Family Dunk
“I’m not mad you fucked Dad.“.
“I’m jealous you chose him first. You and I have history Genesis. I went down on you last night. If you have needs, I could have fulfilled them right then.‘
“Except I didn’t want to, not with you.”
The hurt on his face made her sigh.
“Kiefer, I’m trying. You have to understand, I have seven years of anger, rage and hate inside me, all directed at you primarily. Yes. Last night, I wanted more. I needed more. My body was on fire for it. Laying in your arms, both of us naked, it gave me memories of good times when we used to lay in bed on a Sunday afternoon and watch a movie. We wouldn’t get dressed all day.. We’d hang out naked and do nothing. We stopped doing it after we got married and moved here. I wanted us to spend the time. last night naked because it felt more connecting to you and the emotional bond, we used to share than fucking would have. I needed to fuck, Kiefer but with all the emotions I have which are all over the place, I didn’t want to regret it this morning. I know I would have.”
He nodded and pushed his chair back, “come here, a ghrá,” he patted his knee. “Please?”
“There’s that word again. Please. It’s more confusing to me than
Family Dunk
He laughed as she rose from her seat to sit on his lap. He cupped her jaw. “I love you. I love you so much, Genesis. I am jealous. you went to him for release but only because I thought we made gains, and you’d pick me first. Do you know all my dreams last night were of you and me laughing and cuddling. Not one sext dream. Just holding each other. Your words now make sense to
“They do?”
“They do. I don’t deserve to go first. Hell, I don’t deserve to go third. You’ll come to me when you’re ready and not a minute. before, but I’d be a lying bastard if I said I didn’t want to be first.”
“It’s not about who is first or third. I’m being selfish Kiefer. This time, I want what is best for me. I’m not going to cower away, terrified if I complain you’ll send me away. I am not going to settle for snippets of your affection. I’m taking it all this time. I want it all. I deserve it all. I’m not putting Lorcan ahead of you. or Tadgh, I’m not putting you ahead of them and I’m not putting Tadgh ahead of either of you. I’m putting me and my needs and my wants ahead of everyone else’s. Is it selfish? Yes. It is. However, it’s the only way I can heal right now. If I need to be here so you can be part of Egan’s life, then I’m doing it selfishly and with great prejudice.”
“You’re not selfish Genesis.” Kiefer smiled at her. “You’re showing us your strength. You’re right. You deserve it all. I’m sorry for being a jealous asshole. Can I have a hug?”
“Yes,” she folded into his arms and let him hug her tight. His lips pressed to her forehead, and she curled into his arms.
Family Dunk
any time you want. I’ll wait as long as you need me to until you feel comfortable enough for me to make love to you. No more questions about Dad or Tadgh.”
“I have a question.”
“Daddy already said he’ll never want to be in the room if you or Tadgh are with me in bed. Tadgh commented he would watch. I can feel how hard you are still under my thigh while I’m sitting. here. What Tadgh said turned you on, didn’t it?”
He nodded not remotely perturbed by her calling Lorcan Daddy.
“You’ve watched him with other women, before me?”
“You liked it?”
“I did.”
“What did you like about it?”
“Gen.” He didn’t look at all like he wanted to tell her.
“Please. It’s important.”
“I like watching a woman get pleasure and knowing it’s going to be delivered two–fold because she’s getting us both. I liked making a woman so confused she wasn’t sure which cock was where because all she could focus on was the exhilaration of orgasm. I liked fucking a woman’s throat while Tadgh reamed
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Working her body over until she forgot her own name. I liked how tight it was, when I would be in her ass and Tadgh would slide into her pussy and we’d fuck her until she passed out from exhaustion. I enjoyed the sounds, the smell, the feelings of doing what the rest of the world considered sordid. What others would deem wrong always felt right to me.”
She was growing wetter by the second.
“Why did you never tell me you were into this?”
“You were so sweet, and I didn’t want to ruin you. You and I talked so much about being in love and having our family, I was scared if you knew what we got up to in our past, you’d leave
“Kiefer,” she cupped his jaw. “I loved you. I loved you so much, when you told me you killed people for a living, I didn’t care. You told me you trafficked drugs. I didn’t care. You told me you ran guns. I didn’t care. Yet, you were scared if you told me what you liked in the bedroom, I’d run?”
“Now I’m feeling stupid.” A sheepish expression flitted his
“You should,” she giggled as she kissed his nose. “I’m not ready to have sex with you yet. It feels far too intimate to let you inside my body in such a way when I still have so much anger towards
“I understand.”
“If, however, Tadgh had a few minutes ago, bent me over the table and fucked me hard, I’d have sucked your cock until you
Family Dunk
of his cock under her which told her how much the words
affected him.
