Morning After
Genesis woke to find herself wrapped up light in Tadgh’s arms.
When they’d arrived home the night before, the house was quiet. Jerren was in the kitchen and poked his head out to let him. know both Kiefer and Lorcan called early nights once Egan was down for the evening. Tadgh simply shrugged, took Genesis by the hand, and walked her to her bedroom. He’d neatly folded his clothes on a chair in her room, keeping his underwear on while she’d put pajamas on. Then he’d pulled back the sheets and slid into the bed with her.
Now she was curled up on his chest very well aware this felt infinitely more intimate than what they’d done on the rooftop. There was something, somehow, which made her feel this was putting her relationship with Tadgh in a far more real light than simply having sex with him.
“Good morning,” his voice was husky and warm as his lips. connected with her forehead.
“Good morning,” she whispered back. “How did you sleep?”
“Like a log.
“My snoring didn’t keep you awake. Egan complains about it all the time.”
“I think we cancelled each other out,” he chuckled as his hands moved to rub her back and squeeze her to his chest.
Morning After
Tadgh reached sideways and grabbed his phone off the
nightstand, “it’s only five.” He looked at a slew of text messages and then snickered.
“Both Dad and Kiefer wanting to come in. They were both texting before five.”
“They want to come in?”
“Yes. Probably to say good morning. Dad is likely to be heading. to the office shortly and Kiefer the gym. We’re moving to the new house this morning so they’re both likely up early to get shit. started.”
She lifted up and propped her fist on her chin. “Is Kiefer pissed off you were in here?”
He looked at his phone, “doesn’t seem to be. Let’s check what his mindset is, no?” He sent his brother a text.
She studied his face and grinned as he put the phone back on the. nightstand. “Not going to try to seduce me this morning?”
“Nope. This is your bed and we’ve been very blunt about what this means. Your bed is your space to rest, Gen, not to get freaky. You can come sleep in my bed, Kiefer’s bed, or Dad’s bed if your want more. We can go out like we did last night. I’m sure we’ll be fucking you in nearly every room the new house has to offer.”
“The place has nearly fifty rooms,” she snorted.
“Yes, it does, which means, there is absolutely no reason why
Morning After
having three lovers.”
She met his eyes curiously, “does it bother you to share, or rather to think there might be a time I’ll be with one of them and you won’t be invited yet you might be horny?”
He laughed, “I’m always horny, Genesis. If you reached down, you’d see it for yourself.”
A knock on the door caused her to look over and Kiefer poked his head through, “got room for one more?”
“Sure.” She patted the bed behind her. She noted he was already dressed in his trousers and dress shirt, and he looked freshly showered. “You’re up early.”
“I’m always up early,” he smiled at her, “but with today being. moving day, I got a little bit of an earlier start. I got my workout in earlier and then went to my office to finish packing up what I didn’t get done yesterday.” He crawled atop the blankets and lay beside Genesis, “morning brother.” He smirked at Tadgh. “You look like Genesis rode you hard and put you away wel. Did you even get to shower?”
“Nope. I waited so long to have her, I wasn’t wanting to wash any of it off.”
Genesis was watching Kiefer for any sign he was upset she’d slept with Tadgh but wasn’t finding any. He reached out and brushed her hair off her cheeks. “What?”
Morning After
“I didn’t realize how much I would like this.” He admitted as he looked at the couple cuddled up in the bed. “Seeing this, I know how much this is right. You feel it too, right?”
“I do,” she couldn’t stop the smile on her face at his words. “You’re not upsel?”
“That you had sex with Tadgh? Not in the least. I mean, all the men were texting me last night about how they could see you riding him hard and they said you were screaming louder than he could sing with a mic, but at least you were satisfied.”
She flushed hotly, knowing her cheeks were likely redder than both their heads of hair combined. “No.”
“Yes. One of the guys said it was a catalyst to a bunch of them going out last night and hitting the bars to get laid.”
“You’re not serious,” she tugged the blankets up over her head. “This isn’t happening.”
“It was very sexy according to all of them. You caused a mass whack off session and then maybe even some of the their girls pregnant.”
guys getting
Something in his tone made her head snap back up from where it was currently ducked almost under Tadgh’s bicep in ant attempt to hide her embarrassment. “You’re fucking with me!” she smacked at him as he threw his head back and laughed.
“Tadgh texted me last night after you guys got home, and you fell asleep. He told me how you were terrified the guys would catch a glimpse of you on the rooftop, so we decided to tease you a bit this morning.”
Morning After
“Not funny!” she bit Tadgh’s arm.
“It’s very funny,” Lorcan’s voice called from the door.
“Morning, Dad.” Tadgh called out. “I thought you might have. left already.”
