A New Proposition
She was in her own room. She turned a slow circle in the middle of the room and gave a smile, mentally thanking Lorcan for using his role as head of the family to give her this.
A knock on the door made her freeze and with trepidation. walked to the door, wondering what was going to greet her on the other side.
Pulling it open a crack she took in the sight of the red–haired man standing there and nodded. “Hi.”
“Hi. Can I come in?”
“I have a gift for you.”
“Okay.” She pulled the door open and stood back, making sure to leave the door ajar. She took the bag which was held out in extended fingers. “What is it?” She reached into the bag and pulled out a pair of pink satin pajamas. There was nothing revealing about them. They would cover her from head to toe and were conservative at best. “Why?”
“Housekeeping told me you only have a handful of clothing options here. When they set up your room, they realized you were sleeping in a t–shirt and shorts.”
“Kiefer offered to get me a new wardrobe, but I don’t want to be indebted to him.”
A New Proposition
shopping myself after house hunting. You will get a new wardrobe.”
“Why are you doing this? There are a million women out there you could proposition.”
“Many million,” he smiled teasingly, “but from the day in the restaurant nearly eight years ago, I’ve lusted after the one thing I didn’t think I could have. I knew you were loyal and smart enough to keep a secret. You impressed me, Genesis. You hadn’t married Kiefer then, but I knew you were worthy of being in our family, but my gut told me he wasn’t worthy of you.”
“He blames you and your father for his inability to be emotionally available.”
“We were hard on both boys. Keep in mind, my experience with women from the time he was born until he was ten or eleven was Moira and her cheating ways and women who wanted to get with the heir of our company. It wasn’t until I was in my late twenties, early thirties did I start to understand not all women are predatory and the ones worth having in my life were worth protecting and how I could absolutely protect them because they weren’t a weakness. Unfortunately core memories for the boys made them think being in love was a weakness. Despite me trying to sort this out with them over the years, their exposure to their mother and the death of my mother from an enemy, made them hard. By the time they both fell in love,” he gave her a pointed look, “neither of them knew how to behave.”
“They suck at it.”
He chuckled. “It is my failing but hopefully they can come around.”
A New Proposition
suspiciously. “Part of me gets the vibe you want me with them. Another part of me feels like you might be telling me the truth. about wanting me yourself. A third part, a bigger part, is highly suspicious you are playing a game I don’t understand.”
He pursed his lips and moved to sit on the edge of her bed. “What if I said, it’s a combination of all three.”
“When I got here after midnight yesterday morning, I couldn’t. wait to get through my work to come here and usurp the boys and throw my hat in the ring. Seeing you in person again, well, Genesis, hearing you call me Daddy and sir, is a fucking dream come true, and I’d probably sell my soul to feel your lips on my cock.” At her blush he continued, “but at dinner I could see how much they love you and hurting them is never what I want to do. I thought perhaps they were mistaking their emotions considering how much they fucked up seven years ago but it’s obvious to me, they simply don’t know how to love. Then there was the whole thing about you wanting another kid. I underwent a vasectomy. I can’t give you a baby.”
“Okay.” She frowned wondering where this was going.
“I’m not playing a game, Genesis but I’m adjusting my gameplay.”
“What do you mean?”
“Give the boys a chance.”
“You don’t know what you’re asking.”
A New Proposition
over again, they’d do better and they’d protect you with their lives.”
“I can’t.”
“I want to live here with you with them, a poly relationship if you will.”
His blunt words made her flatten her hands against the wall behind her. “What?”
“Never in the same bed of course. Having sex with you while they are with you is not appealing to me. I’ve never wanted to have sex with a woman with my sons in the room. It seems abhorrent to me. However, what I’m proposing is you sleep where you want each night. If you want nights with Kiefer, you sleep in his bed. If you want nights with Tadgh, you sleep in his bed. If you want time with Daddy,” he held her gaze outright, “then you come to my bed. If you want the two of them together, go for it. If you want a night alone, you will maintain your own bedroom which will remain a sex–free zone for you.”
“A sex–free zone?”
“Yes. Your bedroom is your room for yourself. If you choose your own bedroom, then it is for sleep or relaxation or whatever it is you wish.”
“But why?”