“Jesus Christ, Gen.” the words were raw, and his eyes closed. with exasperation as the sound of Egan’s feet skittering along the floor filled their ears.
“Dad, Dad,” he slid into the room, “why aren’t you in your swim trunks?”
“I’m going to swim in my underwear.”
“Dad, you can’t swim in your underwear!”
“Why not? It’s my house and my pool.”
Egan giggled, “Mom, why are you sitting on my Dad’s lap.”
Genesis shrugged, “he said he wanted a hug.”
“Can I have a hug? Mom gives the best hugs.” Egan climbed onto her lap atop Kiefer’s as she wrapped Egan up tight in her arms. and squeezed him.
“Let’s go to the pool.” Kiefer lifted Genesis up in her arms as she was holding onto Egan.
“What are you doing?” Egan’s eyes were wide.
He threw his phone and keys on the table and checked his pockets and then started adjusted the load in his arms, Genesis and Egan both holding onto his neck for dear life.
“I think we need a family dunk.”
Family Dunk
“A what?” Genesis squealed. “No, we don’t need a family dunk.”
“We definitely do.”
“What’s going on?” Tadgh’s voice called as he poked his head out of the office hearing Egan’s cheers and Genesis’s shrieks
“Dad says we’re having a family dunk! He’s going to swim in hist underwear!”
“Oh, I’m in!” Tadgh immediately kicked off his shoes following them. He tossed his phone onto a side table and was racing along turning to jog backwards as he passed the trio. “Last one in smells like Jerren!”
“I heard that!” Jerren called from the office.
Egan was laughing uproariously Genesis tried to escape Kiefer’s arms without knocking the boy who was sitting pretty much on her to the ground. “Hold on, Mom, we’re almost there!”
“No. I just dried my hair after my shower!”
“It’s like a baptism, Gen,” Kiefer’s laugh when she pulled at his
hair made her skin sizzle.
The splash as Tadgh hit the pool first had her looking over her shoulder incredulously. He’d gone in with his clothes all on. Kiefer started running.
“Deep breath Egan!” Kiefer warned his son.
“No running by the pool,” Genesis tried to protest but the words
Family Dunk
jumped into the pool.
The water enveloped them, wrapping around the three of them in a cocoon and then as his feet hit the bottom of the pool, Kiefer shot them upwards until they broke the surface.
Egan’s loud laughter penetrated even the clogged ears Genesis was sporting. She smacked at Kiefer as he kept his arms around them while they treaded water.
“Not funny.”
“It was very funny.” Kiefer’s eyes were light and happy as he looked at the duo in his arms, Gen’s legs wrapped around his
“It was hilarious, Mom!” Egan agreed. “Dad, let me go now. I
want to swim.”
“Go,” he released the boy who immediately
Genesis tucked to him though, “it was the swam off. He kept
only way I could get my boner down. It seems my wife has a filthy mouth and likes to use it at the most inopportune times. You heard him coming, didn’t you?”
“No,” she denied it emphatically. “Are you kidding me? He hears everything. No way on earth I would say such things if I heard him coming.”
“Do you think he heard you?” Kiefer’s eyes were wide. They both watched the boy for any sign.
“What are you two whispering?” Tadgh popped over Kiefer’s shoulder to grin at Genesis.
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was hauling out of the pool and in the direction of where the water guns were kept in the toy bin.
“Our wife,” he grinned at Genesis’s gasp and the way Tadgh gripped his shoulder at his form of address, “told me at the kitchen table if you’d bent her over the table like you said, she definitely would have blown me and swallowed. We’re in the pool because Egan interrupted, and I was not willing to have him standing next to me when my cock was at attention. His eye level is my waist, and he asks the worst questions. I’m not sure he didn’t hear Gen and now I’m worried about bedtime later when she’s gone.”
“Naughty Genesis.” Tadgh’s eyes were full of merriment.
She knew she was blushing, and she tried to pull away from Kiefer. “Quit teasing me with Egan so close.”
“Fine,” Kiefer laughed, “we’re going to play water guns. Are you staying in the pool to play or are you getting out?”
“I’m staying.”
“Good girl,” he kissed her cheek. “Let’s focus on our son then for the rest of the morning. We have all kinds of time later to live out your naughty fantasies.”
“It’s not only mine which are naughty,” she huffed as she swam to her son annoyed, she was swimming in shorts and a t–shirt.
The sound of Kiefer and Tadgh’s booming laughter made her look over her shoulder. She wasn’t sure what one of the twins.
said to make the other crack up, but they were both focused on her and the happiness on both of their faces forced her own
Family Dunk
reaching the shallow end, Genesis was feeling far more out of her depths than she’d anticipated.