“Heading out in a few minutes. I want us to have dinner tonight. at the new house. Don’t make plans.”
Genesis scampered out of the bed and flung herself at Lorcan, “morning Daddy.”
He lifted her right up in his arms, holding her by the ass as she wrapped her legs around his middle. “Good morning, beautiful.” He kissed her soundly uncaring of the other two men in the room. He brushed his nose against hers when he broke the kiss. “You taste good.”
“I do? I haven’t even brushed my teeth yet.”
“Yeah, Dad, she hasn’t brushed her teeth, yet which means my spit is still on her lips.” Tadgh teased him.
“As long as it’s not your come, I don’t care.” Lorcan laughed and held her to his chest. “Do you have come on your lips, princess?”
“No, Daddy. I don’t.”
“Do you want some?” he teased her as she squealed and tucked her head into his neck.
Morning After
“Holy shit,” Kiefer said from where he was laying on the bed. watching the scene with wide eyes, “she’s like a little for you.”
“She is.” Lorcan grinned at him over her head.
“I didn’t even realize she needed such a thing, but I can hear it in her voice.” Kiefer seemed to be in awe. “I’ve never heard the super girly tone to her voice like this. It’s really cute.”
She scowled over her shoulder at him. “Cule?”
“Really cute,” Kiefer nodded. “With us you’re brash and blunt and strong but in his arms, you’re a big baby.”
“Not a baby.”
“My baby,” Lorcan nuzzled her ear. “I need to head to the office. Give me another cuddle and then I’ll put you back to bed with the boys. I’ll see you for dinner. I think I want you to have dinner on my lap though.”
“On your lap?”
“Do you have a problem with this?”
“What will Egan think?”
“He’ll think the men in this house take very good care of his mother in a way she deserves to be taken care of.” He pursed his lips. “Kiss.”
She kissed his mouth, aware he was holding her aloft with ease. He was strong, powerful and in complete control as he devoured her mouth. He walked her back to the bed without breaking the
Morning After
his hands were squeezed tight on her ass.
“Fuck, princess, you make it hard for a man to leave home.” He stared into her eyes. “Be good today. No fighting with the boys.”
“Yes Daddy,” she preened under his gaze as he smiled. He swung her sideways and then lay her back between Kiefer and Tadgh.
“Take care of her today. She might not enjoy moving and she may find it difficult. Call me if anything happens.”
“We will.” Kiefer nodded as he pulled her backwards into his
“No sex in this bed, boys,” Lorcan called as he left the room. “If you’re going to fool around, take her down the hall.”
“Yes Dad,” Tadgh snorted as his father walked away. “Haven’t had him telling me where to fuck before.”
“He told you where not to fuck,” Kiefer corrected, “and he
has absolutely told us where not to fuck. Remember Granny’s wake?”
“Oh yeah. The funeral director.”
“You slept with the funeral director?”
“She was hot. We were sad.” Tadgh grinned at her.
“Dad didn’t really care. It was Mom’s mom, and he hated her
Morning After
over her. “I’m starting to get hungry.”
“Me too,” Kiefer said running his nose along the nape of her neck.
“What do you want for breakfast?” she asked curiously.
“Kiefer,” she smacked his chest as Tadgh laughed.
“I’m with Kiefer. I’d love to have pussy for breakfast.”
“Well, you can’t. Not in this bed.”
“My bed is all packed up and ready to go.” Kiefer gave a dramatic sigh.
“Mine too. I told the guys to go ahead last night when we got home to pack up my room.”
“Office?” Kiefer asked Tadgh.
“Couch still in there?”
Before she knew what was happening Kiefer was swinging her up in his arms and carrying her through the room.
“Kiefer, what are you doing?”
“The office has a sofa in it and the door locks,” he carried her with ease through the house.
Morning After
“Yeah, but Egan is,” she shot a glance down the hall to the boy’s closed bedroom door.
“Sound asleep and won’t wake up until at least eight. It’s only
after five. We want to feast on you for breakfast. You can say no,
“The way s
she’s white knuckled and clutching your neck as if desperate for you to not put her down, I’m going to guess she
wants it.”
“I’ve never engaged in so much sex in my life.” She lowered her head, judging herself.
“Yes, you have, Genesis. You and I used to have sex every single day, multiple times a day. The only difference now is there is more than one cock. It’s been a bit since you were last this active, but you and I made love a lot.” Kiefer discounted her words. “Do you want to go back to your bed and rest, or do you want to go to the office, get splayed on the office, suck cock and get eaten?”
His bold words were not anything she’d ever heard from her husband in the past and she shuddered in his arms.
“There’s your answer,” Tadgh grinned as he raced to push the office door open when they reached the main floor. “This is going to be sexy as hell.”