Tempting The Mafia Twins
Needed Talks
Genesis smiled at Kiefer as he pressed a kiss to Egan’s forehead, the boy’s eyes shut as sleep drew him into dreamland.
“He’s so beautiful, Gen.” Kiefer whispered to her as he brushed the hair off his forehead.
“I can’t disagree.” She smiled and took Kiefer’s hand.
“I love him desperately.” Kiefer shot him another look over their shoulder. “Every time I look at him, I have so many complex emotions but the biggest one, is the desire to keep him safe. I will do everything to keep him safe. I understand, Genesis.” He said as they closed the door.
“You understand what?” she looked at him quizzically.
“Why you ran. Why you left me. Protecting him.” He took a breath as emotions seemed once again to get the better of him. “I would die for him. I would literally fight the devil himself to keep him safe. I failed the three of you before. I won’t again.”
“Is this why you want him firing guns at the age of six?”
“Partly. At his age, I was running guns with Dad so,” he gave a shrug.
“You’re not taking him on jobs, Kiefer!” her mouth was wide open as she stared incredulously at him.
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“He’ll always be safe with us. We will never put him in any kind. of situation where he is at risk.”
“If you take him, you take me.”
Kiefer’s eyebrow lifted, “excuse me?”
“You’re not bringing my son to do business and me not being there. I want to be there.”
“Fine.” Kiefer shrugged. “Show me what you can do with a weapon at the gun range and if you can prove you won’t be at liability to me, I’ll bring you to every single meeting I attend.”
“Yes. A hundred times yes.” Kiefer shrugged. “I made mistakes. in the past, Genesis by not letting you be part of everything and communicating with you openly. I won’t make the same mistakes. I might be slow learning but I’m learning!” He kissed her fingers as he winked and brought her down the stairs to the lounge. He settled in a big wingback chair and pulled her onto his lap.
“Drink?” Lorcan asked as he noted their arrival from where he stood at the bar cart.
“Yes please,” she nodded. “Wine, please.”
She felt awkward sitting on Kiefer’s lap with the other two men in the room watching her.
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3/10 “How are you feeling Genesis?” Lorcan asked as he put the wine. glass in her hand. He stroked her hair before moving to sit in a chair nearby.
“Okay. Tired. It’s been a long day.”
“It’s been couple of weeks for you, I’m sure. All the moving is done. Everything is unpacked and set up. We made sure your room was done first. We spared no expense on your bedroom, Genesis. Your bed is your sanctuary and so the bed, mattress, pillows, and linens are all geared towards your comfort.”
“What Dad is saying,” Tadgh passed Kiefer a tumbler of a dark amber liquid, “is you have the most expensive sheets in the house.”
“Sounds lovely. I can’t wait to crawl into them.”
“Soon.” Lorcan agreed. “I think we’ll all sleep well tonight. Will you be sleeping alone tonight?”
She shrugged, “I don’t know. Right now, I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed.”
“Overwhelmed how?”
She bit her lip and then looked at Kiefer before looking back to Lorcan, “I want to be angry. I want to hate him, Kiefer, I mean. Astra told me I’d be right back in his bed, and I argued with her and said I wouldn’t but here I am, not just in his but also in Tadgh’s and yours.”
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“It makes you feel weak.” Lorcan’s comment hit the nail on the
“I shouldn’t be thinking of forgiving him so fast. I should still be angry at Tadgh. I can’t even begin to explain what I should be feeling for you. If I was on the outside looking in at this scenario, I’d be furious at how quickly I capitulated to being in all three of your beds.”
“But?” Kiefer asked quietly, his hand rubbing along her thigh as if reassuring her he wasn’t upset with her words.
“Despite my anger, there is still so much love inside me, and I am torn by it. Tadgh taking me to the training facility last night and letting me really get some of my anger out helped. It helped so much. He offered to let me beat the fuck out of the pair of you,” she looked at Kiefer’s face, “but I declined.”
“I think it’s a great idea.” Lorcan threw out with a snicker. “I’ll sell tickets to the show. I saw what she did to those dummies.”
“We wouldn’t be tied to chairs, and she wouldn’t be given Billy clubs.” Tadgh shot his father an annoyed glance.
“Too bad,” Lorcan laughed as Tadgh flipped him off. “It’s probably a good idea for her not to start hitting you. She might not be able to stop.”
“There is truth to your statement,” Genesis grinned at Lorcan and tipped her wineglass in his direction.
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5/10 “I deserve it,” Kiefer said honestly, “but seeing the level of your rage, I’m incredibly grateful you don’t want us tied up to beat. I’m still not convinced you won’t shoot me in the head and run. off.”
“It’s my plan B.” She smirked at him as he squeezed her leg. “You ever hurt me like you did before, and I’ll riddle your body full of bullets and take my son and run.”
“You won’t have to run,” Lorcan said bluntly. “If he ever hurts. you like he has in the past, I will personally provide you the gun. and bullets and then I’ll bring you to Ireland and keep you safe for the rest of your life from anyone who wants to hurt you.”
