Tempting Mafia Ch 68

Tempting Mafia Ch 68

Midnight Visitors 


She couldn’t sleep. Genesis tossed and turned in her bed. She would sit up, check her phone on the nightstand for any sign of an update from any of the men and then throw the silent device back frustratedly. She’d kick the blankets off and then pull them over her head. She fluffed her pillow and then punched it back down. Then she would start it all over her again

Eventually she grew tired of the repetitive movements and thoughts and climbed out of the bed. Making her way out of the bedroom she tiptoed down to Egan’s room. She’d wanted to sleep with him, but he’d thrown her out of the room earlier 

One too 

when she’d rolled many times. Now he was sound asleep while she was still wide awake and the urge to crawl into the bed and hug him was immense

Lights swinging through the room told her a car was pulling up into the yard and she raced to the window to look out. She didn’t recognize the car as one of theirs and apparently neither did the men who were patrolling because they immediately approached the vehicle

Genesis gasped when the three men were immediately knocked back by bullets coming from the vehicle

No, no, no,she whispered as she counted six men climb out of the SUV, all heavily armed

Scooping Egan into her arms she raced down the hall towards 

Midnight Visitors 


the room where Monica was slaying. She shoved the door open and saw the woman lounging in the bed staring at the ceiling as if she too were unable to sleep. They’re here.” 


Russians, I think,Genesis whispered, we have to go. Down to the panic room.” 

We have men here.” 

They shot three before our guys could even pull a weapon. I happened to be in Egan’s room and saw the lights from the car.She looked back out the window. Do you have your phone? I left mine in my room. Text Jerren. Tell him we have company here and we’re in trouble.” 

Monica nodded and sent Jerren à quick text and then hurriedly 

followed Genesis towards the door. They froze at the sound of men approaching from the other end. Monica made wide eyes of terror at Genesis and Genesis pushed Egan into Monica’s arms

The men were speaking Russian and Genesis was glad to have been practicing with Nazar earlier in the day because she heard two men conversing back and forth to check all the rooms. They’d split up to search the house. There were only two men on this floor. She needed weapons

Genesis started rifling through Jerren’s drawers. Finding two guns and some ammunition in the bottom drawer, she twisted the silencer into place on one of them, loaded a clip into it and was glad this was not one of Lorcan’s fancy biometric weapons

Midnight Visitors 


Grateful Egan was still sleeping soundly in Monica’s arms, she reminded herself the kid could probably sleep through a bomb going off. With luck, he’d sleep until they got to the safe room

Stay behind me. Close.They moved to stand beside the door where it would open in front of them and blocking the immediate view of the trio when someone would come in

Can you use those?Monica made wide eyes at the guns in Genesis’s hands

Yes.She mouthed back and put a finger to her lips to warn her to be quiet. She tucked one gun into her waistband and held the other tight in her grip, mentally chastising herself for the way her hand shook

The door pushed open, and Genesis lifted the gun up, shoulder height leveling it at the back of the head of the man coming in. She took a breath as she heard Russian voices coming from the walkie in his hand and after waiting for him to be completely in the room and out of the doorway, pulled the trigger. The man slumped forward to the floor with a thump which made her wince, but she kicked the gun in his hand away. She grabbed the walkie from his pocket and shoved it beside the gun in her waistband, grateful she’d opted to wear elasticated pajama bottoms tonight when she’d originally planned to bunk with Egan

She looked at Monica, stay here until I get rid of the other guy.Monica shook her head and looked at the dead man on the floor as if trying not to vomit but Genesis gave her an angry look, keep my son safe. Can you do that? I need you here for a couple 

Midnight Visitors 


of minutes while I take care of the other man up here and then I’m going to get us to the panic room.” 

Monica nodded but couldn’t tear her eyes off the body on the floor

He’s dead. He can’t come back from what I did so he can’t hurt 


She slipped out the door and pulled it shut to hide Monica and Egan. She heard the other man talking and it was coming from Egan’s bedroom and the walkie at the same time. She was going to need to figure out how to turn down the walkie but for now she walked to Egan’s room

She didn’t even hesitate as she stepped into the room. He was squatted by the bed looking under it talking on the device

Not in here.” 

He started to rise but the minute he released his hold on the walkie and looked towards the door, she shot him between the eyes. The look of surprise on his face gave her a sense of grim satisfaction and she smirked as she considered maybe she really did have Sokolov blood after all. She made her way back down the hall and into the room where she found Monica trembling while holding Egan

I need you to keep carrying him. He sleeps like the dead and I would prefer he not wake up. Can you carry him?” 


