and I agree. I should have seen it. I should have heard it. I should have paid more attention. However, and I can’t say this enough, they came into the house, and I would crawl into bed with you at the end of the day and you would say nothing. I would hold you in my arms and ask you how your day was, and you would say it was good. I asked you what you did, and you said you read in the library or went shopping. You never complained. I feel sick to know I didn’t see you were physically hurt when we made love, Genesis but damn, I wish you’d trusted me enough to say something. Why didn’t you trust me


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Tempting Mafia

Tempting Mafia

Status: Ongoing


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