She wasn’t sure how she would ever be able to thank the housekeeper who helped her escape but, she vowed somehow, she would find a way to repay her. The housekeeper risked her life getting into an elevator with a mobster while she hid the person they searched for in the cart. Genesis didn’t know very many people who would do such things for a stranger. She then got her changed into a housekeeping uniform, put a hat and sunglasses on her and walked with her arm and arm out of the staff exit, chatting loudly in Spanish all the way to the staff parking lot where they waved goodbyes as if old friends.
Getting on the bus a block from the hotel was easier than she’d anticipated, and she’d taken six different busses before she’d finally reached a small strip mall. At the mall, she bought a new phone from which she would call her best friend and the only person she trusted in this world later. She also grabbed some hair dye, make up which didn’t suit her at all and a pair of thick black rimmed fashion glasses. Those with the new hat she bought were going to help her when she boarded the train later for destination unknown.
She sat in a quiet corner of the food court of the mall and quickly shoveled in a chicken sandwich and some fries, reminding herself no matter how much her stomach was rolling, she needed the food to keep her going since she didn’t know when she’d be able to stop again. Taking a last sip of her soda, she was about to stand to put her trash in the bin when a pair of black shoes stopped in her peripheral vision.
The scraping of the metal chair on the tile floor crawled up her
“Yes, and we couldn’t investigate because you came back and erased all the evidence.”
“Came back?” she faked a laugh, “I never set foot back in the place from the moment I left there the night of the party when I saw you,” she felt the tears in her eyes and was angry with herself, “and your whore grinding on each other when I went to get you to help me. Why the fuck would I go back to a house where my husband was fucking his mistress, and his sister was recording it to send it to me?”
The three men exchanged glances as if confused. She rubbed her jaw when Kiefer’s hand fell away.
“Genesis, I never fucked Laoise.” Kiefer spoke quietly.
“Whatever. As if I’d believe a word coming from your mouth.”
“You’re one to fucking talk, you traitorous bitch,” Tadgh shot back. “You sold us out to the feds.”
“The feds came to me in the hospital with a video they had of Kiefer and his whore of a girlfriend and asked me if I needed protection. They said all I needed to do was confirm the location of a warehouse they knew you were working in. I told them I’d been with you at the port in South Boston and watched you unload a cargo of suspicious product into the warehouse there.”
“You told them I was bringing drugs in.”
“You were,” she was smug as she folded her arms across her chest.
“They were legal. Imports for the pharmaceutical company.”
“Too bad.”