“I can’t explain it, Genesis. I wish I could. All I know is, you’re under my skin and it’s been eight years of knowing you and you’re still there today as fresh as it was before. If you were to come here right now and kneel in front of me like the good girl, I
A New Proposition
“They would never agree, not that I’m considering getting back. with Kiefer.”
“Of course you are. He is your first love, the first man who made you feel special and loved and your heart longs for the feeling. again. It will never be the same, but it can be restored and built upon.”
“Nobody will love you like Tadgh will. Nobody. The boy has always possessed a heart of gold. It’s why his mother was allowed to live you know. More than the prenup shit. Tadgh. loves his mother despite her bullshit. Me, I love you in my way, certainly not the way I should love my daughter–in–law. Three men loving you in three completely diverse ways. Can you handle all the love, Genesis?”
“This is absurd. They killed my son!”
“No.” Lorcan shook his head. “Laoise and Aoife killed your son. We enabled their behavior, and we contributed to the situation, but the murder was done by them, and they will pay. For the sake of your son and for your own heart, you need to move forward with your life.”
She looked away from him, angry tears edging the corner of her
“You now have many choices. You can have me on your own. I’ll keep you satisfied enough you won’t want them. You can have the pair of them and no me. You can choose none of us, live in your little cottage on whatever property we buy and that be that. You can pick the three of us to have you together.”
A New Proposition
“It will be the intention.”
She shot him an annoyed look. “What if I get hurt? Again? What if Kiefer or hell
hell all three of you break my heart again?”
“Come here,” he crooked his finger at her.
She dragged her feet and found herself tugged onto his lap. He tilted her chin with his index finger and held her gaze.
“Genesis, you have an amazing capacity for love. There is no doubt in my mind you will fall in love with all three of us if we are open and honest in our communication and our emotions. There is a lot of hurt. It will take time to work past this hurt, Genesis. Do you know what the best cure for a broken heart is?”
She shook her head.
“Love. Loving. Being loved.”
“You do not sound like the current boss of the Iron Force Gang,” she bit her bottom lip staring at the golden skin exposed at his neck from where his shirt was unbuttoned. “You sound almost as if you have a heart.”
“Oh. I do. I have a heart full of love ready to share with my family and you are my family. I also have a nine–inch cock which would be thrilled to have you come down the hall to my bedroom and ride it all night.”
She smacked his chest as he laughed.
“I want you to go on a date with Kiefer tomorrow night.”
A New Proposition
“No!” she scowled.
“I tell you what. You promise me to go on a date with Kiefer tomorrow night, just the two of you and talk, really talk, and tonight after you are all ready for bed, I will stay here with you.”
“You haven’t felt safe in a long time Genesis. Let Daddy hold you while you sleep. I’ll keep the boogeyman and the boys from your room tonight and you can sleep in my arms.”
“I don’t want –”
“No sex,” he put his finger against her lips. “This is your room. There is not to be sex in your room unless it’s you alone and you masturbate. You will control all the narratives with your sex life Genesis. If you want sex, you go to the room you want to have sex in. We will all initiate sex of course and whether you agree or not agree is your choice and you’ll go to the room of your
“How long have you been thinking of this?”
“Far too long, I’m afraid. Now, be Daddy’s good girl, go put your pjs on and I’ll give you a good kiss goodnight and a cuddle.”
Every single feminist ion in her body was raging against him calling her Daddy’s good girl but there was a primal, needy, horny woman barely contained in her brain screaming to do everything he was asking of her and then some.
“No sex?”
A New Proposition
“No sex.”
His lips pressed to her forehead in a lingering, sweet kiss causing her eyes to flutter shut and her heart to race.
“You’ll keep me safe?”
“Far safer than you ever thought possible. Nothing short of a military style jet equipped with nukes is getting near my girl and it’ll have to blow through me first.”
“Your girl?”
“If you’ll have me.
“I’m going to go put on my pjs,” she whispered nervously.
“I’ll go get myself ready for bed. You crawl in, and I’ll be here soon.” He kissed her forehead again as she slowly got off his knee.
She lifted her new pajamas and held them against her chest, a silly smile curving her lips as she watched him purposefully walk out of her bedroom. This might be the singular dumbest thing she’d ever done, or it might be the best thing. Whatever it was, it was making her heart race and her lips tremble with anticipation.
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