She blushed at the hotly spoken words from the elder man in the
“Jesus, Dad, tell us how you really feel.”
“How I really feel, is she is too good for you. You fucked up, Kiefer and the only reason, I haven’t encouraged her to divorce you, relocate with me to Ireland and live as my partner and mine alone for the rest of our lives,” he held Genesis gaze despite. talking to Kiefer leaving her aware he meant what he was saying, “is that you’re my son and I love you a smidge more than I care for her. It would hurt you to lose her again and so, I’m going along with this special relationship.” He looked suddenly to Kiefer, “you’re blessed and lucky to have her on your lap son.”
“I know.” Kiefer agreed solemnly.
“I want the four of us to be incredibly open with our feelings.
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Sometimes it’s going to hurt. Sometimes it’s going to feel good. Other times it’s going to be only the four of us sitting silently in cach other’s presences. I need to know I trust you both to take care of her when I’m not here and while I trust you with my life, Kiefer, I need to trust you with hers.”
“I understand.”
“I reiterate, I do not want a physical intimate relationship with either of you boys. My physical relationship with Genesis will be separate from the one you have with her, however, and I say this very bluntly, emotionally, we’re going to be all tangled up. There is no avoiding it. Honesty has to be the number one of policy.”
“I agree” Genesis said suddenly. “I want to be able to be free to say what I’m feeling and how things are affecting me without worrying I’m going to hurt someone’s feelings, pride, or ego. If I want to sleep in one man’s arms and not another, it’s not a personal affront against someone but rather it’s what I need in the moment.”
“This makes sense.” Tadgh nodded.
“I’m feeling so hopeful and,” she took a breath, “I feel loved and wanted and it’s soothing my soul in a way I didn’t know I needed. I want this so much it makes me nervous and anxious because if it goes sideways and doesn’t work, I don’t know how I’ll recover.”
“You are loved and wanted, Genesis,” Kiefer said tucking her hair behind her ear. “I never want you to hide from me again the feelings you have. I want to hear it all. I want to know if you’re
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7/10 happy, sad, angry, furious, satisfied, dissatisfied or even if it’s only sexual needs. If you need something I can’t give you, but Dad can or Tadgh can, I won’t be angry with you. If you need something from me, they can’t give, that’s something they need to understand as well.”
“There is something I do want to talk to you about,” Lorcan said after sipping his drinks. “I want to have times where it’s only you and I, Genesis. You’ll be living with Kiefer and Tadgh. You’ll be going on vacations and trips with them, but I want the same. I’d like to take you away in the next couple of months for a week to spend time with you. It will give Kiefer a good chance. to spend time with Egan to bond, but I’d like the time with you.” He paused, “before you’re pregnant.”
She looked at Tadgh and Kiefer and they both seemed surprised by the request but then she turned back to Lorcan, “I would like this very much. I want to get to know more about the man you are, and I think it’s a good way to do this.” She took a breath, “also, I’m not wanting to get pregnant anytime soon. While I’m happy to have all kinds of sex and to build our relationships, I’m not ready to have another baby while this is still so new. Can we revisit baby talk in a year?”
“Absolutely.” Tadgh nodded.
Kiefer agreed, “definitely. Tadgh and I also talked about it, and it will be your decision whose child you carry next. Whoever it is, when you come off your birth control, the other will switch to condoms.”
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“Our DNA is close. It would be near impossible to tell genetically who fathered the child.”
“I guess,” she nodded. “I will give it a lot of thought. Okay?”
“Thank you,” Tadgh gave her a smile.
She took a breath, “for now though, I really am exhausted. My emotions over the last few days are all over the place and I want to sleep.”
“Of course.” Kiefer rubbed her back. “You should get to bed.”
She wasn’t sure how to broach it but then decided after all their conversation she wasn’t going to be shy about voicing her wants. “I don’t usually sleep well the first time in a new place. I’m always nervous. It stems back from foster care and trying to adjust to a new place, I think. I need to feel safe tonight if I’m going to sleep well.” She looked at Lorcan, “can you stay with me tonight? I feel safest with you.” She looked at Kiefer, “I’m sorry. I know you’re probably upset because I slept with Tadgh last night and Daddy the two nights before.”
“Nope.” He shook his head. “You don’t ever apologize for expressing your wants and needs, Genesis.” He kissed her forehead. “I love you. What I want for you is to feel comfortable, safe, and secure and if Dad is what you need to feel safe tonight, then I’m happy you’re brave enough to say what you need.”
Lorcan nodded, “I do have some reading I need to do. Do you mind if I read in bed for a bit?”
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9/10 She gave him a smile as he rose from the chair. She turned and kissed Kiefer on the cheek. “Goodnight.” She rose and gave Tadgh the same kiss to the cheek and whispered goodnight to him as well. She gave a gasp as Lorcan swept her up in his arms. bridal style.
“Time for bed, princess.”
Tucking her head into his neck she smiled as he said goodnight to his sons and then carried her away.
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