Genesis was laying in bed for what felt an interminable period. of time and found herself flustered. Was Lorcan screwing with her and making her want something with him and then taking it from her, so she’d turn to Kiefer for consolation? Was this some kind of game?
A knock on the door and his voice calling her name made her sit up in the bed, “come in.”
He opened the door and then came into the room.
Her mouth immediately was overfilled with saliva, and she swallowed hard at the vision in front of her. She’d never seen Lorcan O’Reilly in anything other than full clothing. Once she’d seen him in sweats when he was coming back from a workout. but usually, he was in a suit and the most dressed down she ever saw aside from the one time in gym clothes was when he removed his tie and jacket. This was otherworldly.
He was wearing nothing but a pair of low hanging cotton pyjama pants. His torso was completely covered in ink and his muscles seemed to have muscles of their own. As her eyes drifted downward, she couldn’t help but notice he was not wearing underwear under his pajama bottoms and as he walked his cock was moving against his thigh. He was built to scale.
“How tall are you?” she blurted out as the bedroom door closed with a click and he edged towards her. She didn’t miss when he dropped a gun into the drawer in the bedside table.
“Nobody in your family is so big. Are you sure you’re an O’Reilly?”
“DNA proves it.” He lifted the sheets to slide in with her. He patted his chest, “come here.”
He was laying flat with only one of the several pillows from the bed tucked under his head. She sheepishly slid next to him, her silky pajamas on the high thread count sateen sheets making her glide with ease. Wrapping his arm under her shoulders he curled her right into his arms. She let her head rest on his chest nervously. The steady beat of his heart beneath her ear was soothing despite the fact this was likely the most bizarre thing she’d done. She was in a bed with her husband’s father.
“What took you so long?” she questioned as he began to slowly massage her back in long sweeping motions, his hand staying atop her clothing.
“I was having a chat with the twins. They are unhappy with met for the offer I’ve made you.”
“Too bad for them,” she responded in a snarky tone. “I already told Kiefer it’s my body and my choice who I want to share it with and if I wanted to have a train run on me by a hundred ment he gets no say.”
Lorcan gave a laugh, “I’ll ask you not do such a thing, please. He’s already freaking out with the notion of being where his father is going to be deeply embedded.”
“Again, he has no right. He lost the right to dictate who I’m with when he abandoned me.”
against him. “He is regretful, and you need to work on your relationship with him, if for no other reason than to coparent your child harmoniously.”
“Good girl.” He kissed the top of her head.
“I’ve not done this before,” she whispered.
“Contemplated a relationship with three different men?”
“Well that too,” she tilted her head to look at him. “But also, this,” she motioned to how she was laying in his arms. I’ve never slept next to any man who wasn’t Kiefer. I wasn’t a virgin when I met Kiefer, but I never actually spent an entire night with a guy other than him either. My life was a series of hook–ups here and there but never overnight ones.”
“You were too scared to trust,” Lorcan’s chest rumbled under her cheek as he spoke. “Your childhood made you incapable. of believing someone would stay and so you bailed before they left.”
“How do you know?” She’d meant the question to come out as sarcastic and yet there was a pleading quality to it.
“Tell me about your adoptive parents. What were they like?” He pushed her head back down to his chest when she lifted it to look at him curiously.
“I remember my Dad more than my Mom,” she frowned. “He was strict, but I knew he loved me. He would make me eat all my dinner or I couldn’t leave the table. I needed to keep my room
wish I had his discipline with this rule because sometimes.
Egan empties his entire toy box onto the floor and I’m ready to throttle him. Dad didn’t even need to speak most times. He’d simply look up from what he was carving with his knife, give me a look and I’d be quaking in my shoes and cleaning shit up.”
He chuckled, the warm tones rolling over her like a blanket, “I was the same with the boys. All I needed to do was give them a look and they were back in line. Your father’s name was Austin Jones, right?”
“Yes, and my mom’s name was Wanda.”
“They were originally from Florida?”
She shrugged, “I always thought so but then when I was put in foster care, in my first home, I got picked on because of my
“Your accent?”
“Yes. I guess I spoke with an accent. I spoke English and only English but apparently, I spoke with an accent.”
“What kind of accent could a man with the name Austin Jones have? Was he from Texas with the southern twang? It shouldn’t have been so pronounced you got picked on by other kids for it.”
“No. More eastern European, I guess. Russian or Ukrainian or something along those lines. It’s funny. I haven’t thought of this since I was seven or eight. I forgot all about it.” She looked at his face again, “weird, right?”
“It is weird. You were adopted though. You were a fire station
“Yes. There was a news article and everything. My Mom showed it to me once. It was a newspaper article. I suspect my birthmother must have been a teen or something.”
“Do you have copies of your birth certificate and adoption records?”
“My birth certificate was always kept in my wallet. It’s just a little card. My adoption records are here. I left everything behind when I ran. Unless Kiefer got rid of them.”
“I doubt he even knew they were here. He told me how he didn’t even realize your backpack was still here.”
“My wallet and purse were given to me by Mary because she’d grabbed it for me when she took me to the hospital, so I’d have my insurance cards but other than what was in it, I left here with nothing.”
“You were very brave, Genesis. To not only leave us the way you did but to go into the world on your own while pregnant.”
“I was always on my own before. It wasn’t anything I wasn’t used to.”
“You learned to shoot.”
“I did. I never followed up to see what the fallout was from the FBI tip. I knew it wasn’t enough to hold him for long, but it was also possible they would have been able to use it as an in or a way to dig deeper. If he was charged with anything then it was possible there was a hit on me, and I needed to learn to protect myself.”
“You thought I’d put a hit on you?” he laughed. “The only hit I want to put on you is putting you over my knee and slapping your ass for staying away so long.”
Her eyes rounded at the comment. She cleared her throat nervously and stared at the night stand away from his gaze. “Spanking?”
“Yes. You will get spankings Genesis if you misbehave. Any plots in your head to run away from home or to find a way to escape the family and take Egan from what is rightfully his, will get you a punishment.”
“I’ve never been spanked.”
“You will be.
“What makes you so sure?”
“Because you have a mouth on you, and you are not a doormat, and you like to argue and fight. While the twins will put up with disrespect, I won’t. As an example, your eyes followed my gun into the nightstand and I know, for a brief moment you were calculating how you could get your hands on it while I’m sleeping and force your way out of here.”
“Don’t lie to me Genesis.”
The deep gravelly tone of his voice caused goosebumps to rise all over her flesh.
“It came and went in a flash. I wouldn’t.”
“You couldn’t,” he said bluntly. “I sleep with one eye open and more importantly the gun in the nightstand is actually state of the art and can only be fired by me. It needs my palm print.”
She looked to him in surprise. “That’s kind of cool.”
“It is very cool. It’s the perks of being a billionaire many times. over. I can get my hands on all kinds of cool gadgets.”
“You’re not going to spank me for thinking of taking it, are you?”
“No but if you ever try something so stupid, I’ll turn your ass cherry red. Do you understand?”
“Yes sir.”
He chuckled at her, “you like to please me, don’t you?”
She nodded, “I don’t know why or where it’s coming from but
His arms folded around her and pulled her, so she was laying completely atop him, “I like when you do. Go to sleep my sweet girl. I will keep you safe tonight.”
His hands resumed their massage of her back, and it wasn’t long. before she was fast asleep dreaming of a fancy gun wielding man who vowed to keep her safe while he paddled her ass. Her dreams were never more confusing.
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