Midnight Visitors 

Okay, we’re going downstairs. We’re going to go straight to 

the pr 



and to the safe room. You follow my instructions to the letter, am I clear?” 

Yes.Monica let out a shaky breath. But I’m really scared.” 

Me too. I’m fucking terrified but I didn’t send seven years running from the Iron Force Gang to die in their house by traitorous Sokolov people. Fuck that.She fiddled with the walkie and found a way to shut it off. She grunted angrily as she mentally plotted the path and then pulled the door open again. Stay right behind me.” 

I will.Monica’s head bobbed up and down, her blonde hair spilling around her tearstreaked face

It dawned on Genesis this woman was probably very much reconsidering her relationship with Jerren in the moment. I’ll keep you safe, Monica. You keep him safe, I’ll keep you safe. Nothing is going to stop me from protecting him.” 

She felt the woman close on her heels as they made their way down the darkened hallway. Genesis got to the bottom of the secondary set of stairs and noted two men dead on the floor and they were both part of Kiefer’s family. Shit,she whispered fighting the panic in her voice. She’d been hoping when she got down here there would be more backup. She pulled Monica through the quiet hallway and then her eyes connected with a man standing a few feet away with a walkie in his hand. He gave a smile, creepy and confident as he lifted the device to his mouth. Genesis fired a single shot hitting him in the forehead

Midnight Visitors 


Dumbass, thinking I wouldn’t be armed.” 

He crumpled like a ragdoll. She yanked Monica who stumbled behind her, and they needed to hop over the dead man

Three down, three to go,she muttered as she got within twenty feet of the gym. The panic room was on the far side of the fifteenfootlong gym, behind a wall of mirrors and opposite the room where the security team usually hung out

They were running now, Genesis aware the other woman was barely keeping up as she carried the sleeping boy. She realized it felt very much like one of those dreams where you ran towards your destination and yet it seemed to be moving further away. The sound of men yelling and stomping overhead told her the other men found the bodies upstairs

Her heart was pounding furiously, and she heard one of the men say to find the bitch and the boy and kill the rest. Reaching the panic room, she pulled the door open and shoved Monica and Egan into it. She looked over her shoulder right in time to see one of the men skidding past and then backing up. She shot at him, but he ducked away from the bullets

Making a splitsecond decision to keep Egan out of gunfire, ignoring Monica’s protest as the woman realized what she was doing, she slammed the door shut and pressed the automatic lock sealing them in. Keep him safe.” 

The man called out, Genesis, come out and I won’t shoot you.” 

Midnight Visitors Fuck you.” 


How many bullets do you have left? I have an entire arsenal strapped to my back and I have backup. Where is your backup?” 

Right here motherfucker,the sound of one of the men coming from the side of the room made Genesis breathe a sigh of relief

Allan,she was never so glad to see the man. I took out three. There are three left.” 

Two. I took one out in the kitchen.He called to her from his spot behind the wall

We have more men coming,the man called out from behind the other wall. An army is coming. We called it in with the dead men upstairs.” 

You might have your army, but I have my gang.Genesis spoke up and then noted the man’s foot sticking in the door frame. She hadn’t spent countless hours doing target practice for nothing. She leveled her gun and shot at his shoe. Hitting her target, he toppled forward with a shout and Allan fired the second shot which got him in the head

“One left.Allan said with a whistle. You’re supposed to be in the panic room

I didn’t have enough time. He was firing and I didn’t want Egan hit.She walked to Allan. How the hell did they get here?” 

I don’t have a clue. I messaged Jerren, Tadgh, and Kiefer but 

Midnight Visitors 

nobody is answering me.Allan gave an annoyed sigh

They ran into trouble. They must have gotten ambushed or something.” 


The sound of a weapon clicking made Genesis look up and over Allan’s shoulder. She fired her shot at the same time the other man fired at Allan. Allan managed to move at the last second and the bullet grazed his shoulder instead of getting him in the head, but it was enough to put him down on his knees. Genesis. fired a second shot at the man who was clutching his stomach. and got him in the head

Allan, I need to leave here. If there are more men coming, I need to go. Let them chase me.” 

Genesis no,Allan shook his head vehemently as he winced and covered his wound with his hand

Yes. You can track me, right. Find a safe place to hide and track me. Keep trying to get the men. You’re the only one who can tell them what is happening. My phone is upstairs. I don’t have it.The sound of tires squealing made her push him in the direction of Kiefer’s office. Track me. I’m going to take Tadgh’s bike.” 

Tempting Mafia

Tempting Mafia

Status: Ongoing


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