Tempting The Mafia Twins
New Office
Kiefer grinned at Tadgh as they stood in the office of the new house both of them looking at the new desk with the same expressions on their face.
“We’re definitely going to have to break this one in.”
He chuckled at his brother’s words and looked at his watch. “Let’s give her a couple of days. She was with Egan in his new room a few minutes ago and she’s dead on her feet. I bet if we put her to bed now, she’d sleep until morning and it’s only three.”
Jerren popped his head into the room. “Want some good news?”
“Always,” he flung himself down in the chair behind the desk and kicked his feet up. Tadgh took the armchair along the wall and stretched out.
“First, can I say, your girl is looking positively exhausted, however when I showed her and Egan the truck which pulled up a few minutes ago with all the things from their house in Calgary, they’re both bouncing on their feet. Egan especially but Gen looked pretty grateful to have their things here.”
“I’m glad. She is exhausted. I asked the guys to make sure her bedroom and Egan’s were the first ones completely set up. I want to make sure she can have an early night tonight.”
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“They’re working on it. The maids have her closet almost put together.”
“I hate not sharing a room with her, but Dad gave an order and it’s going to be this way.” He admitted, feeling like a jerk for even saying it. “But I miss having my wife share my space.”
“She deserves her own space, Kiefer,” Tadgh said bluntly. “If she wants us to hold her, she’ll invite us to her room. My guess is, it won’t be long, and she’ll be asking us to sleep with her together cach night, especially when Dad is away. For now, though, she needs her space for when she’s feeling overwhelmed with our shit.”
“I also think you need to take her for target practice,” Jerren commented. “She deserves to continue with the same hobbies as she was doing before she came home.”
Kiefer groaned and rubbed his eyes. “I’m not too big a pussy to admit I’m scared she’ll shoot me in the balls and leave me. I
deserve it.”
“I think it’s a distinct possibility,” Tadgh teased him, “but I saw the way she emptied the clip last night into those dummies. She’s taken whatever education she was given in Canada in weapons training and made effective use of it.”
“Which brings me to my good news.” Jerren was smug. “Laoise was picked up fifteen minutes ago. She will be put on a plane to us today. She should arrive tomorrow. She was in Tunisia as we expected. The team is driving her to Lisbon and from Lisbon, we’ll get her to New York by plane and then a drive again from
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New York to Boston. I have a crew of twenty men on her, none of them the ones she likes or who like her.”
Kiefer was off his seat and on his feet with the news. “Really?”
“Yes. You should call your father and let him know.”
“He’s going to be thrilled.” Tadgh was rubbing his hands together excitedly.
“Not as fucking thrilled as I am,” Kiefer was taking deep breaths. “The bitch murdered my son. Dad and I spent some time last night looking at the videos Aoife stupidly kept on her phone. The two of them constantly talking about torturing Genesis and the videos of them actually doing it, are mind blowing. It’s no wonder my wife hates me.”
“She doesn’t hate you, Kiefer,” Tadgh cut in. “She’s angry and hurt but if this morning proved anything, she doesn’t hate you.”
“She should.”
“She should hate all of us,” Jerren said bluntly. “Do you think you can send me some of the videos? The more awful ones, actually. Oisin is leading the team to bring Laoise home. I want him to let her know we have the evidence of her shit. Let’s make her sweat the entire flight by making her know, we know.”
“Oisin can see the videos but don’t let the rest of the crew see it. I don’t want Gen’s privacy violated. Sharing her abuse to anyone
seems wrong.”
New Office
“I have an idea,” Tadgh grinned deviously, “the training facility last night. Take the video clips I sent you of Genesis when she was beating the fuck out of the two dummies. Let her know. we’re going to let Genesis deal with personally and show the video of her unloading the clip into the dummy where she says she wants her alive when it happens.”
Kiefer laughed as Jerren seemed surprised. “You haven’t seen it yet?” He pulled his phone from his inside pocket and pulled the video up. “I swear it’s going in my spank bank. I watched it eighty times last night.” He put the phone in Jerren’s hand and grinned, “volume up, buddy.”
Genesis‘ voice carried into the room from the phone, “when I kill Laoise, I don’t want her eyes to be this dead. I want her to know it’s me pulling the trigger.”
“Jesus, Mary and Joseph,” Jerren laughed as the video played right to when she said how good it felt to fire the weapon in the skulls. “Your wife is badass.”
“She’s going to kill your sister.”
“I’m going to be there when she does, and I’ll be supplying the bullets and beating sticks.”
His phone rang in his Jerren’s hand and Jerren grinned, “your father must have heard us.”
Kiefer laughed and answered it on speaker, “Dad. You have me, Tadgh, and Jerren. Jerren got word Laoise is in our custody. We’re bringing her to the US.”
New Office
“It’s a great day to be alive,” Lorcan grunted, “you mother shot Aoife this morning.”
