Tempting The Mafia Twins
Genesis was sitting on Lorcan’s lap behind Kiefer’s desk looking at the computer screens. She was plugging in the login. information to her account on the website using the credentials Astra previously set up for her.
Kiefer came into the room, “Egan is doing some schoolwork in the dining room. I told him I would come back and work with him once I checked in on you. Tadgh is also going to pull a few science experiments to do with him and Jerren is going to do some physical activity with him outside.”
She gave Kiefer a smile, “thank you for taking his missing school seriously, Kiefer. It was bothering me.”
“I know,” he gave a loud sigh. “I also got a report Astra’s phone and personal computer are missing from her home.”
“Great.” She drawled sarcastically, “if she has anything related to me on her devices, whoever killed her now has it.”
“Maybe not.” Kiefer shook his head. “Whoever it was who grabbed her devices likely forced her to open them while she was alive, Gen. If they were able to get the information from it while she was alive, why keep torturing her.”
“Torturing her?” she felt Lorcan tense under her as Kiefer spoke and she didn’t need to look at the man holding her to know he was annoyed. Kiefer shouldn’t have said what he said. “They
tortured her?”
“I’m sorry, Genesis. I shouldn’t have said this.”
“No. It’s okay. I don’t want to be sheltered from anything. I want the truth. What did they do to her? It wasn’t only a bullet to the head?”
“No.” Lorcan rubbed her back. “You don’t need the full details, love. Really.”
“I do. I want to know because when we catch them, I want to avenge her death and I’ll be doing to them what they did to her.” A thought occurred to her and her stomach rolled, “unless they sexually assaulted her.”
“No. They did not.” Kiefer emphatically denied her words. “They carved into her skin with a knife, and they cut off her pinky fingers from both hands.”
“And she didn’t tell them anything? Nobody can tell me she didn’t love me.” She sniffed feeling proud of Astra yet sick such a thing happened to her.
“We don’t know for sure she didn’t say anything,” Lorcan whispered. “For now, though, let’s focus on what we can find out. We’ll find them and we’ll make them pay.”
“I hate this.” She felt her throat clogging with tears again. “Our last words to one another were not good ones and I hate we ended things the way we did.”
“She loved you, Genesis. Think of what Egan said. She loved you both, very much and she died keeping you both safe. Your father told her she did good which means she loved you until her last breath.” Kiefer reassured her gently.
Opening up the tab which welcomed her to the website of the DNA breakdown, Lorcan agreed with Kiefer. “She did love you to fight the way she did. How did you two set up your passwords and login details? Is this something someone could know or find on her devices?”
She shook her head. “No. Astra was really smart, and she has a great memory. We set up multiple aliases, passwords, identifications, and accounts and none of it was ever written
Lorcan frowned as he looked at her screen. “You really are mostly Russian, aren’t you?”
She gave a shake of her head, “I had no idea, Lorcan.”
Leaning forward she watched as his cursor bounced on the breakdown of her biology and made a face.
“How do I have fifty DNA familial matches,” she swallowed the large lump in her throat.
“Well, most of them are distant,” Lorcan rubbed her back gently, “but you have family out there, Genesis and their DNA is in uploaded to this particular website and you’ve matched with
Makariy them.”
“This one says it’s a cousin match,” she frowned, “but how do I know if it’s maternal or paternal?”
Kiefer moved to stand behind her and Lorcan and brushed her hair behind her ear, “does it matter?”
“Yes.” She spoke hating the vulnerability in her voice, “my mother, my birth mother, I have always believed she left me because she couldn’t care for me. Whether she was a young teenager or a rape victim or simply a woman who couldn’t afford. a baby, she gave me up in a safe location and I am grateful for this. However, if she was someone with a supportive, loving family, she wouldn’t have dumped me at a fire station, Kiefer. Revealing myself to her family, letting them know she birthed a baby, might be opening up wounds she never wanted anyone to ever find out. For all I know she was a grown–ass woman who cheated on her partner, birthed me, and got rid of me.”
“Genesis, what if,” Kiefer spoke softly, “she’s always wondered.”
“Well, of course she’s always wondered, Kiefer,” she made a face. “If she was someone who didn’t care and was never going to give me a second thought, she would have undergone an abortion instead of carrying me to term, birthing me and then leaving me in a safe place. She could have aborted me. She probably cried for months wondering if she did the right thing. She didn’t leave me in a safe place because she didn’t care.”
“Okay, if she’s wondered then maybe she would want to meet you.”
“Or she’s wondered but this is a secret she doesn’t want exposed and I’m about to out her if I click on this link and it’s related to her. If this cousin, I’m supposedly connected with, is the son of her sister or brother and it gets back to her, and she’s humiliated.”
“Or, what if her entire family found out later in life and they’ve registered their DNA to try to locate the family member they are missing.” Kiefer played devil’s advocate.
“You have been hiding for the last several years. If they were looking for you, they wouldn’t have been able to find you. If we couldn’t find you, then people who knew you from perhaps your birth certificate or foster system, wouldn’t be able to either.”
“Except, this clearly says I’m nearly seventy–five percent Russian. It means one of my parents likely lives in Russia. They were born to people who were born to people straight out of the country. They didn’t go mixing with other ethnicities. In fact, it’s all, based on this, Eastern European. There’s not even any Asian influence. Like were they only making babies for the last thousand generations in the same small town or something?”
“It would seem so.”
“Then the other twenty–five–point whatever percent of English, Irish, Scottish, and French, seems like someone’s ancestral family were screwing everyone and everything. It’s like whoever the parent was who was half–Russian and half European, had at least one interesting side of the family.”
Dorrean chuckled at her words. “It’s like someone from whhatever
littled oussian village, went on vacation in the UK and debt someone and stayed there and made a family, which inchideed. whoevvenvour mother or father is.”
“Exactly Which brings me to my point,” she looked up at Kichter and thennt borcan, “what was someone who is either entirelyy Russian ornatthddcast very clearly European, as the daughter of a Russianak possibly an English person, doing in Florida. giving birth??”
Before she could stopphim. Lorcan clicked on the cousin link. It opened up a famittrecand there it was in all it’s glory, one side of her family.
“Well,” Kiefer said suddenly, this is your Russian side for sure.
Look at all the Russian names.
“Yeah,” Lorcan shot him a look. Do you see what I see?”
Genesis wasn’t sure which littledecat they were looking at, but she felt the tension from both men. What are we looking at?”
Kiefer exhaled loudly before suckindis tips inwards and biting the corners of them in a fish–like expression. He then covered his mouth, turned around and looked out the window.
Lorean seemed to be as disconcerted as eder. “Yegor Sokolov.”
“Who is he?”
“Related to you somehow,” Kiefer’s breath sounded short.
“I can figure that much out but who is he?”
“His brother was once the leader of the worlds largest Russian syndicate. When he passed away, his son Nazar became the new leader. Yegor has been, for many years now, trying with great desperation to force Nazar to step down. There has been a power struggle. It is believed but never proven Yegor is the reason his brother was killed.”
“And I’m related to this evil Yegor guy?”
“Well, the cousin we clicked on, is the son of Orel Sokolov. He is the only son of Yegor Sokolov and if Yegor was given his way, Orel would be the future leader of the bratva organization.”
“How am I related to this cousin?” Genesis felt on edge. “It’s not saying it’s a first cousin.”
“No. It’s not. My guess would be you are directly related to the Yegor’s deceased brother.” Lorcan looked at Kiefer with a shake of his head as if dreading what he was saying. “He left behind three sons, Nazar was his eldest son. He’s a cold, cruel son of a bitch and I’ve engaged in dealings with him over the years. I mean, his uncle has been trying to kill him off since the day he was born, probably killed his father and has been a pain in his ass his entire life.”
“Nazar’s two brothers, include his youngest brother Xenik. He runs the family at Nazar’s side. His other brother, Mak, he was killed in a hit over twenty–years ago. Took both him and his wife out at the same time.”
Makariy “Mak?”
“Yes. I didn’t know him by any other name, but I’d been in multiple meetings with him over the years. He was a stoic bastard. I swear you could have kicked the man in the balls wearing steel toe boots, and he wouldn’t flinch. He was a few years older than me.”
“Mak Sokolov.”
“Yes. I imagine it was a Maksim or Malaki or the like.”
“Makari?” Genesis met Kiefer’s eyes as they swung to hers incredulously.
Lorcan noted the exchange. “What is Makari? I don’t know the name.”
“Egan told me how my grandfather for a short time kept mentioning the word, Makari.”
Lorcan typed in Makari Sokolov in a new browser tab. “I’m spelling it wrong. Makariy Sokolov.” He clicked a link and at Genesis’s gasp, he looked her in the eyes. “Do you know him?”
She nodded as she wiped a tear off her cheek. “I knew him as Austin Jones.” She touched the screen incredulously. “Or Dad. That’s my Dad.”