“Kill her?” Kiefer wasn’t surprised. His mother was a selfish bitch.
“Nope. Shot her in the shoulder thinking it would get them both out of the dungeon. Aoife was losing her mind, screaming at her wondering how the hell Moira could be so cold as to shoot her when she was sleeping.”
“What are we doing with them?” Tadgh asked curiously.
“The guys went in, took the gun from Moira. Put one more bullet in the chamber and left it in the middle of the room and then locked them both back up. Until one of them is dead, neither of them comes out.”
“Shit.” Tadgh laughed at his father’s plans. “Machiavellian.”
“Perhaps but I can’t help but think of how they tortured Genesis for months and this little bit of twisted punishment is nothing in the grand scheme of things. Given the chance, I’d go back in time and shoot them both in the head before they even got close to her.”
“Same.” Kiefer nodded.
“Hard to believe we share DNA with the bitches,” Tadgh grunted angrily. “Speaking of DNA, did you know Genesis got her DNA submitted to one of those online sites in the event she goes
New Office
“What?” Kiefer shot his brother a strange glance. “What are you talking about?”
“The other day she told me when we found her in Burbank, she and Astra initiated some kind of doomsday plan which included submitting her DNA to a site so if she goes missing, her DNA is registered. When I brought her over to this place this morning, she got an email from the platform saying they processed her DNA. Can you imagine she was actually worried we’d kill her and dump her body somewhere and had her DNA submitted so her body could be identified?”
“She did snitch,” Jerren laughed and ducked away from Kiefer’s punch.
Kiefer shook his head at Tadgh, “she didn’t mention it to me, but she was pretty scared of us.”
Apparently,” Tadgh made a face, “she’s seventy–five percent Russian.‘
“Russian?” Kiefer shook his head.
“Well, that’s weird.” Lorcan commented.
“How so?”
“She told me the other night when I stayed in her room, when her adoptive parents passed away, the other foster kids made fun of Gen because she spoke with an accent which was eastern
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European. What are the chances Russian people adopting a kid. more than half Russian?”
“It is weird,” Kiefer agreed. “Strange coincidences.”
“Very strange.” Tadgh nodded.
“What was the other quarter?”
“How is this possible?” Jerren asked. “She was born in Florida. She’s entirely European and Russian?”
“Those sites always do a deep breakdown. She’s probably like fifth generation Russian and English or something.” Tadgh shrugged. “I bet if we assessed Jerren, he’s half Irish and half French.”
Jerren held his middle finger up, “I’m probably more Irish than you, you sad fuck.” His phone buzzed and he looked at it and groaned, “why have I not fired her yet?”
“Your admin assistant? Aside from the fact you’re fucking her?”
“I should just fire her, marry her, and put her in a house and put babies in her. Instead, I leave her in my office to destroy shit.” He rubbed his forehead. “Worst admin assistant I’ve ever hired. She set the printer on fire in my office this morning.”
“How?” Tadgh chuckled while Lorcan made an irritated grunt on the phone.
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“The plug wasn’t attached right in the back and instead of checking it, she kept pressing print. Fucking thing sparked.”
“Your girl is an idiot,” Lorcan complained. “How on earth can you put your dick into someone so stupid?”
“She doesn’t ask questions, Lorcan. She believes everything I tell her. She thinks I am the greatest thing on the planet. She also, thinks my cock is enormous.”
“Then she’s even dumber than we thought,” Lorcan tossed out making the guys laugh. “I’ll be home for dinner around six. What time do we expect Laoise to hit American soil?”
“Tomorrow afternoon.”
“Perfect. Gives us time to take Gen to the shooting range to show off her skills. I kind of want to offer her the option to hunt Laoise.” Lorcan commented bluntly.
“Hunt her?”
“Yes. Like in one of those paintball places but using real bullets. Make Laoise run and hide the way Genesis used to in order to evade those assholes.”
Kiefer, Tadgh, and Jerren exchanged shocked looks. Lorcan O’Reilly was a cruel son of a bitch.
“I don’t know if Gen would go for such a thing.”
New Office
“I think you underestimate our girl,” he retorted. “I have a meeting in two minutes with the distribution team. Keep me updated on Laoise and I’ll let you know whether Moira kills Aoife or vice versa. I imagine it’ll happen today.‘
“Done.” Kiefer ended the call and looked at his brother. “Does anyone else think Dad is getting more inventive his old age?”
“I don’t know. I kind of like his idea,” Jerren grunted. “I wonder if Gen ever used a rifle with a sniper scope on it.” He was whistling as he exited the office as if happily contemplating the thought.
Tadgh and Kiefer exchanged glances and then started laughing.
“You don’t think she’d go for it, do you?” Kiefer asked Tadgh.
The thought kept both men curious the rest of the afternoon.
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